International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
ICSF Documentation Centre
27 College Road, Chennai 600 006, India
Tel: 91-44-28275303 Fax: 91-44-28254457
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ms Ramya Rajagopalan, Programme Associate, [email protected]
The ICSF is an international non-government organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector. ICSF draws its mandate from the historic International Conference of Fishworkers and their Supporters (ICFWS), held in Rome in 1984. The main aims of ICSF are to:
monitor issues that relate to the life, livelihood and living conditions of fishworkers around the world;
disseminate information on these issues, particularly amongst fisherfolk;
prepare guidelines for policy-makers that stress fisheries development and management of a just, participatory and sustainable nature; and
help create the space and momentum for the development of alternatives in the small-scale fisheries sector. (Summarized from the ICSF web site.)
Digitization Efforts:
ICSF produces numerous publications and most are available digitally. The organization is committed to disseminating its publications widely and finds that digital access is appropriate for much of it audience. Publications are available in print upon request.
Key Issues with Digitization Efforts:
digitizing publications in languages other than English;
lack of Internet access among fish worker organizations;
assisting is the development of databases and providing increased access to information from Portuguese, French and South African Link centres.
Key Opportunities of Digitization Efforts:
capability to reach broad, global audience with information about fishworkers;
develop unique information resource on fishworkers from wide variety of sources.
Table 5.1: ICSF work form for documents with possible mapping to Dublin Core
WinISIS Database Field |
Dublin Core Field |
Accession Number: |
Identifier |
Document Type: |
Type |
Record Type: |
Date of Entry: |
Language of the record: |
Language |
Title and Statement of responsibility: |
Title |
Parallel title: |
Title |
Edition and Stat. Of responsibility: |
Creator |
Name - Persons: (Author) |
Creator |
Name - Corp Body: |
Creator |
Name - Conference Meeting: |
Imprint: (Publication details) |
Publisher |
Volume No: |
Issue No: |
Month: |
Year: |
Date |
Physical Description: |
Format |
Series: |
Source: |
Relation |
Notes: |
Keywords: |
Subject |
Class number: |
Subject |
Abstract: |
Description |
Table 5.2: ICSF publications
Series Title |
Volume/Year as of 2004 |
Format |
Language |
Samudra Report |
No. 1 (1988) - No. 37 (2004) |
print, pdf |
Eng, Fr, Sp |
Yemaya: ICFSs newsletter on gender and fisheries |
No. 1 (1999) - No. 15 (2004) |
print, pdf |
Eng, Fr, Sp |
Samudra Dossier |
Afrique de louest peche artisanale defies et enjeux |
No. 1. 1989 |
Resource management European viewpoints |
No. 2 1989 |
Evolution des peches et avenir des travailleurs |
No. 3. 1990 |
Eng, Fr |
Fisheries agreements under the Lome Convention |
No. 4 1991 |
Fish Stakes: A debate on the pros and cons of the Marine Stewardship Council |
1998 |
print, pdf |
Dangerous calling (The life- and -death matter of safety at sea: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA Report) |
2004 |
print, pdf |
Gender Agenda (Women in Fisheries: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA Report) |
2004 |
print, pdf |
Women in Fisheries Dossier |
- |
Public Hearing on the Struggles of Women Workers in the Fish Processing Industry in India |
No. 1 1995 |
Eng, Fr, Sp |
Women First: Report of Women in Fisheries Programme of the ICSF in India |
No. 2 1997 |
Women for Sustainable Fisheries: Report of the First Phase of the Women in Fisheries Programme of ICSF |
No. 3 1997 |
Globalisation, Gender and Fisheries: Report of the Senegal Workshop on Gender Perspectives in Fisheries |
No. 4 1997 |
Les femmes et la Pêche au Sénégal, Rapport du programme "Femmes dans la Pêche" dICSF au Sénégal |
No.5 1998 |
Fr |
Samudra Monograph |
Fishing Legislation and Gear Conflicts in Asian Countries |
No. 1 1990 |
Le Credit a la Peche Artisanale en Afrique Deloust |
No. 3 1992 |
Eng, Fr, Sp |
Nets for Social Security- An Analysis of the Growth and Changing Composition of Social Security. J. Kurien and A. Paul |
2000 |
Occasional Papers: |
The Impact of TRIPS and CBD on Coastal Communities. A. R. M. Prat |
2003 |
Eng, Sp |
Monograph Titles published from 2002 to spring 2004 |
Conversations: A Trialogue on Power, Intervention and Organization in Fisheries. A. Sall, M. Belliveau and N. Nayak |
2002 |
West Africa Market Study |
2002 |
Workshop on Gender and Coastal Fishing Communities in Latin America |
2002 |
Proceedings of the Indian Ocean Conference "Forging Unity: Coastal Communities and the Indian Oceans Future" |
2003 |
Fishing for Standards (ICSF Dossier-A collection of articles on ILOs proposed comprehensive standard on work in the fishing sector) |
2004 |
print,pdf |
Fisheries in Sub-Saharan Africa |
2002 |
CD |
Eng, Fr |
International Instruments and Institutions of relevance to Fisheries |
2003 |
CD |
Smoke in the Water: Problems and Prospects for Developing Artisanal Fish Trade in West Africa |
2002 |
Video |
Eng, Fr |
A Step Forward: A Film on Women Fishworkers in India |
2002 |
Video |
Under the Sun: The Transient Fisherfolk of Jambudwip |
2003 |
Video |
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA)
Information Center, PO Box 1040, Kasetsart Post Office
Bangkok, 10903, THAILAND
Tel: +66-2 561 1728
Fax: +66-2 561 1727
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Simon Wilkinson [email protected]
NACA, an intergovernmental organization created in the early 1980s as an FAO project, promotes rural development in 15 Asia-Pacific countries through sustainable aquaculture. The current member governments include Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Korea (DPR), Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Other participating (non-member) governments include Indonesia, Iran, Rep. of Korea, Lao PDR and Singapore. The members form a Governing Council that directs policy and activities. FAO is a non-voting member of the council. NACA conducts development assistance projects throughout the region in various partnerships. NACA supports institutional strengthening, technical exchange and the development of policies for sustainable aquaculture and aquatic resource management. (Summarized from theNACA web site).
One of NACAs core activities is the development of communication and information networks amongst the member countries. Its Information Center, staffed by one manager, and two assistants, is charged with managing NACAs information as well as producing the serial publications and providing technical assistance in communications to the members.
Digitization efforts:
NACAs Information and Communication Program is committed to information in a digital format as the best means of sharing it widely and quickly. Consequently, NACA produces its publications almost exclusively in digital form, reformats members information, collects other appropriate digital content and supports communities of users through its web site. XOOPS, an Open Source web content management software, is used for the NACA web site, Pagemaker for the serial publications and pdf formats for other digital content.
Key issues with digitization efforts:
collecting and providing access to non-English publications;
building organizational capacity for knowledge management in a decentralized environment;
variety of Internet access throughout member countries;
managing the growing amount of digital information in terms of quality, archiving and searchability;
lack of planning for and integration of information dissemination in projects.
Key opportunities of digitization efforts:
enthusiasm and interest in web delivery if information;
development of Open Source products for website management and delivery;
high level of entrepreneurial spirit in the region;
growing bandwidth throughout region.
Table 5.3: Mapping ASFA fields to Dublin Core
ASFA Fields |
Dublin Core |
English Title |
Title |
Personal Author |
Creator |
Primary Classification Codes |
Subject |
English abstract |
Description |
Publisher |
Publisher |
Personal Author (Collection) |
Contributor |
Date of Publication |
Date |
Type of document |
Type |
Physical medium |
Format |
Identifier |
Language of text |
Language |
Table 5.4: NACA publications
Series Title |
Volume/Year as of 2004 |
Format |
Language |
Aquaculture Asia Magazine |
V. 1 1996- V. 8 2003 |
print, pdf, CD |
NACA Newsletter |
1982 - v.18(3) 2003 |
print, pdf |
Grouper Electronic Newsletter |
No. 1 1999 - No. 16 2002 |
Marine Finfish Newsletter |
No. 1 2002 - No. 7 2003 |
Marine Finfish E-News |
No. 1 2003 - No. 10 2004 |
Stream Journal |
V. 1 (1) 2002 - V. 2 (1) - 2003 |
Eng, Khmer, Ilonggo, Nepali, Vietnamese, |
Shrimp Media Monitoring |
No. 1 Jan 2004 - No.2 Feb 2004 |
Trade Media Monitoring |
No. 1 Oct 2003 - No. 6 Mar 2004 |
Health Media Monitoring |
No. 1 Jan 2004 - No. 3 Mar 2004 |
Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report |
Q1 2003 - Q4 2003 |
NACA Governing Council Meeting Report |
1992 - |
NACA Technical Advisory Committee Meeting |
1993 - |
Report of the Director General to the Governing Council Meeting |
No. 14 2004 |
Monograph Titles published from 2002 to spring 2004 |
Format |
Language |
Consortium Program on Shrimp Farming publications |
Thematic reviews |
2002 (5) |
Draft Synthesis Report: Shrimp Farming and the Environment |
2002 (2) |
Eng, Sp |
Case Studies |
Africa and Middle East |
2002 (1) |
Asia-Pacific |
2002 (10) |
Latin America |
2002 (10) |
Report of the Regional Workshop on Sustainable Seafarming and Grouper Aquaculture, Medan, Indonesia, 17-20 April 2000. |
2002 |
Summary Report of the Emergency Disease Control Task Force on a Serious Disease of Koi and Common Carps in Indonesia |
2002 |
Regional Workshop on Sustainable Marine Finfish Aquaculture for the Asia-Pacific, 30 September - 3 October 2002, Halong City, Vietnam |
2002 |
CD |
Report of the APEC/NACA Cooperative Grouper Aquaculture Workshop, Hat Yai, Thailand, 7-9 April 1999 |
2002 |
Report on the formalization of an Asia-Pacific marine finfish aquaculture network |
2002 |
Sustainable Livelihood Studies of Fishers and Farmers in Cambodia |
2002 (6) |
print, pdf |
Eng, Khmer |
Information Access Survey: Vietnam |
2003 |
print, pdf |
Information Access Survey, Western Visayas, The Philippines |
2003 |
print, pdf |
Information Access Survey, Cambodia |
2003 |
print, pdf |
Background paper on the International Seafood Trade and Poverty |
2003 |
print, pdf |
Improving Coastal Livelihoods Through Sustainable Aquaculture Practices |
2003 |
print, pdf |
System Requirement for Level 2-National Management Institutions, for the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the Philippines |
2004 |
print, pdf |
Bunda College of Agriculture
Library, Bunda College of Agriculture
University of Malawi, P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: 265-277222
Fax: 265-277364
Web site:
Contact: Geoffrey Salanje, University Librarian [email protected]
Contact: Margaret Ngwira, Associate University Librarian [email protected]
Bunda College of Agriculture, founded in 1967, has graduated over 3000 students with diplomas, 1700 with BSc, 700 with MSc and 1 PhD. It focuses on natural resources, agriculture and basic studies including research, teaching and outreach. The Library is housed in a pleasant, spacious facility with adequate wiring for connectivity. The library is open seven days a week when classes are in session. There are three librarians, six library assistants, two messengers and three guards. Funding for staff positions is part of the monthly government subvention administered by the College Management. The collection is funded with a variety of grants. Recent ones include $30,000 from NORAD over two years and another from ICEIDA. The collection has approximately 40,000 books and 10,000 bound periodicals. There is a special Malawiana collection containing books about Malawi or written by Malawians.
Digitization efforts:
While eager to move forward with digitization of Malawi aquaculture information, the Bunda College Library is cautious. The benefits of providing digital access include potential savings in printing and postage costs as well greater exposure to local content. Staff training and workflow demands would be possible costs as well as replacing equipment over time. The University of Malawi Libraries needs to develop a direction for digital libraries in the country. They know that success will be based on working together and supporting each others efforts. Sharing expertise and solutions to challenges will make the project possible.
Key issues of digitization efforts:
identifying and collecting documents produced in Malawi
recognizing information needed to support responsible fisheries
staff capacity and expertise
sustaining existing electronic networks and access to resources
Key opportunities with digitization efforts:
interested and committed library administration
personnel with expertise and interest in networking
willingness to cooperate among fisheries libraries
manageable number of fisheries publications produced in Malawi
locally developed aquaculture database as starting point
Table 5.5: Bunda College Library Aquaculture Database Work Form
WinISIS Database Field |
Dublin Core Field |
Accession Number: |
Identifier |
Document Type: |
Type |
Record Type: |
Date of Entry: |
Language of the record: |
Language |
Title and Statement of responsibility: |
Title |
Parallel title: |
Title |
Edition and Stat. Of responsibility: |
Creator |
Name - Persons: (Author) |
Creator |
Name - Corp Body: |
Creator |
Name - Conference Meeting: |
Imprint: (Publication details) |
Publisher |
Volume No: |
Issue No: |
Month: |
Year: |
Date |
Physical Description: |
Format |
Series: |
Source: |
Relation |
Notes: |
Keywords: |
Subject |
Class number: |
Subject |
Abstract: |
Description |
Table 5.6: Bunda College of Agriculture Publications:
Series Title |
Volume/Year as of 2004 |
Format |
Language |
Aqua-Fish Technical Report |
No.1 (Nov. 2002)- No. 2 (Nov. 2003) |
Eng |
Bunda Journal of Agriculture, |
No. 1 (April 2003) - No. 2 (April 2004). |
Eng |
Bunda College Newsletter |
No. 1 (May 2004) |
Eng |
Institut mauritanien de recherches océanographiques et des pêches (IMROP)
Library, B.P. 22
Nouadhibou, Mauritania
Tel: 00(222)6 36 06 39 Fax: 00(222) 5745 825
Contact: Amady Sow [email protected];
[email protected]
Created in 1952, IMROP focuses on building knowledge about the fishing and ocean resources of Mauritania. Programmes include stock assessment, evaluating constraints on artisanal fisheries, marine mammal studies, variability and durability of Mauritanian upwelling, and seafood inspection among others. The library has a strong collection of 8500 volumes and 92 serial subscriptions. It is staffed by one librarian and three assistants. CDSISIS has been used for more than 12 years for collection management. As an ODINAFRICA participant, the library is migrating systems to INMAGIC although CDS/ISIS may still be used for certain operations. The library is also responsible for editing and distributing the IMROP Bulletins and other institutional publications.
Digitization efforts:
IMROP produces regular reports and occasional monographs. Additionally, the Library collects papers and theses as produced. Digitization of all of these is a long-term project that is currently in the planning stage. The Library has great interest in making the institutions reports more accessible to a broader audience. As a member of the ODINAFRICA network, the IMROP Library may be a pilot partner in a digital repository for that network.
Key issues with digitization efforts:
access to technical information on digitization in French;
adequate and consistent staff expertise; and
identifying which database/library software program is appropriate for metadata generation.
Key opportunities of digitization efforts:
ODINAFRICA institutional repository project;
interest and support from IMROP Administration; and
manageable publication output.
Table 5.7: Inmagic workform for documents with possible mapping to Dublin Core
Inmagic Database Field |
Dublin Core Field |
Title |
Title |
Subtitle |
Title |
Author |
Creator |
Corporate Author |
Creator |
Responsibility |
Creator |
Source (journal) |
Source |
Publication Date |
Date |
Place |
Publisher |
Publisher |
Vol |
No. |
Pages |
Descriptors |
Subject |
Abstract |
Description |
Classification # |
Location |
Label information |
Identifier |
Type |
Format |
Catalogue de la bibliothéque du IMROP |
IMROP Field # |
Dublin Core Field |
Titre proper (245) |
245 |
Title |
Autre titre (246) |
246 |
Title |
Edition and Stat. Of responsibility: |
Creator |
Auteur individual (100/700) |
100/700 |
Creator |
Auteur collectivité (110/710) |
110/710 |
Creator |
Auteur conference (111/711) |
111/711 |
Les descripteurs géographiques (651) |
651 |
Subject |
Classification ASFA: |
690 |
Subject |
Table 5.8 IMROP Publications
Series Title |
Volume/Year as of 2004 |
Format |
Language |
Bulletin Scientifique de lIMROP |
No.1 1970 - No. 80 2002 |
Fr |
Les archives de lIMROP (CNROP prior to 2002) |
No.1 1983 - No. 95 2002 |
Fr |
La Lettre de lIMROP |
No. 1 1998 - |
Fr |
Rapports de groupes de travail/séminaire |
Fr |
Les Groups de travail IMROP sur lévaluation des stock de la ZEE mauritananienne |
1985 - 2003 (5) |
Fr |
Séminaires sour-régionaux |
1990 - 1992 (2) |
Fr |
Séminaries/Groupes de travail nationaux |
199? - 2002 (4) |
Fr |
Le rapports techniques |
Fr |
Les rapports de projets |
Fr |
Les rapports de stage |
Fr |
Bulletin de statisque de la SMEP |
Fr |
Bulletin de la CEAMP |
Fr |
Bulletin Statistique de la DSPCN |
Fr |
Rapport dactivité |
- 2002 |
Plan daction |
- 2003 |
Bilan du plan quinquennal |
- 2003 |
Monograph Titles published from 2002 to spring 2004 |
Etude pour le plan dáménagement des ressources halietiques en République Islamique de Mauritanie |
2002 |
Fr |