1. Opening of the Meeting
2. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
3. Adoption of the Agenda
4. Progress since the 8th Session of the Panel (June 1993):
(i) Brief statement by individual members (regional/sub-regional issues);
(ii) FAO Regular Programme;
(iii) FAO Field Programme activities in forest genetic resources;
(iv) 4th Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources;
(v) Other international initiatives and developments;
(vi) Broadening of the Mandate of the Commission on PGR.
5. Discussion of Priorities for Future Action:
(i) Species priorities;
(ii) Operational priorities.
6. Proposals for FAO Regular Programme Activities:
(i) Short-term;
(ii) Medium and long-term.
7. Miscellaneous and Other Business
8. Next Session of the Panel
9. Closing of the Meeting