9 FAO's Regular Programme is financed through assessed contributions of its 174 Member Countries, one Associated Member and one Member Organization. These activities are complemented by the Field Programme, financed by extra-budgetary resources provided by a range of donors (see Appendix 5).
The attached tables show FAO Regular Programme (RP) expenditure in the forest genetic resources field in the biennia 1992/93 and 1994/95. Information on RP expenditure up to, and including the biennium 1990/91, was published in Appendix 4 of the Report of the 8th Session of the Panel.
The figures include:
(i) Collaboration with national institutes, through direct financial support to exploration and to seed collection, despatch; in situ and ex situ conservation; and establishment and evaluation of field trials;(ii) Expenditure for consultancies; or contractual services in support of specific studies related to forest genetic resources;
(iii) Expenditure for the dissemination of information;
(iv) Meeting costs and expenditure related to fellowships.
A summary sheet is also provided, showing sub-totals for the above items.
Extra-budgetary resources, acquired in direct support of FAO Regular Programme activities and administrated directly by the Forest Resources Division, are shown in the tables in brackets. RP funds from other units of FAO, administrated by the Forest Resources Division, are marked **.
The tables thus contain details on expenditures which bear direct relation to the work and the recommendations of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. They do not include staff time and related travel; nor funding related to the FAO Field Programme, administrated by the TCO-5 (the former Forestry Operations Service) and technically backstopped by the technical divisions of the Forestry Department.
RP expenditure for staff time for the biennium 1994/95 included some 60% of one P4 Forestry Officer (presently this post is occupied by Mr. O. Souvannavong), and part-time secretarial assistance (the balance of Mr. Souvannavong's time being spent on backstopping of field programmes); it further included a proportion of the time of Chief FORM (presently, Ms. C. Palmberg-Lerche, D1) who, according to programming, spent an estimated 10-15% of her time on support to RP forest genetic resources activities. A small percentage is spent by the Senior Forestry Officer (Plantations), P5 and the Forestry Officer (Forest Management), P4. In addition, the activities were supported, through Extra Budgetary (Danish) funding, by the services of an Associate Professional Officer (presently C. Pilegaard Hansen, P2).
(excludes time and travel of FAO staff; and activities carried out under FAO's field programme)
1992/93 |
1994/95 |
(i) Collaboration with/support to National Institutes: Seed Collection, Exchange; Conservation; Evaluation |
61,500 |
86,000 |
(ii) Contracts and Consultancies |
41,500 |
37,300 |
(iii) Dissemination of Information |
69,000 |
130,900 |
(iv) Meeting Costs, Fellowships |
70,000 |
75,000 |
302,000 |
341,600 |
** N.B. Figures thus marked, indicate FAO Regular Programme funding from other sub-programmes and/or Divisions in support of forest genetic resources activities in RP 2312; these amounts are included in Totals of RP expenditure at the bottom of the table.
Activity |
1992/93 |
1994/95 |
Australia, CSIRO/DFR |
S |
5,000 |
11,000 |
Acacia, Casuarina, Eucalyptus |
Bangladesh, FRI |
S |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
Brazil, Univ. Sta Catarina |
C |
2,000 |
- |
In situ conservation, Euterpe edulis |
Brazil, Univ. São Paulo |
C |
9,500 |
3,000 |
In situ research, Atlantic Forest |
Cameroon, IRA |
E |
- |
3,000 |
E. urophylla review |
China, Chi. Acad. Forestry |
E |
- |
2,000 |
Populus genetic resources review |
Congo, CNRF |
E |
- |
3,000 |
E. urophylla review |
Costa Rica, CATIE |
E |
- |
4,000 |
E. urophylla review |
Côte d'Ivoire, IDEFOR |
E |
- |
4,000 |
E. urophylla review |
DANIDA Forest Seed Centre |
S,E |
11,000 |
6,000 |
Acacia, Prosopis; lnt. Neem Network activities |
France, CIRAD-Forêt |
S,E |
- |
8,000 |
Int. Neem Network activ.; E. urophylla review |
Ghana, FD |
S |
- |
2,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
India, ICFRE |
S |
7,000 |
3,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
Indonesia, ED |
C |
5,000 |
- |
Conserv. medicinal forest plants (in/ex situ) |
Iraq, FD |
E |
- |
2,000 |
Populus euphratica review |
Laos, FD |
C |
- |
2,000 |
In situ conservation of local timber species |
Lebanon, FD |
S |
1,000 |
- |
Cedrus libani |
Malaysia, FRIM |
C |
- |
4,000 |
Exploration/conservation, Calamus palustris |
Morocco, FD |
E |
- |
5,000 |
Populus genetic resources review |
Myanmar, FRI |
S |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
Pakistan, PFI |
S |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
Pakistan, PFI |
E |
- |
(2,000) |
Populus euphratica review |
Peru, INIA(A) |
C |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Cedrus, Cedrela, Swietenia; Alnus, Polylepis cons. |
Rwanda, FD |
C |
3,000 |
- |
Pterygota mildbreadii conservation (in/ex situ) |
Syria, FD |
E |
- |
2,000 |
Populus euphratica review |
Thailand, FD |
S |
6,000 |
2,000 |
Int. Neem Network activities |
To be ascertained |
- |
8,000 (est) |
61,500 |
86,000 |
(+2,000) |
1992/93 |
1994/95 |
· In situ Conservation |
| |
R.H. Kemp, finalization FO. Paper 107 |
3,000 |
- |
"Conservation of Genetic Resources in Tropical Forest Management: principles and concepts" (avail, in English, French, Spanish) |
B. Wilcox, prep. FO. Paper |
10,000 |
5,000 |
"Tropical Deforestation and Biological Diversity: assessing the risks" (in preparation) |
Wang Shi Ji, within framework Int. Poplar Comm. |
1,000 |
- |
"Options for the development of Salicaceae in Sub-Trop. Reg." |
A. Padro, within framework of Int. Poplar Comm. |
1,500 |
- |
"Options for the development of Salicaceae in Sub-Trop. Reg." |
· Ex situ Conservation |
| |
B.S.P. Wang et al., finalizat. FO. Paper 113 |
4,000 |
"Ex. situ Storage of Seeds, Pollen and in vitro Cultures of Perenninal Woody Plant Species" (avail, in English, French) |
· Data Bases |
| |
CIRAD-Fôret, France- seedbank software |
1,000 |
- |
Finalization of development of software for seedbanks (in prep.) | |
J.R. Katz- database dev. FAO/HQ |
- |
1,500 |
Assistance in developm. of database for storage/retrieval of information on the state of the world's forest genetic resources |
T. Niemann- database dev. FAO/HQ |
- |
(20,000) |
Assistance in developm. of database for storage/retrieval of information on the state of the world's forest genetic resources |
R. di Chiara- database input FAO/HQ |
- |
6,000 |
Assistance in input into database on world's for. genetic res. |
· Miscellaneous |
| |
Translation support |
17,500 |
16,200 |
Forest Genetic Resources [Information], Panel Notes etc. |
Contracted staff, temporary support staff |
3,500 |
8,600 |
41,500 |
37,300 |
(contract. 95) |
(iii) DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION (direct publication costs) |
1992/93 |
1994/95 |
Forestry Paper 20/2- French (translation, printing) |
(76,500)1 |
- |
"A Guide to Fo. Seed Handling" (avail, in English, French, Spanish) |
Forestry Paper 107 - English (printing) |
12,000 |
3,400+3,400**2 |
"Conservation of Genetic Resources in Tropical For. Management: principles and concepts" (available in English, French, Spanish) |
Forestry Paper 113 - English, French (printing) |
12,000 |
12.0003 |
"Ex situ Storage of Seeds, Pollen, in vitro Cultures of Tropical Woody Plant Species" (available in English, French) |
Forestry Paper 118 - English (printing) + translation/printing of Executive Summary (French, Spanish) |
- |
10,500 |
"Biotechnology in Forest Tree Improvement" (available in English) |
Reports on Sessions (printing only) |
7,000 |
7,000 |
"Report on FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources", 8th and 9th Session (available in English, French, Spanish) |
Two issues per year of for. gen. resources bulletin (printing only) |
36,000 |
38,000 |
Forest Genetic Resources Information n°20,21,22 (23- in press) (available in English, French, Spanish) |
Fo. Dept Input to FAO Biotechnology Booklet |
2,000 |
- |
"Biotechnology in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" (available in English, French, Spanish) |
69,000 (+76,500) |
138,300 |
N.B. Also programmed 1995: "Tropical Deforestation and Biol. Diversity: assessing the risks" (based on work of B.A. Wilcox) |
** N.B. Figures thus marked, indicate FAO Regular Programme funding from other sub-programmes and/or Divisions in support of forest genetic resources activities in RP 2312; these amounts are included in Totals of RP expenditure at the bottom of the table.1 Translated and printed against Danish Funds-in-Trust.
2 Total cost of re-printing $6,800, shared between Forest Resources Division and Publications Division (GIP).
3 Translated by Forestry-Canada as contribution of Canadian Government.
4 Funds provided by Fellowships unit (AGO).
1992/93 |
1994/95 |
Eighth, Ninth Session of FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources |
70,000 |
75,000 |
Travel of participants paid by FAO. Interpretation provided English/French/Spanish |
Regional Workshop on in situ Conservation on Genetic Resources of Woody Species in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas |
- |
(30,000)1 |
Organized by Nat. Tree Seed Ctre Burkina Faso (CNRF), with collab. of FAO, IBPGR, USDA/FS, European Union, 29.1-5.2.1994. |
André Mayer Fellowship, Biotechnology in Forest Tree Improvement |
60,000** |
- |
Part cost only (period of fellowship: 1991/92). Funds from FAO Fellowships Unit (AGO). |
130,000 |
80,000 |
** N.B. Figures thus marked, indicate FAO Regular Programme funding from other sub-programmes and/or Divisions in support of forest genetic resources activities in RP 2312; these amounts are included in Totals of RP expenditure at the bottom of the table.1 Funds provided to FAO by the USDA Forest Service "Tropical Forestry Programme".
2 Funds provided by the Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO (AGP).