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Introducing the book

This “Milk Producer Group Resource Book” is part of a series of practical field guides for people working in small-scale dairying in developing countries. These field guides are produced by the Animal Production and Health Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Milk producers can increase their income and utilize their skills and resources better if they are working in groups. This book aims to promote the organization of small-scale milk collection and processing as a sustainable, income-generating activity for household food security. It also tries to be a means to improving the safety, quantity and quality of milk and milk products available for consumers in developing countries.

The intended readers are (future) leaders of milk producer groups, extension workers, project staff and group promoters who are working to set up milk producer groups, and those developing already existing groups at village level in rural areas.

Some excellent FAO booklets exist on working with small groups (see information sources and references). They complement this book which has been written specifically for milk producer groups.

This “Milk producer group resource book” aims to play a role in poverty alleviation in developing countries in a gender sensitive and sustainable way. Participation is a key pillar of the strategies promoted throughout the book without gender, age, race, social class or any other bias (see also chapter 6, page 65).

Please send your comments to [email protected] at FAO.

Samuel Jutzi

Director, Animal Production and Health Division
FAO Rome

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