1. Opening of the session and adoption of agenda
2. Appointment of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
3. Changes in membership of the CWP
4. Review of recommendations from CWP-19
5. Reports of Intersessional Meetings of interest to CWP
Report of CWP-ISM, 21-22 March 2002
Report of FIGIS-FIRMS Methodological Workshop, 1-5 July 2002
6. Intersessional developments in Agency programmes in fishery statistics
7. Elasmobranch and bycatch species statistics
8. National data collection methodologies and data quality criteria and indicators
9. Proposal for an advocacy role for CWP
10. Catch and trade certification schemes
11. Catch and aquaculture terminology
12. Vessel identifiers
13. (item cancelled, covered under Item 16)
14. (item cancelled, covered under Item 16)
15. Proposed FAO Strategy on Improving Information on the Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries
16. Report of the Second FIGIS-CWP meeting on 20 January 2003
17. Agency data collection and STATLANT issues and statistical area boundaries
Statistical area boundary changes
Socio-economic indicators
Environmental sustainability indicators
Fishery statistics for South East Asia
18. Handbook of Fishery Statistical Standards
19. Any other business
20. Arrangements for the 21st Session of the CWP
21. Adoption of the Report