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Books and reports


The progress of forestry in the United Kingdom is presented in British Forestry, a new reference book from the Forestry Commission. It includes a detailed study of the latest policy decisions, announced in July 1974, designed to ensure that British forestry forms part of an effective pattern of land use in harmony with agriculture. It explains the new grant-aid scheme for private forestry and shows through tables that Britain expects to cover 11 percent of its total timber needs by the turn of the century - a jump of 3 percent over current output. This increase in production will promote new industries, many in areas of high unemployment.

Although home-grown timber's main use has been for fencing and pitprops, in future years the bulk will go to pulp mills and chipboard factories. Details of these industrial trends are given in the- book, which also discusses the policy designed to develop the recreational potential of Britain's forests through planning and management of recreation.

British Forestry (50 pages, 21 maps and diagrams, 83 colour and 16 black and white prints, price £1.00) is available from the Forestry Commission, 25 Savile Row, London W.1, or from the Forest Office, Blairadam, Kelty, Fife, Scotland.


Tree seeds, as well as tree seed workers, are being thoroughly classified in the United States and Canada.

The first reference book on seeds of United States trees and shrubs to be issued in more than a quarter century by the U.S. Department of Agriculture was released in January. Seeds of woody plants in the United States is the culmination of five years of effort by more than 100 scientists at Forest Service research laboratories and special project locations throughout the country, assisted by an equal number of scientists and researchers from universities, private seed-testing laboratories and companies, state agencies and other federal government departments.

The handbook contains two sections. The first gives general methods for producing, handling and germinating seeds. The second provides data and information on species, alphabetically listed by genus units, giving scientific and common names, flowering and fruiting dates, methods offruit collection, seed extraction, storage and other data useful for grower and marketer.

The volume includes a collection of drawings and photographs for checking the identification of fruits, seeds or seedlings.

Seeds of woody plants in the United States (Agriculture Handbook No 450) is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The price is $13.60.

From Canada comes the announcement that a computerized World Directory of Tree Seed Workers is being compiled by Dr. D.G.W. Edwards, Canadian Forestry Service, Victoria, B.C., Canada, on behalf of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party S2.01.06 (Seed Problems).

The Directory will include all aspects of seed ontogeny, origin, technology and health, and will supersede that recently published by Simak. In addition to being a source of addresses and a mailing list for meetings, it will serve as a register of manpower and of experts to advise on or investigate specific tree seed problems.

The directory, which will be updated periodically, will list all tree seed workers, whether they are involved at the research or industrial-operational levels, in all countries of the world.


A 70-page booklet, Roofing in Developing Countries: Research for New Technologies, in English, with summaries in French and Spanish, has been issued by the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., United States.


Scandinavian Forest Economics, a newsletter in English, was begun in 1974 by the Nordic Forest Economics Seminar and published by Postipankii, Helsinki.

Two issues received in 1974 contained a variety of news items and short articles on forestry, forestry education and research in that part of the world. Forestry in developing countries in also covered.

For further information contact the editor, Michael Jones, Department of Land Reallocation and Consolidation, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 As-NLH, Norway.


Deutsche Papiersorten is the first data-processed directory of paper and board mills in the Federal Republic of Germany, listing 280 paper-making firms and details of their production. Listings are in German with titles and introduction in German and French. Published by Verlag Winter & Co., Breslauer Strasse 5, Heusenstamm D-6056; price DM20, plus postage.


The Royal institute of Amsterdam, Department of Agricultural Research, has published its first experimental issue of Abstracts on Tropical Agriculture, to appear monthly as of 1 January 1975, containing indexed information from world literature on tropical and subtropical agriculture and composed by computer processing (English).

The Department's Wood Section has issued a 34-page booklet, Notes on the Marketing of Tropical Timber by J.T. Wassing. It is a compact ''compilation of research results and experience gained in the field of promotion of species not yet accepted on the timber market." The booklet is in English, with short summaries in French, Italian and Spanish.

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