The current publication «State of the Forest Genetic Resources in Eritrea» is issue of country national report presented at The Sub- Regional Workshop FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF on the conservation, management, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in Sahelian and North-Sudanian Africa (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 22-24 September 1998). It is published with the collaboration of FAO, IPGRI/SAFORGEN, DFSC and ICRAF, as one of the country and regional series which deals with the assessment of genetic resources of tree species in the Sahelian and North-Sudanian Africa and identification of priority actions for their Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation.
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO, IPGRI/SAFORGEN, DFSC or ICRAF, concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Quantitative information regarding the status of forest and
tree resources, including genetic resources, has been compiled according to
sources, methodologies and protocols identified and selected by the author. Data
comparison between countries using different recording methodologies and sources
may not be possible. For standardized methodologies and data on forest
resources, please refer to FAO, 2001. State of the Worlds Forests
2001; and to State of Forest Genetic Resources in Sahelian and
North-Sudanian Africa & Regional Action Plan for their Conservation and
Sustainable Use. Working papers FGR/2E, FAO, IPGRI & ICRAF. FAO, Rome,
2001. Official information can also be found at the FAO Internet site |
Oscar Eyog-Matig, IPGRI/SAFORGEN Programme
c/o IITA 08 BP 0932 Cotonou, Benin.
Tel.: +229 350188 / 350553 / 350600
Fax: +229 350556
E-mail: [email protected]
Araya Eman E. 2001 State of Forest genetic Resources in Eritrea. Sub-Regional Workshop FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF on the conservation, management, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in Sahelian and North-Sudanian Africa (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 22-24 September 1998). Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, Working Paper FGR/23E. Forestry Department, FAO, Rome, Italy.