The assistance of the following, who allowed themselves to be interviewed or who otherwise provided information, is gratefully acknowledged.
South Africa
Dr D.M. Richardson |
Institute for Plant Conservation, Botany Dept, University of Cape Town, Cape Town |
Dr D.C. Le Maitre |
CSIR Division of Water, Environment and Forestry Technology, Stellenbosch |
Dr H. Zimmermann |
Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria |
Dr Z. Hedgerdon |
Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Pietermaritzburg |
Mr Dave Dobson |
Director, South African Wattle Growers Union |
Mr R. Godsmark |
Forestry South Africa, Rivonia |
Mr S. McCartney |
Global Forest Products (Pvt) Ltd, Sabie |
Mr Wayne Lotter |
Environmental Manager, SAPPI, Cascades |
Mr S. Malaya |
Chief Research Officer, Dept of Forestry, Lusaka |
Mr O. Shakacite |
Chief Extension Officer, Lusaka |
Mr P.M. Sekeli |
Principal Extension Officer, Lusaka |
Mr L.J. Mullin |
Consultant in Forest Research and Development, Harare |
Mr S. van der Lingen |
The Wattle Company, Head Office, Mutare |
Mr A. McCrimmon |
The Wattle Company, Selbourne Estate, Juliasdale |
Ms Heather Bailey |
Environment Africa (NGO), Harare |
Mr N. Gwende |
Border Timbers Ltd, Mutare |
Mr W. Bgoni |
Border Timbers Ltd, Chimanimani |
Mr W. Johnstone |
Timber Producers Federation, Mutare |
Mr Musakwa |
Deputy Warden, Nyanga National Park, Nyanga |
Dr Colin R. Saunders |
Environmental activist and retired medical doctor, Mutare, on behalf of TEAM VUMBA |
Mrs Mary Clark |
Environmental activist and retired school teacher, Nyanga |
Mr Chidzura |
National Parks and Wildlife Management, Harare |
Mrs C.P. Tafangombe |
Lecturer, Marymount Teachers Training College, Mutare |