grid IPTRID network magazine Issue 24, February 2006 |
International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID)
Submission of material
GRID invites short written contributions, principally for the Diary and Forum sections. They may include photographs or drawings, which must be of high quality and suitable for reproduction at reduced size. Contributions should be sent to International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID), Land and Water Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
By submitting material, the author(s) agree(s) that the copyright of that material is transferred to the publishers if and when it is accepted for publication.
Opinions and data reproduced in GRID are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of IPTRID or the publishers.
Editorial panel
Carlos Garcés-Restrepo, Giulia Bonanno di Linguaglossa, Edith Mahabir and IPTRID Secretariat
Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
ISSN 02-268X
Sponsors of GRID
Department of International Development, UK
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, France
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain
IPTRID Secretariat, Italy
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Date for submission of material for Issue 25 is June 2006.
Young farmers working old treadle irrigation system (noria) in a rice field. (FAO/19683/G. BIZZARRI)
Aim and scope
GRID is published to assist communication between researchers and professionals in the spheres of irrigation and drainage. It informs readers about IPTRID activities, and about research and development in irrigation and drainage with a view to stimulating international debate on these issues.
GRID is produced for professionals working or having an interest in irrigation and drainage projects in developing countries. It covers all relevant disciplines including engineering, agriculture and the social sciences.
Hyperlinks to non-FAO Internet sites do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The sole purpose of links to non-FAO sites is to indicate further information available on related topics.
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A welcome from the Programme Manager
Our interview with Mr Peter Lee
Changing deserts into agricultural lands - Peru
Major Findings of gender study in the multiple use schemes (MUS) in the hills of Nepal
Treadle pump dissemination and adoption in West Africa: performance problems and prospects
Water user association in northern Uzbekistan:
opportunities or constraints for development?
Monitoring perspectives of treated wastewater in irrigation
AQUASTAT - Irrigation in Africa in figures
Water charging in irrigated agriculture
Agricultural trade liberalization: implications for irrigated agriculture
Consultation for financing water for agriculture
Staff changes and other announcements
Conferences and symposia