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The subregional workshop aimed at facilitating greater understanding of the issues involved in creating the required enabling environment for sustainable aquaculture development in the Lesser Antilles was held in Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia from 4 to 7 November 2002. Following the sharing of national experiences, and the presentation of selected case studies on ongoing subregional aquaculture activities, insights into how some issues constrained past aquaculture development activities were discussed. The participants recognized the diversities in both the scale and success of past aquaculture activities in the subregion and identified the constraints/opportunities to sustainable aquaculture development in the subregion. The most recurrent opportunity to emerge from the workshop plenary was the need for subregional governments to establish transparent aquaculture development policies using mechanisms for consultation with other stakeholders. Regional cooperation and the need to focus on an integrated approach to aquaculture, to ensure responsible practices and contribution to food security, were also emphasized.

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