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1. The Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) held its Twenty-eighth Session from 3 to 5 August 2004, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Session was attended by the representatives of 15 Members of the Commission and by observers from ten Regional Organizations. A list of the delegates and observers is attached as Appendix B.

2. The Deputy-Chairman of APFIC, Mr Jaranthada Karnasuta, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand, welcomed the Commission at the official opening of the Session. Mr Jaranthada noted the longstanding achievements of APFIC over its more than 50 years of activity. He drew attention to the emergence of sub-regional fishery bodies and organizations, many of which originated as FAO projects, which had enjoyed APFIC support. Despite the range of organizations that have competence in fisheries in the region, there are still many gaps in coverage and mandate and Mr Jaranthada emphasized the potential role that APFIC could provide as a Regional Consultative Forum in bridging some of these gaps and facilitating collaboration on fisheries issues within the region. His opening remarks are attached as Appendix D.

3. The welcoming address to the commission was made by Mr Kwanchai Wongnitikorn, Deputy Governor of Chiang Mai. Mr Wongnitikorn expressed the pleasure of the city of Chiang Mai in hosting the 28th Session and hoped that the members and participants would have an enjoyable and fruitful meeting. His welcome address is at Appendix D.

4. On behalf of the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General (Fisheries Department) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Mr Jean-François Pulvenis de Séligny expressed his gratitude to the Government of Thailand for hosting the Twenty-eighth Session of APFIC. Mr Pulvenis de Seligny emphasized the vital function of regional cooperation on dealing with fisheries issues and the central role of regional fisheries bodies in achieving this. After recalling the global process underway in strengthening the governance of regional fisheries bodies and the goal of making these bodies more responsive to the needs of members, he drew attention to work that has been carried out within APFIC to that effect. Mr Pulvenis de Seligny reiterated FAO commitment to provide its fullest support to APFIC in its new role, but underscored that strong commitment from its members was necessary in order to ensure the effective implementation of whatever understanding would be reached in this matter at this session of the Commission. In conclusion, Mr Pulvenis de Seligny thanked the Governor and people of Chiang Mai, Thailand for the excellent hospitality and asked him to convey to the Government of Thailand, FAO's gratitude for the excellent arrangements and hosting of the Twenty-eighth Session of APFIC. His statement is attached as Appendix D.

5. In inaugurating the Session, Mr Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin, Director-General of the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand welcomed the delegates and observers to the Twentyeighth Session of APFIC. He emphasized the need for increased collaboration on fisheries issues of common interest amongst APFIC members. He drew attention to the alarming trend of declining capture fisheries production in many coastal fisheries in the region and emphasized the need for effective action to address management needs in small-scale fisheries. Mr Boonyaratpalin indicated that development of national codes of practice for capture fisheries and improved information systems for trade and fisheries management were also required.

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