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Model Plan for a Pacific Island Country National plan of action to prevent, Colin Brown |
Cover illustration by Emanuela D'Antoni
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ISBN 92-5-105374-X
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Brown, C. ABSTRACT The Model Plan for the elaboration of an NPOA-IUU is designed to assist Pacific Island States give effect to the IPOA-IUU. The model incorporates the essential aspects and features of the IPOA-IUU, demonstrating how a NPOA-IUU might be drafted. In seeking to address IUU fishing the model provides an introduction (with an important focus on the fisheries situation in the model country) followed by measures that might be adopted under the headings of all State responsibilities, flag State responsibilities, coastal State measures, port State measures, internationally agreed market-related measures, research, regional fisheries management organizations and the special requirements of developing countries. Importantly, the model in the Appendix provides a checklist of supporting actions that Pacific Island States should take in developing and implementing their NPOAs-IUU. |
© FAO 2005
1.1 Purpose
1.2 FAO International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
1.3 Definition of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing
1.4 Why is IUU fishing a problem?
1.5 Fisheries profile1.5.1.1 The subsistence fishery Coastal commercial fishery The industrial fishery1.5.2.1 Economic role of the fishing industry Economic policy objectives of the Government for the fisheries sector Development prospects1.5.3.1 Coastal commercial fisheries Industrial fisheries1.5.4 The Fisheries Management Act
1.5.5 Research and training
1.5.6 Development assistance
1.5.7 International and regional law and relations1.5.7.1 Treaties and agreements Membership of regional fishery bodies
2.1 International instruments
2.2 National legislation2.2.1 Legislation
2.2.2 State control over nationals
2.2.3 Vessels without nationality
2.2.4 Sanctions
2.2.5 Non-cooperating States
2.2.6 Economic incentives
2.2.7 Monitoring, control and surveillance
2.2.8 Cooperation between States
2.2.9 Publicity
3.1 Fishing vessel registration
3.2 Record of fishing vessels
3.3 Authorization to fish
3.4 Measures to control transport and re-supply vessels
5.1 Advance notice of access
5.2 Denial of access
5.3 Authorized ports
5.4 Evidence indicating IUU fishing
5.5 Cooperation with port States and through RFMOs
6.1.1 Catch documentation schemes
6.1.2 Transparency of markets
6.1.3 Information dissemination
7.1 Party compliance
7.2 Non-party compliance
7.3 Innovation
7.4 Inclusion of non-contracting parties