Environmental Impact Assessment of Livestock Production in Grassland and Mixed Rainfed Systems in Temperate Zones and Grassland and Mixed-Rainfed Systems in Humid and Subhumid Tropic and Subtropic Zones (Except Africa)
Volume I - Executive Summary, Delineation of Zones-Production Systems and Appendix

By: J. Richard Conner
Wayne T. Hamilton
Urs P. Kreuter
Dennis P. Sheehy
James R. Simpson
Jerry W. Stuth

for: Grazingland Management Systems Inc.
3512 Spring Lane
Bryan, Texas 77802
August, 1996

    Table of Contents

Study Coordinators:

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
United States Agency for International Development
and World Bank

Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative

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Table of Contents


I. Executive Summary and Delineation of Agroecological Zones, Livestock Systems, and Countries

1. Executive Summary
2. Delineation of Agroecological Zones, Livestock Systems, and Countries

2.1 Background and Rationale
2.2 Assignment of Primary Characteristics
2.3 Assignment of Secondary Characteristics

3. References
