5. In accordance with Rule IV.5 of the Rules of Procedure, the Chairperson reported to the Commission on the outcome of the 53rd and 54th Sessions of the Executive Committee, as follows.
6. The 53rd Session of the Executive Committee had considered strategic and managerial matters; budgetary, planning and programming matters, including cost savings measures; priority setting for the provision of scientific advice; matters related to the FAO/WHO Trust Fund; and matters referred from Codex Committees and Task Forces.
7. The 54th Session of the Executive Committee had noted that the budgetary and financial situation had improved since the 53rd Session and had considered the need for further cost savings measures, and it had been informed about the operation of the FAO/WHO Trust Fund on Enhanced Participation in Codex. The Executive Committee had considered and provided advice to the Commission on the following matters: proposals for new work, including the possible future work for the Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology and the Task Force on Animal Feeding; proposals for discontinuation of work; matters referred from Codex Committees and Task Forces; cooperation with international organizations; and matters related to scientific advice.
8. The Commission noted that many of the recommendations of the Executive Committee would be considered by the Commission under the relevant agenda items.
[2] ALINORM 04/27/3; ALINORM
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