Capture-based aquaculture

FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 508

Capture-based aquaculture
Global overview

Edited by

Alessandro Lovatelli
Fishery Resources Officer (Aquaculture)
Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Rome, Italy

Paul F. Holthus
FAO Consultant
Honolulu, Hawaii
United States of America

Rome, 2008

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© FAO 2008

Lovatelli, A.; Holthus, P.F. (eds)
Capture-based aquaculture. Global overview.
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 508. Rome, FAO. 2008. 298 p.


Aquaculture is a diverse and multibillion dollar economic sector that uses various strategies for fish production. The harvesting of wild individuals from very early stages in the life cycle to large mature adults for on-growing under confined and controlled conditions is one of these strategies. This system, referred to as capture-based aquaculture, is practised throughout the world using a variety of marine and freshwater species with important environmental, social and economic implications. The need to evaluate the sustainability of this farming practice in light of its economic viability, the wise use of natural resources and socio-environmental impacts as a whole has been extensively discussed at national, regional and international levels.

In 2004, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a project entitled “Towards sustainable aquaculture – selected issues and guidelines” funded by the Government of Japan which included a thematic component on the use of wild fish and fishery resources for aquaculture production. The objective is to produce a set of technical guidelines that would assist policy-makers in developing informed and appropriate capture-based aquaculture regulations that would take into account the use and conservation of the aquatic resources exploited.

This publication contains technical information prepared in support of and background material for the “FAO international workshop on technical guidelines for the responsible use of wild fish and fishery resources for capture-based aquaculture production” held in Viet Nam in October 2007. The first draft of the technical guidelines on capture-based aquaculture was produced during this meeting. This publication contains two parts. Part 1 consists of two reviews on (a) environmental and biodiversity and (b) social and economic impacts of capture-based aquaculture and Part 2 consists of eleven species review papers. Both marine and freshwater examples have been reviewed and include finfish (mullet, bluefin tuna, European eel, cod, grouper, yellowtail, Clarias catfish, Indian major carps, and snakehead and Pangasiid catfish), crustaceans (mud crab) and molluscs (oyster).


Preparation of this document (Download 688 kb)
Abbreviations and acronyms


PART 1 - REVIEW PAPERS (Download 374 kb)

Environmental and biodiversity impacts of capture-based aquaculture
  Yvonne Sadovy de Mitcheson and Min Liu

Social and economic impacts of capture-based aquaculture
  Robert Pomeroy


Capture-based aquaculture of Pangasiid catfishes and snakeheads
in the Mekong River Basin
 (Download 490 kb)
  Anders Poulsen, Don Griffiths, So Nam and Nguyen Thanh Tung

Capture-based aquaculture of Clarias catfish: case study of the Santchou
fishers in western Cameroon
 (Download 514 kb)
  Victor Pouomogne

Capture-based aquaculture of mullets in Egypt (Download 723 kb)
  Magdy Saleh

Capture-based aquaculture of wild-caught Indian major carps in the
Ganges Region of Bangladesh
 (Download 531 kb)
  Mhd Mokhlesur Rahman

Capture-based aquaculture of the wild European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
(Download 692 kb - 516 kb)
  Thomas Nielsen and Patrick Prouzet

Capture-based aquaculture of bluefin tuna (Download 648 kb)
  Francesca Ottolenghi

Capture-based aquaculture of cod (Download 689 kb)
  Bent Magne Dreyer, Bjørg Helen Nøstvold, Kjell Øyvind Midling and Øystein Hermansen

Capture-based aquaculture of yellowtail (Download 573 kb)
  Makoto Nakada

Capture-based aquaculture of groupers (Download 771 kb - 687 kb)
  Mark Tupper and Natasja Sheriff

Capture-based aquaculture of mud crabs (Scylla spp.) (Download 580 kb)
  Colin Shelley

Oyster capture-based aquaculture in the Republic of Korea
(Download 991 kb - 884 kb)
  Kwang-Sik Choi

ANNEXES (Download 580 kb)

Annex 1 – Workshop agenda
Annex 2 – List of participants
Annex 3 – Expert profile
Annex 4 – Experts group photograph