General documentation on food security and information systems
Publisher |
Author |
Title |
Year |
L.V. Crowder, W.I. Lindley, W.Truelove, J.P.Ilboudo, R.Del Castillo |
Knowledge and Information for Food Security in Africa: from Traditional Media to Internet |
1998 |
FAO/ Univ.of Guelph |
D. Richarson & L. Pisley |
The First Mile of Connectivity- Advancing Telecommunications for Rural Development Through a Participatory Communication Approach |
1998 |
C.Fraser, J.Villet |
Communication: a Key for Human Development |
1994 |
Food policy 19 |
V.J.Quinn, E.Kennedy |
Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring Systems in Africa: a Review of Country Experiences and Lessons Learned |
1994 |
- Note de méthodologie générale sur l'analyse de filière: utilisation de l'analyse de filière pour l'analyse économique des politiques |
1993 |
- Analyse de filière: application à l'analyse d'une filière d'exportation |
1993 |
World Agriculture: Toward 2010 |
1995 | |
CFS/99/inf6 document |
Report on Work in Progress for the Identification of Vulnerable Groups |
1999 |
CFS/98/4 document |
Report on the Development of Food Information and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS) |
1998 |
CFS/98/5 document |
Guidelines for National Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS): Background and Principles |
1998 |
G. Blau, m. Ezekiel, B.R.Sen |
Food Aid for Development |
1985 |
in Cahier des sciences humaines N°27 |
La sécurité alimentaire à l'heure du néo-libéralisme |
1991 |
FAO projet SNAR |
J.Tedou, P.Backiny & A.Hakoua |
Détermination des groupes à risques en matière de sécurité alimentaire, en zone urbaine, au Cameroun |
1997 |
Doc."Participation populaire"N°9 |
Participation and Exclusion Risks: Remarks on a Few Examples from the Sahel |
1995 |
University of Louvain |
E.Tollens,Beerlandt, J.Serneels |
Manual for a Food Security Diagnosis |
1996 |
Solagral |
Dossiers Pédagogiques |
Vers un monde sans faim ? Les enjeux de la sécurité alimentaire: 14 fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre. |
1996 |
Solagral |
Le Courrier de la Planète |
La sécurité alimentaire à long terme |
1996 |
WFS document |
World Food Summit - Rome Declaration on World Food Security and WFS Plan of Action |
1996 |
WFS document |
World Food Summit - Synthesis of Background Documents |
1996 |
FAO Policy and Strategy for Cooperation with NGO/CSOs |
1999 | |
Relief and Dev. Inst., London |
J.Borton, J.Shoham |
Mapping Vulnerability to Food Insecurity: Tentative Guidelines for WFP Country Offices, |
1991 |
B. Flamm |
Zambian V.A.M. Project. Analyses of Normal and Current Food Security Conditions |
1996 |
WFP/Dakar |
La structure de la vulnérabilité - Analyse préliminaire |
1996 | |
WFP/Lilongwe |
E.Weiss, L.Moriniere |
Generalized Methodology for the Targetting of Interventions |
1997 |
VAM Analysis- Example of Three Methods Towards Geographic Targeting for Disaster Mitigation |
1999 | |
Cambodia - Poverty Mapping Exercise |
1996 | |
Club du Sahel/OECD |
J.Egg, J.J. Gabas |
La prévention des crises alimentaires au Sahel |
1997 |
Club du Sahel/CILSS |
Several authors |
Les systèmes d'information sur la sécurité alimentaire dans le Sahel |
1999 |
Guidelines for Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions |
1996 | |
GIEWS publications: |
5 /yr | |
Monthly FEWS bulletins |
Monitoring agricultural production and harvest forecasts
Publisher |
Author |
Title |
Year |
Bacci |
Utilisation des modèles de production dans les stratégies agrométeorologiques pour la culture du mil |
1994 |
FAO agrometeo paper N°12 |
P.Bogaert, P.Mahau & F.Beckers |
The Spacialinterpolation of Agroclimatic Data. Co-kriging software and source code |
1995 |
Envir.& quality of life series (Luxembourg) |
J.F Dallemand, P.Vossen editors |
Agrometerological Models: Theory and Applications in MARS Project - CEC JRC & Phare, EUR 16008 |
1995 |
CESIA & CNR/IATA Florence (It) |
C di Chiara, M.Montanelli, M.Daouda, M.Labo |
Manuel de suivi de la campagne agricole et alerte précoce au Niger |
1995 |
Geo-EAS 121 Las vegas |
E. Englund, A Sparks |
Geostatistical Environment Assessment Software |
1991 |
Yield Forecasting, |
1995 | |
M.Smith |
Revision of FAO Methodologies for Crop Water Requirements. Report on the Expert Consultation in Rome (May 90) |
1991 |
FAO agrometeo. paper N° 13 |
Coordination and Harmonisation of Databases and Software for Agroclimatic Applications. Proc. of an Expert Consultation, FAO, Dec 93 |
1995 | |
FAO agrometeo. paper N° |
FAOCLIM: CD-Rom with world-wide agroclimatic data. |
1995 | |
Manual for IDA v4.2, package for display and analysis of satellite information (manual & diskette) |
1996 | |
FAO Plant prod.& protec-tion paper N°73 |
M.Frere, GF Popov |
Early Agrometeorological Crop Yield Forecasting |
1986 |
FAO Agrometeo paper N° 8 |
R.Gommes, L.See |
Agrometeorological Crop Forecasting Tools FAOMET |
1993 |
R.Gommes |
A Note on FAO Early Warning Software |
1995 |
R.Gommes |
Objectifs et cadre opérationnel et institutionnel des systèmes d'alerte precoce et de suivi de l'environnement -Suivi des cultures et prévision des récoltes- application agrométéorologiques et standardisation des logiciels in Notes de la conférence de Niamey (Nov 94) |
1996 |
Official publications of EU |
R.Gommes |
The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques in Agricultural Meteorology Practice: Proceedings of the Consultation,Sept 95 (Budapest) |
1996 |
Official publications of EU |
R.Gommes, FL Snijders, J.Q. Rijks |
The FAO Crop Forecasting Philosophy in National Food Security Warning Systems |
1996 |
S.Griguolo, M.Mazzanti |
Pixel by Pixel Classification for Zoning and Monitoring (doc + two diskettes) |
1996 |
FAO-AGR remote sensing center |
J.U.Hielkema, F.Snijders |
Operational Use of Environmental Satellite Remote Sensing and Satellite Comunications Technology for Global Food Security and Locust Control by FAO: the ARTEMIS & DIANA Systems |
1993 |
FAO agrometeo paper N° 4 |
P.Hoefdloot |
Programme for Input and Analysis of Agrometeorological Data (doc + diskette) |
1993 |
CNR-IATA & CeSIA (Italy) |
G.Maracchi, L.Fibbi, M.Brindi |
A Guide to Data and Software Sources for Applied Climatology |
1996 |
H.Pfeiffer |
Volet prevision des récoltes pour le SNAR au Cameroun meridional - Rapport de mission |
1997 |
H.Pfeiffer |
Volet suivi de la production agricole et prevision des récoltes SISAAR Tchad- Rapport de mission |
1998 |
D.Sims, P.Diemer; U.Woods-schra |
ECOTROP the Adaptability Level of the FAO Crop Environemental Requirements Database (doc + two diskettes) |
1994 |
F.L.Snidjers |
The FAO-Artemis Programme for Operational Production and Calibration of Satellite Based Rainfall Estimates over Africa. Paper presented at the International Workshop on "rainfall estimation by satellite" Niger april 1992 |
1992 |
F.L.Snidjers |
Artemis and the Outside orld.File Formats and Naming Conventions |
1995 |
FAO-agrometeo paper N°10 |
H.Velthuizen, L.Verelst, P.Santacroce |
Crop Production System Zones of the IGADD Subregion. (one A0 sized map and one diskette) |
1995 |
Monitoring the marketing of staple food products and harvest forecasting
Publisher |
Author/Ref. |
Title |
Year |
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin N°125 |
Andrew W.Shepherd |
Market Information Services: Theory and Practice |
1998 |
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin N°76 |
Horticultural Marketing: a Resource and Training Manual for Extension Officers |
1990 | |
Agricultural Ministry of Zambia |
Market Liberalization Impact Study: The Agricultural Market Information System in Zambia |
1995 | |
FAO Agri/ Services Bulletin 126 |
John Lynton-Evans |
Strategic Grain Reserves - Guidelines for their Establishment, Management and Operation |
1997 |
FAO AGSM Occasional Paper No. 8 |
Andrew W.Shepherd & Alexander Schalke |
The Indonesian Horticultural Market Information Service |
1995 |
FAO Bulletin des services agricoles N°57 |
B.Schubert et al |
Market Information Services |
1983 |
Monitoring nutrition and vulnerable groups
Publisher |
Author |
Title |
Year |
J.Mason, JP. Habicht, H. Tabatabai et V. Valverde |
Nutritional Surveillance |
1984 |
Food & nutrition BulletinVol 16 |
Special Edition "Surveillance for Action towards Better Nutrition". |
1995 | |
Food Policy vol.19, no.3 |
V. Quinn, E.Kennedy |
Special Edition "Household Food Security and Nutrition ùonitoring: the African Experience". |
1994 |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol.65, sup. 202S |
N.W. Jerome, J.A. Ricci |
"Food and Nutrition Surveillance: an International Review" |
1997 |
Eur J Clin Nutr N° 48 |
M.Lawrence, T.Yimer, J.K.Odea |
Nutritional Status and Early Warning of Mortality in Southern Ethiopia 1988.1991 |
1994 |
FAO Food & nutrition bul. N°16 |
Special Edition "Surveillance for Action Towards Better Nutrition" |
1995 | |
Save the Children WPN°8 |
R.Lambert |
Monitoring Food Security and Coping Strategies, Lessons Learned from the SADS Project, Mopti Mali |
1994 |
IFAP (Int. Fed. of Agri. producers) |
Pauvreté rurale et développement durable |
1998 | |
Dynamique de la pauvreté rurale |
1987 | |
document |
Information Note on Estimation of the Number of Undernourished |
1998 |
Forum for Development Studies |
Nyborg I., Haug R. |
Measuring Household Food Security: a Participatory Approach |
1995 |