Comparative assessment of the Methods for meaningful comparisons FAO/WFT Expert Workshop Edited by |
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ISBN 978-92-5-105863-3
ISSN 1813-3940
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Bartley, D.M.; Brugère, C.; Soto, D.; Gerber, P.; Harvey, B.(eds). ABSTRACT The global food production sector is growing. In many areas farming systems are
intensifying. This rapid growth has in some cases caused environmental damage.
In acknowledgement of the potential for adverse environmental impacts from food
production, the first session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries’ Sub-Committee on
Aquaculture recommended “undertaking comparative analyses on the environmental
cost of aquatic food production in relation to other terrestrial food production sectors”.
These proceedings include review papers describing methods for such comparisons
as well as the deliberations of their authors, a group of international experts on
environmental economics, energy accounting, material and environmental flows
analysis, aquaculture, agriculture and international development discussed during the
FAO/WFT Expert Workshop on Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs
of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Sectors, held in Vancouver, Canada, from
24 to 28 April 2006. |
©FAO 2007
The need for a level playing fieldA potential role for FAO References
Is there overregulation of aquaculture?
Effects of economic and technological growth and public perception
The need for communication
Comparison of the existing methods for assessing environmental costs
of food production
Identifying the most important impacts
Kind and magnitude of environmental cost
Choosing units for comparison
Trade offs and fair comparisons
Information and communication needs