CL 120/10-Sup.2-Rev.1 (Trilingual)
Hundred and Twentieth
Cent vingtième session
120o período de sesiones
Rome, 18 - 23 June 2001
Rome, 18 - 23 juin 2001
Roma, 18 - 23 de junio de 2001
27th Session of the
Committee on World Food Security
Written Contributions from Members for Elements
to be Included in the Draft Resolution for the
World Food Summit: five years later
27ème Session du Comité de
la Sécurité Alimentaire Mondiale
Contributions écrites des Membres concernant des éléments à inclure dans le projet de
résolution à soumettre au Sommet mondial de l'alimentation:
cinq ans après
27o período de
sesiones del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial
Aportaciones de los Miembros por escrito sobre elementos del Proyecto de Resolución para
la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación:
cinco años después
Parameters of a Draft Resolution of the
1. For the consideration of the Bureau, I wish to submit the following
parameters for the proposed Draft resolution. I purposely call it parameters and not
elements. This is because the elements are more precise than the broad parameters.
Moreover, the elements constitute the ingredients of the Draft resolution which ought to
be decided through negotiations. As stated by the Chairman and raised by several delegates
the Bureau has not been given the authority of negotiation.
2. The broad parameters of the Resolution could be as follows:
- A resolution that is well focused with a maximum of two pages, if possible;
- A Resolution that does not antagonize the OECD Group or the G77 but which invites them
for a common cause. This point is absolutely essential. The chances of any success demands
that the Resolution is a product with additive value for both the G77 and the OECD Group
and not a zero sum;
- A Resolution that heightens the inherent twinning between food security and poverty
reduction in general, and of rural poverty in particular;
- A Resolution that calls for renewed policy initiatives at the national level closely
linked to the implementation process of the 1996 Plan of Action and with greater emphasis
on peoples participation and the empowerment of the underprivileged;
- A Resolution that gives specific attention to the plight of the LDCs and LIFDCs in
improving their food security;
- A Resolution that focuses on future policy directions/initiatives concerning national
and international resource mobilization for the improvement of food security in the
developing countries;
- A Resolution that proposes guidelines and not give guidance, to regional and
international financing institutions and the private sector in energizing their lending
programmes in support of eradicating hunger and rural poverty in the developing countries;
- A Resolution that provides additional extra-budgetary resources to FAO to enhance its
field activities in the area of food security, particularly capacity building in the LDCs
and LIFDCs and further promoting the South-South Programme;
- A Resolution that links up with other important international declarations and with the
most relevant activities of other UN agencies in the area of food security;
- A Resolution that is attuned to cooperative action involving many stakeholders.
Elements for Consideration in the Draft
Resolution for Heads of State at the WFS:fyl
- Noting that the fight against poverty begins with the fight against hunger, we call upon
the developing countries to increase their budget allocation to agricultural and rural
- Aware of the debt burden on developing countries and the increased demand of resources
for food security (agriculture and rural development), call upon the developed countries
to implement the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and linking this with
investments aimed at aspects of food security.
- Calling upon developed countries to raise ODA allocations towards the 0.7% of (GDP as
- Calling upon developed countries to open their markets in the prospects in expanding
markets for developing countries.
- Call upon International Financial Institutions to invest heavily in agricultural and
rural development of developing countries.
- Aware of the consequences of war and civil strife on agricultural production in the
developing countries we call upon the international communities to assist resolve the
- Noting with concern the incidence of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis in developing
countries, encourage the developed countries to support the Abuja HIV/AIDS initiative.
- Stress the importance of technology transfer, information sharing and capacity building
as crucial to achieving the WFS PoA goals.
3. Other suggestions from the Group are that the resolution should
start by addressing mainly the constraints of not achieving the goals of the SUMMIT e.g.
- Lack of governance
- Natural disasters e.g. drought, floods, cyclone etc.
- Civil Strife
- Conflict
- Low budgets to agriculture
- Insufficient international assistance to agriculture
4. We the Heads of States and Governments re-affirm our commitment to
meet the goal set out in the 1996 Rome Declaration of reducing the undernourished by half
That a Trust Fund be established from which various agricultural and development projects
geared towards the achievement of food security could be funded.
Observations de la Sous-Région Afrique de
l'Ouest sur le projet de Déclaration
I: Sur la forme:
- Le texte de la future déclaration doit revêtir la même forme que celui de 1996.
- Tel que proposé le texte paraît trop long.
- Le paragraphe TX serait mieux localisé après le para. XV.
- Le para. 9 du dispositif pourrait être transféré après le para. 15.
II: Sur le fond:
- Nécessité d'établir un lien évident entre les échecs du Plan d'Action du SMA de
1996 et la déclaration du SMA:caa.
- Des engagements ont été pris lors du SMA. Cependant, leur application s'est avéré un
échec. II faut par conséquent répondre à la question de savoir comment engager
davantage les Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement pour qu'ils soient résolus à redresser la
- Au cours des négociations le Groupe Africain se doit d'insister afin d'obtenir au moins
les trois points ci-après:
- La réaffirmation du droit à l'alimentation comme droit fondamental de l'homme. Le
dispositif de la déclaration doit commencer par cette réaffirmation tout en soulignant
qu'on ne peut pas vouloir attaquer la pauvreté rurale sans commencer par combattre la
faim. La priorité doit être accordée au combat contre la faim dans le cadre de la lutte
contre la pauvreté.
- Obtenir l'engagement de tous les acteurs (pays développés, pays en voie de
développement, institutions financières internationales) à augmenter le niveau des
ressources investies dans 1'agriculture.
- L'établissement du fonds fiduciaire afin de permettre à la FAO de mener à bien les
taches qui lui incombent.
Para. VII: |
Ce paragraphe suscite des doutes. La question est de savoir
si c'est la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté qui engendrent les conflits et les
guerres ou l'inverse. Ce paragraphe doit être reformulé en disant que les conflits et
les guerres engendrent la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté. |
Para. XXI : |
Une référence doit être faite aux difficultés ainsi
qu'aux inégalités que suscite le commerce international. |
Para. 9 du dispositif : |
Il convient de bien définir ce qu'on entend par
"dimensions éthiques". |
Para 29 : |
Il doit être renforcé en encourageant la FAO à intégrer
un volet "Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans la formulation de ses projets. Inciter les
industries pharmaceutiques à permettre un accès plus facile aux médicaments contre le
- La déclaration doit également faire ressortir la nécessité de lutte
- contre la désertification.
- La question de la dette doit être soulevée.
Para III : |
ajouter "Lutte contre la pauvreté" après
sécurité alimentaire. |
Para VI : |
ajouter le membre de phrase "et favorisent la
prolifération et la circulation d'armes légères" après "munitions". |
3ème ligne : |
"ajouter "de manière appropriée" après
- compléter le paragraphe en ajoutant à la fin le membre de phrase "et d'interdire
l'utilisation de pesticides dangereux pour l'homme et l'animal".
Para. XXIII : |
ajouter "de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture"
après ressources génétiques. |
Para 6 : |
ajouter "et leurs conséquences" à la fin du
paragraphe ajouter "les petits Etats Insulaires en développement" à la 3ème
ligne après vivrier. |
5. S'agissant du projet de résolution destiné au SMA:caa, il est à
notre avis [nécessaire]
- de souligner que l'accélération et l'amplification des mécanismes actuels
d'élimination du fardeau excessif de la dette extérieure des pays les plus pauvres et
leur extension aux pays à revenus dits intermédiaires fortement endettés
- de traiter des actions concrètes entre les Etats, l'industrie pharmaceutique
internationale, le secteur associatif et les firmes multinationales, pour rendre les
médicaments accessibles aux populations africaines notamment à faible revenu et
affectées par les pandémies telles que le SIDA; aussi
- favoriser un accès des produits du Sud aux marchés des pays du Nord, et de faciliter
le transfert de technologies et de réexaminer les nouvelles initiatives protectionnistes;
- la promotion de la recherche agronomique afin d'accroître la productivité.
6. In addition to the reconfirmation of the commitments already
assumed, in the debate and the final document of the Summit we will be looking forward to
the following essential elements that could represent the concerted high-level political
impetus to timely achieve the goals of the World Food Summit Plan of Action:
7. In the first place, the need to reach a concerted understanding and
agreement that the fight against poverty begins with eradicating hunger, the primary
responsibility for which lies with national governments and policies. The role of the
external factor, in all its variety, is only of complementary character, no matter how
important that be. Therefore, there is the need to rethink at the national and
international level the whole concept of the economic and social function of the State
under the conditions of the global problems of today. We hope that the two panel
discussions to be held in the process of preparing the Summit would contribute to that
end. The Summit itself could encourage the implementation of type-specific programs for
eradicating hunger by mobilizing national, bilateral and/or multilateral resources
depending on the specific cases that demand differentiated approaches. It could stress the
need to focus these programs on fighting hunger in the rural areas through special
measures for agriculture and rural development.
8. We will be looking forward to see as a second focal point of the
Summit and the Final Declaration the need to elaborate and implement policies at the
national level that would more effectively and timely create political, economic and legal
environment conducive to enhancing resources for sustainable agriculture and rural
development in the context of broader economic growth policies. Here the Summit and the
Final Declaration could also confirm the catalytic role of the bilateral and multilateral
assistance for development and the need to continue the concerted efforts to make it more
efficient and thus revert the negative tendencies of the recent past that are a valid
cause for concern.
9. In the third place we would be looking forward to see the renewal of
the common and sincere commitment to raise the standing and more effectively use the
unique instrument that we all have in behalf of FAO and to support the consolidation of
its activities. Taken the pivotal and, in the present context, crucial role of the new
technologies, at the Summit we would also be looking forward to an appreciation of the
initiative of G-8 countries to consider at the Summit in Genoa next July the launching of
two new facilities, namely: a Global Research and Development Fund and a New Trust Fund
for Health, that comprise, as they are presented at this moment, components directly
linked to agriculture and rural development.
Elements for inclusion into the Final
Declaration of the WFS:fyl Conference
To be included into the preamble:
"Recognizing the difficulties faced by the countries with economies in transition
conducting market-oriented reforms and the necessity to enhance their capacity to address
their food security needs, and to utilize effectively the benefits and mitigate the
negative implications of globalization,"
To be included into the operational part:
"Calls upon the international community to continue assistance to the countries
with economies in transition with a view of sustaining positive trends in their economic
and social development, also in regard to attaining the objectives set by the World Food
WFS:fyl:Elements of a Resolution
10. This is a contribution by the European Union for the elements of
the draft resolution to be assembled by the CFS Bureau. Further contributions will be made
depending on developments. The italic text in brackets is not text proposals but a
non-exhaustive list of points of clarification.
11. The view of the European Union has been extensively expressed in
its interventions at the 27th Session of the CFS, 28 May -1 June 2001, and in a
first discussion paper (annexed) of 30 January 2001.
12. The European Union believes that the Resolution to be adopted at
the FAO Conference in November 2001 must be a renewed support to the commitment and the
goals of the World Food Summit, and its Plan of Action. The European Union attaches great
importance to the UN Conferences, that have taken place since the WFS 1996, especially the
Millennium Summit of the UN.
13. The European Union believes that the resolution must be clear,
short, focussed and balanced.
14. The European Union considers that to achieve greater progress in
reducing hunger, special emphasis is needed in the following priority areas:
- Strengthen good governance in developing countries and prevent/mitigate
situations of chronic political instability (e.g. conflict - actual or
threatened - in much of sub-Saharan Africa).
- Make more effective use of resources for poverty reduction and combatting hunger
though, among others, a more appropriate level of investment in rural areas and in
particular in agriculture and in rural development (relates both to donors and national
governments). Press forward with debt relief and improve analysis of poverty
vulnerability and food insecurity (e.g. strengthen national vulnerability
information systems).
- Foster pro-poor markets at national level and strengthen efforts to ensure a fair
international trade environment.
- Strengthen partnerships between actors at all levels (actors are public,
private, national, local and international; examples of partnerships are country-owned
strategies for poverty reduction and collaborations to develop technology and agricultural
- Strengthen direct action to mitigate hunger in the short term (move beyond a
narrow focus on food aid. re-think approaches to people living with HIV/AIDS).
- Encourage provision of global public goods in support of poverty elimination (e.g.
capacity building for international trade negotiations; code of conduct on responsible
15. Excerpt from a First Discussion paper from the Presidency of the
European Union on behalf of the European Community and its Member States on:
"Progress in the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action Five
years after the Summit" (30 January 2001)
... a short and clear resolution, focussing on:
- reaffirming once more the agreement from 1996;
- putting it into the context of the international developments since then, not least the
Millennium Summit, while stressing the need for FAO to support an integrated follow-up of
the UN major Conferences and the international sustainable development goals and the fight
against poverty;
- underlining the strong commitment and the importance of vigorously implementing the Plan
of Action;
- recall that the Rome declaration underlines the national responsibility for success, as
set out in the World Food Summit Plan of Action;
- reaffirming the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food, consistent
with the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from
- pledging to intensify the efforts towards fulfilling all the seven commitments of the
World Food Summit, an important part of which will be learning from each other and sharing
experiences; and
- highlighting the positive impact of conflict resolution, of good governance, of respect
for human rights, of rule of law, as conditions for food security.
16. Nous souhaitons également mentionner que les effets du SIDA et
d'autres maladies endémiques soient prises en considération et que la mobilisation des
ressources au niveau de l'aide internationale comporte une mobilisation des industries
pharmaceutiques en faveur des pays touchés par ces maladies dévastatrices.
17. Un projet de résolution ne devrait pas faire l'économie d'une
référence à l'aide internationale dans ce secteur.
18. Enfin, nous appuyons l'idée de la mise en place d'un fond
fiduciaire destiné à renforcer la sécurité alimentaire.
Declaración de Venezuela en nombre del
Grupo de América Latina y el Caribe
19. Toda vez que el hambre crónica es, en igual medida causa y efecto
de la pobreza, el GRULAC está convencido que cualquier resolución que adopten nuestros
jefes de estado y de gobierno debe partir del compromiso que la lucha contra la pobreza
empieza con la lucha contra el hambre.
20. Luego de evaluar el documento CFS: 2001/inf.6, el GRULAC desea
hacer algunos comentarios específicos sobre temas que deben considerarse en la Cumbre
más cinco y que constituyen las propuestas preliminares que presenta el GRULAC para que
sean incorporados como elementos adicionales del proyecto de resolución:
- Los ejes que propone la FAO como punto de partida para diseñar programas nacionales
mejorados sobre seguridad alimentaria, establecer responsabilidades institucionales y
forjar asociaciones, son útiles en la medida que se apliquen con flexibilidad, de acuerdo
con cada realidad. La FAO puede cumplir un papel orientador en esta materia.
- Concomitantemente, para un resultado exitoso, se requiere que lo mismo ocurra a nivel
mundial. En vista de que la erradicación del hambre constituye en si mismo un objetivo de
desarrollo internacional, consideramos que debe ser incluido expresamente en las
estrategias y los mecanismos de reducción de la pobreza de los organismos de cooperación
internacional y de las instituciones financieras internacionales.
- La asistencia alimentaria para el desarrollo cumple un papel fundamental en las
estrategias nacionales de lucha contra el hambre en nuestra región y, por ende,
consideramos que se deben realizar mayores esfuerzos para incrementarla, evitando, sin
embargo, que la misma sea utilizada como justificativo para ubicar los excedentes
existentes en los países que subsidian.
- Apoyamos la elaboración del código internacional de conducta sobre el derecho a la
alimentación, siempre y cuando se refiera al acceso a los alimentos, en la medida que
así se alentaran los esfuerzos nacionales e internacionales para generar un mayor y mejor
acceso a alimentos suficientes, adecuados e inocuos. Igualmente es importante porque
generará mecanismos que promoverán el goce efectivo del derecho a la alimentación.
- Debemos examinar la idoneidad de los mecanismos vigentes para la cooperación
internacional, haciendo énfasis prioritariamente en la capacidad que estos tienen para
prevenir y predecir las crisis, así como para promover mecanismos de reacción rápida.
- Se requiere diseñar una estrategia más efectiva de comunicaciones para sensibilizar a
la opinión pública internacional sobre el flagelo del hambre. La FAO debe cumplir una
función primordial en esta materia.
21. El GRULAC considera esencial que los siguientes elementos sean
tomados en cuenta en la elaboración del proyecto de resolución pues ellos representan la
voluntad de movilizar recursos financieros, acordes con los objetivos del Plan de Acción
de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación:
- Adoptar el firme compromiso de revertir la tendencia radical a la baja de los recursos
financieros dirigidos a la agricultura, tanto a nivel multilateral como bilateral, durante
los últimos años, afectando adversamente el desarrollo rural sostenible. Como
ciertamente esta tendencia también se ha podido constatar a nivel de algunos de nuestros
países, es necesario también adoptar las correspondientes medidas internas para dar
preferencia al desarrollo del agro.
- Se debe crear, con base a contribuciones voluntarias, un fondo fiduciario en la FAO, que
contribuya, entre otras cosas, a la formulación de proyectos con los cuales los países
en desarrollo puedan acceder mas fácilmente a los recursos financieros multilaterales y
22. La liberalización del comercio es un aspecto prioritario para el
logro de la equidad. El libre acceso a los mercados, la eliminación de los subsidios y de
las medidas discriminatorios, arancelarias y pararancelarias, son indispensables para
evitar la distorsión de los precios internacionales que afectan directamente las
decisiones relativas a las inversiones, los metodos de producción, el comercio y el
23. En ese sentido, para America Latina y el Caribe es necesario que se
respeten prácticas justas de comercio, sobre todo del agrícola, que nos permitan
competir en igualdad de condiciones y, de esa manera, favorecer también la obtención de
mayores recursos para enfrentar la inseguridad alimentaria y, en general, el desarrollo de
los países.
24. Al mismo tiempo, es conveniente una efectiva aplicación del trato
especial y diferenciado a los países en desarrollo, importadores netos de alimentos, en
el marco de los acuerdos establecidos por la Organización Mundial del Comercio.
25. Nos preocupa que en la aplicación del listado PBIDA se venga
excluyendo a países recipiendarios de recursos de la asistencia adecuada a sus realidades
internas. Estas exclusiones se deben a que el citado listado determina el criterio de
asistencia de los donantes a nivel bilateral y multilateral. el GRULAC solicita a la FAO
que en consulta con los Estados Miembros, rectifique los criterios de clasificación de
este tipo de listas e incorpore el criterio de seguridad alimentaria en el interior de
cada país para formularlas. Estamos convencidos de que los índices actuales proyectan
una visión parcial y superficial de los países, al no incluirse ni el análisis, el
estado de seguridad alimentaria de la población, ni la situación de las personas que se
encuentran por debajo del nivel de pobreza.
26. Los alimentos no deben utilizarse como instrumento de presión
política y económica y por ello rechazamos que se sigan utilizando con ese propósito.
Reafirmamos la importancia de la cooperación y la solidaridad internacionales, así como,
la necesidad de abstenerse de aplicar medidas unilaterales que no estén en consonancia
con el derecho internacional y con la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y pongan en peligro la
seguridad alimentaria.
27. América Latina y el Caribe se encuentra muy preocupada por el
impacto de los conflictos y del problema mundial de las drogas en la seguridad alimentaria
mundial y en el desarrollo del sector rural y ambiental.
28. El proceso de sustitución de cultivos requiere con urgencia de
sostenibilidad económica y social, así como de la instrumentación de un esquema para
canalizar recursos a proyectos integrales que otorguen valor agregado a las cadenas
productivas, de tal forma que los campesinos de las naciones afectadas puedan obtener
ingresos justos por el cultivo de productos legales. La responsabilidad compartida y el
enfoque integral y equilibrado sobre este problema debe reflejarse a través de una mayor
cooperación hacia los programas de desarrollo alternativo, así como mediante un acceso
facilitado de los productos sustitutivos a los mercados internacionales. En este contexto,
es importante establecer acuerdos para el fomento y la protección de la inversión de
29. De otro lado, es necesario prestar una mayor atencion a las zonas
mas desfavorecidas, en particular a las afectadas o amenazadas por la desertificación o
por particulares condiciones de deterioro ecológico. La protección del medio ambiente y
el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales es también un desafío que implica
responsabilidades comunes pero diferenciadas, así como asistencia a los países en
Decide to:
- Reaffirm the global commitment made at the World Food Summit of 1996 to halve the number
of undernourished by 2015 through the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action;
- Give Priority to the fight against hunger as the principal means to eradicate poverty
- Urge the concerned governments to take the necessary action to ensure that their ODA
reaches the level of 0.7 per cent of GNP, agreed as part of the International Development
Strategy adopted in 1970, from the current level of 0.24 per cent, for the international
financing institutions to reverse the declining trend in their lending to agriculture and
rural development which fell by 37 per cent between the years 1990 and 1999, and for the
developing countries to increase their budgetary allocation to agriculture and rural
development from the current low level of 3.9 per cent for sub-Saharan Africa, 1.1 per
cent for Near East and North Africa, 5.3 per cent for Asia and 1.9 per cent for Latin
America and the Caribbean;
- Call upon the international community to ensure an increase in investment in agriculture
and rural development in developing countries to reach the annual gross level of some
US$180 billion which, according to updated FAO studies, is required to meet the WFS target
in 2015;
- Establish a Trust Fund in FAO to be financed by voluntary contributions, initially for
an amount of US$500 million, to serve as a catalyst for accelerating food production and
improving food access in developing countries.
- Reaffirm the need to abstain from adoption of unilateral measures that are against
international law and the UN charter and put food security at risk.
North American Region Submission for
Elements for a Draft Resolution AMENDED
Political Will
- Recommitment to the Rome Declaration and Program of Action, no renegotiation of any
elements of the declaration.
- Recognition that some valuable progress in enhancing food security globally has been
achieved although much remains to be done, and that factors including economic growth,
market liberalization, policy reforms, and poverty reduction efforts contribute to food
security enhancement along with explicit food security programs.
- Need for recommitment to multi-stakeholder partnership in helping governments implement
their poverty reduction and food security strategies.
- Recognition of the need for an integrated and collaborative approach, incorporating the
respective efforts of the various stakeholders in the international community while
avoiding duplication of effort.
- Recognition of the need for demand-driven approach based on country-owned strategies
including an environment for the eradication of hunger and poverty.
- Need for "enabling environment" for domestic investment (public and private)
and foreign direct investment.
- Recognize the new opportunities that present themselves for funding for agriculture and
hunger reduction, such as through debt relief, PRSPs and the UNDAF programming.
- Take into consideration the new challenges, such as the critical relationship of
fly-AIDS on all aspects of food security;
- Recognition of the continuing critical role of women in all aspects of food security and
the need to increase efforts to provide equal access to land as well as resources,
including inputs, credit, financing and markets; education and training.
- Recognition of the critical role of public and private investments in the agricultural
sector and support for the full spectrum of agricultural and food security research,
including knowledge generation, dissemination and transfer to enhance agricultural
productivity and natural resource management.
Monitoring Progress
- Recognition that monitoring progress needs to take into account activities by other
multilateral and bilateral actors, particularly those aimed at poverty reduction;
- Recognition of need to refine data gathering and improve accountability in reporting.
The Resolution should be short and concise.
Elements from the Norwegian Delegation
30/5/01 on the WFS:fyl Resolution
30. Mr. Chairman, the Resolution should focus on the implementation of
the commitments of the WFS Plan of Action. The Norwegian delegation refer to its earlier
statements which contain our elements for the WFS:fyl resolution, in particular the
following points:
- The right to adequate food as a human right, and the implementation of this right
- Setting the interest of the poor and hungry first
- Access to food for all, in particular for the poorest
- Equality through empowerment of people, both men and women, with specific attention to
the role of women in achieving food security
- Fostering sustainable rural policies, including agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Prevent and mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS through food security policies, programs
and activities.
31. From these two documents and other material before us, we can
identify the elements that we consider as bare minimum to be reflected in the Resolution
to be drafted: These are:
i. A strong reaffirmation of commitment to the Plan of Action and objectives of the
ii. A reaffirmation of commitments to other IDGs and the Millennium Summit Declaration.
iii. A call for including WFS targets as monitorable objectives in the International]
Development Goals.
iv. A call for internalising and integrating the National plans of Action in the
Poverty Reduction strategies being prepared.
v. A pledge to increase public sector investments in agriculture particularly in water
for agriculture and rural development by national governments.
vi. A call to the developed countries to strive to attain an ODA level of O.7% of GNP.
vii. A call to reverse the declining trend in investment in agriculture and rural
development from- bilateral and multilateral assistance.
viii. A call for increased market access for the agricultural produce of the developing
ix. A call for cooperation and partnership among all stakeholders.
32. Mr Chairman, we have been consistently arguing for higher resources
for SPFS. This argument stems from our firm belief that SPFS is useful in contributing to
fight against hunger. In this sense we are open to and support the concept of a trust
fund. However, given the fact that FAO was only able to mobilize over $ 200 million over
five years towards SPFS, the question would arise as to how realistic would be the figure
proposed for the size of the Fund.
33. Should reaffirm commitment to the goals of the World Food Summit
and focus on implementation. It should identify new challenges and new opportunities.
Important elements of the resolution for the United States include:
The primary responsibility for attaining food security rests with
national governments, within the context of a shared responsibility for international
support. This includes developing an enabling environment in all its governance, policy,
and economic aspects and having policies that ensure peace and stability and that protect
and promote human rights. Trade and economic growth are key elements in achieving food
security. The importance of sustainable development of agriculture, forestry, fisheries,
and rural sectors and using natural resources in an economically sound and sustainable
manner. Consideration of the gender, population, and health factors in the food security
equation. The essential role of the private sector.