R.G. Allen
Utah State University
Department of Biological and Irrigation Engineering
Logan, Utah 84322-4105, USA
M.N. Andersen
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science
Department of Soil Science
Research Centre Foulum
P.O. Box 23
DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark
P. Ankum
Delft University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
J.G. Annandale
University of Pretoria
Department of Plant Production and Soil Science
Hatfield 0002
South Africa
P. Augier
Groupement d'Aix-en-Provence
Le Tholonet, B.P. 31
F-13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France
R.J. Bailey
ADAS Gleadthorpe Land Research Centre
Mansfield, Notts. NG20 9PF, UK
D.J. Bandaragoda
International Irrigation Management Institute
Pakistan Division
12 km Multan Road
Chowk Thokar Niaz Balg
Lahore 53700, Pakistan
D. Baudequin
Groupement d'Aix-en-Provence
Le Tholonet, B.P. 31
F-13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1
N. Benadé
Fischer & Associates
P.O. Box 35423
Menlo Park 0102, South Africa
J. Berengena
Junta de Andalucía
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario
Apartado 4240
14080 Córdoba, Spain
N. Bosc
INRA, Centre de Recherches de Toulouse
Station d'Agronomie
B.P. 27
31326 Castanet Tolosan
J.D. Brewer
International Irrigation Management Institute
P.O. Box 2075
Colombo, Sri Lanka
C.M. Burt
Irrigation Training and Research Centre
Department of Agricultural Engineering
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
M. Cabelguenne
INRA, Centre de Recherches de Toulouse
Station d'Agronomie
B.P. 27
31326 Castanet Tolosan
L. Cavazza
Dipartimento di Agronomia
Facoltà di Agraria
Università di Bologna
via Filippo Re, 6-8
40126 Bologna, Italy
M. Chibani
Service de Gestion des Réseaux d'Irrigation et du Drainage
Office Regional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de la Moulouya
Berkane, Morocco
G.A. Cornish
HR Wallingford Ltd
Howbery Park
Oxon OX10 8BA, UK
Ph. Debaeke
INRA, Centre de Recherches de Toulouse
Station d'Agronomie
B.P. 27
31326 Castanet Tolosan
J.M. de Jager
Department of Agrometeorology
University of the Orange Free State
P.O. Box 339
Bloemfontein 9300
Republic of South Africa
M.O. De Seneen
Dipartimento di Agronomia
Facoltà di Agraria
Università di Bologna
Via Filippo Re, 6-8
40126 Bologna, Italy
J.M. Deumier
Institut Technique des Céréales et des Fourrages
6 chemin de la Côte Vieille
31450 Baziege, France
P. Dimitrov
Institute of Irrigation and Drainage
136 Tzar Boris III, Blvd.
Sofia 1618
G. D'Urso
Universitá degli Studi del Molise
Dipartimento di Scienze Animali Vegetali e dell'Ambiente
Via Cavour, 50
I-86100 Campobasso, Italy
A.B. El Gueddari
Office Regional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de la Moulouya
Berkane, Morocco
L. Emili
Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Technica Hidricas
Centro Regional Andino
Casilla de Correo No. 6 (5500)
Mendoza, Argentina
F. Ferrer
Washington State University
Biological Systems Engineering Department
Pullman, WA 99164-6120, USA
L. Fornero
Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Technica Hidricas
Centro Regional Andino
Casilla de Correo No. 6 (5500)
Mendoza, Argentina
W. Hamminga
Department of Soil Physical Transport
The Winand Staring Centre for Integrated
Land, Soil and Water Research (SC-DLO)
Marijkeweg 11/12, P.O. Box 125
6700 AC Wageningen, The Netherlands
T. Heidmann
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science
Department of Land Use
Research Centre Foulum
P.O. Box 23
DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark
T. Hess
Department of Water Management
Silsoe College
Cranfield University
Silsoe, Bedford MK45 4DT, UK
R.W. Hill
Department of Biological and Irrigation Engineering
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-4105
A. Hilaire
INRA, Centre de Recherches de Toulouse
Station d'Agronomie
B.P. 27
31326 Castanet Tolosan
L. Horst
Wageningen Agricultural University
Department of Irrigation and Soil and Water Conservation
Nieuwe Kanaal 11
6709 PA Wageningen, The Netherlands
M. Gammino
Sinistra Ofanto
Foggia, Italy
J. Goussard
28 rue Gay-Lussac
38100 Grenoble, France
C. Isbérie
Division Ouvrages Hydrauliques et Equipements pour l'Irrigation
Groupement d'Aix-en-Provence
B.P. 31, Le Tholonet
F-13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France
B. Itier
Institut National de la Recherche
Département de Bioclimatologie
78550 Thiverval Grignon
J.A. Kennedy
Department of Agrometeorology
University of the Orange Free State
P.O. Box 339
Bloemfontein 9300
Republic of South Africa
P. Leroy
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Laboratoire d'Economie Rurale de Paris
78850 Thiverval, Grignon, France
I.W. Makin
HR Wallingford Ltd.
Howbery Park
Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8BA
H.M. Malano
International Development Technologies Centre
Department of Civil Environmental Engineering
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Vie. 3052
S. Mallick
Bidhan Chandra Krishi
Kalyani 741235
West Bengal, India
G. Mangano
Via F. Nicolai, 60
00136 Rome, Italy
F. Maraux,
CIRAD - Unité de Recherche Gestion de l'eau
BP 5035
F34032 Montpellier, France
I.G. Mavroudis
National Agricultural Research Foundation
Land Reclamation Institute
574 00 Sindos,
Thessaloniki, Greece
M. Menenti
Depart of water Management in Arid Zones
Agricultural Research Department
The Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research (SC-DLO)
Marijkeweg 11/22, P.O. Box 125
6700 AC Wageningen, The Netherlands
J.A. Morábito
Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Technica Hidricas
Centro Regional Andino
Casilla de Correo No. 6 (5500)
Mendoza, Argentina
J.E. Olesen
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science
Department of Soil Science
Research Centre Foulum
P.O. Box 23
DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark
A. Panoras
National Agricultural Research Foundation
Land Reclamation Institute
574 00 Sindos,
Thessaloniki, Greece
A. Patruno
Dipartimento di Agronomia
Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bologna
via Filippo Re, 6-8
40126 Bologna, Italy
P. Peyremorte
Société du Canal de Provence
B.P. 100, Le Tholonet
13603 Aix-en-Provence Cedex
F. Plauborg
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science
Department of Land Use
Research Centre Foulum
P.O. Box 23
DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark
Z. Popova
Institute for Soil Science and Agroecology
"N. Pushkarov"
7 Shosse Bankya
1080 Sofia, Bulgaria
L. Postiglione
Department of Agronomy Sciences and Plant Genetics
University of Naples
Via Università 100
80055 Portici (Naples), Italy
M. Pramanick
AICRP on Water Management
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
P.O. Kalayani
Dist. Nadia, W.B., India
C. Przybyla
Department of Land and Forest Reclamation
Agricultural University
60-656 Poznan
J. Puech
INRA, Centre de Recherches de Toulouse
Station d'Agronomie
B.P. 27
31326 Castanet Tolosan
P.V. Pundarikanthan
Anna University
Center for Water Resources
Madras, India
R. Ragab
Institute of Hydrology
Crowmarsh Gifford
Oxfordshire OX10 8BB
P. Rossi
University of Turin
Turin, Italy
P. Ruelle
361 rue J.F. Breton
BP 5095
F34033 Montpellier Cedex 1
C. Santhi
Anna University
Center for Water Resources
Madras, India
A. Santini
University of Naples "Federico II"
Inst. Agric. Hydraulics
Via Università 100
80077 Portici (Naples)
L. Santos Pereira
Dept. Engenharia Rural
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Tapada Ajuda
1399 Lisboa Codex, Portugal
E. Spackman
Meteorological Office
London Road
Berks. RG12 2SE
R. Specty
Direction Interrégionale Nord-Est
Parc d'Innovation, B.P. 124
Illkirch Cedex, France
E. Stenitzer
Institute for Soil Water Management
Austrain Federal Water Resources Agency
Pollnbergstraße 1
A-3252 Petzenkirchen
C. Stockle
Washington State University
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Pullman, WA 99164-6120
A. Tedeschi
Department of Agronomy Sciences and Plant Genetics
University of Naples
Via Universitá 100
80055 Portici (Naples), Italy
L. Tollefson
Canadian National Committee
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
Canadian Water Resources Association
901 McKenzíe Street South
Box 700, Outlook
Canada SOL 2NO
R. Thomé
General Department of Irrigation
H.N. Turral
International Development Technologies Centre
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Melborne
Parkville, Vie. 3052
A.J. van der Westhuizen
University of Pretoria
Department of Plant Production and Soil Science
Hatfield 0002
South Africa
P. van Hofwegen
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering
Westvest 7
P.O. Box 3015
2601 DA Delft
The Netherlands
F. Van Steenbergen
P.O. Box 441
6800 AK Arnhem, The Netherlands
I. Varlev
Institute of Irrigation and Drainage
136 Tzar Boris III, Blvd.
Sofia 1618, Bulgaria
D.L. Vermillion
International Irrigation Management Institute
P.O. Box 2075
Colombo, Sri Lanka
M.N.J. Wahab
Canadian National Committee
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
Canadian Water Resources Association
901 McKenzíe Street South
Box 700, Outlook
Canada SOL 2NO
M.L. Wood
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Melborne
Parkville, Vie. 3052
Mao Zhi
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering
Wuhan, 430072
People's Republic of China
Cheng Xianjun
Department of Irrigation and Drainage
P.O. Box 366
Beijing 100044
People's Republic of China
1 |
Prevention of water pollution by agriculture and related activities, 1993 (E S) |
2 |
Irrigation water delivery models, 1994 (E) |
3 |
Water harvesting for improved agricultural production, 1994 (E) |
4 |
Use of remote sensing techniques in irrigation and drainage, 1995 (E) |
5 |
Irrigation management transfer, 1995 (E) |
6 |
Methodology for water policy review and reform, 1995 (E) |
7 |
Irrigation in Africa in figures/L'irrigation en Afrique en chiffres, 1995 (E/F) |
8 |
Irrigation scheduling: from theory to practice, 1996(E) |
Availability: December 1996
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Out of print |
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In preparation |
The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
The effective and sustainable management of water for agriculture is becoming ever more important to satisfy future demands in food production. The efficiency of water use in agriculture is low; poor management and inadequate design are the main causes of high water losses which result in low yields, reduced irrigated areas and environmental problems. Irrigation scheduling is essential to conserve water, to improve irrigation performance and to achieve sustainability of irrigated agriculture. A substantial part of irrigation research has been devoted to the development of a range of tools and techniques in irrigation scheduling. Nevertheless, the application of these tools and techniques in practice has been well behind expectation. The ICID/FAO Workshop on Irrigation Scheduling was organized specifically to identify the constraints on the application of available water-saving techniques and to identify solutions that will lead to improved irrigation management in practice. |