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This report was prepared by Karen Frenken, in collaboration with Jean-Marc Faur�s, of the Land and Water Development Division of FAO. It is based on the results of a study performed with the assistance of several contributors: Freddy Nachtergaele for the soil and terrain suitability, Luc Verelst for the irrigation water requirements, Beatrice Crescenzi-Teodori for the geographic information system, and Ahmed Belfouzi for the environmental aspects of irrigation development.

The report was reviewed by Robert Brinkman, Arumugam Kandiah and Jacques Chabloz, who provided useful comments and suggestions for improvement.

The final maps were prepared by Marco Tagliaferri and Raja Refk, editing was done by Julian Plummer and the report was prepared for printing by Chrissi Smith-Redfern.

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