The first map indicates the total rainfall amount for the whole month of July.
Data is extracted from the RainFall Estimate (RFE) Satellite Imagery as produced
by NOAA/USGS/FEWS/USAID project. The RFE images are obtained by interpolating
various parameters recorded at ground and obtained through remote sensing measurements
as: rainfall, relative humidity, wind speed, elevation, cold cloud temperatures.
The map below shows the estimated planting time (opportunity)
up to 20 July as defined by the dekad (10-day) satisfying the following requisites:
during that dekad, 25 mm of rainfall should be measured and a total rainfall
of at least 20 mm should be recorded during the two next dekads. Data used for
this analysis are also based on RFE imagery. It can be noted that plantings
were still not possible in central and northern Senegal as of 20 July.
Source: NOAA - Prepared by FAO, SDRN, Agrometeorology Group