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ISBN 92-5-103506-7
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© FAO 1995
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Glossary of technical terms and abbreviations used
Special attributes of water
The case for public intervention
The water sector and its outreach
The international debate
Purpose of the guide
Target readership
Growing water problems: the concept of vulnerability
Agriculture - Key to the problem
Checklist of critical issues
Reasons for policy review
Water as a scarce resource
Principles for water planning and allocation
Equity and distributional effects
Public health and nutrition
Environmental impact
Fiscal impact
Political and public acceptability
Administrative feasibility
Policy reform in agriculture
Strategic choices and trade-offs
Priorities between sectors
Water or food import?
Domestic versus international concerns
Management mode
Chapter 4 - Methods and processes
A holistic approach
Categories of actions
Planning and analysis
Methodologies and tools for water policy analysis
Data requirements
Obtaining the informationModelling
Legal and institutional reforms
Legal reform
Re-organizing the water sector
Participation: NGOs and water user associationsProjects and spending programmes: projects vs policies
Cost-benefit analysis
Cost-effectiveness analysis
Environmental assessment
Financial management
Chapter 5 - Analytical structure and sequence for review
1. Determine the importance of water
2. Matrix of problems and critical issues
3. Quantifying pressure on water resources
4. Identify options
5. Formulate water strategy
6. Define action programme and policy management and monitoring plan
Chapter 6 - Water policy reviews in practice
Water policy reviews in practice: Country experiences
References cited and selective bibliography
Appendix 1 - Indonesia's draft National Resources Policy Action Plan 1994-2020