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IPTRID Inventory on |
IPTRID Secretariat |
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© FAO 2004
The IPTRID Programme supports capacity development for sustainable agricultural water management and increased water productivity in agriculture, with a central focus on technology transfer and research uptake. Capacity development focuses on developing effective organizations within which individuals work on establishing an enabling institutional environment in which organizations and individuals can flourish.
Such process requires the assessment of existing capacities and future desired state in order to be able to identify the capacity gaps and plan strategies and actions designed to fill them and achieve the desired goals. Such strategies and actions take into account the existing learning basis.
To establish a reference for its new activities on capacity development with a special emphasis on technology transfer, The IPTRID secretariat decided to undertake a worldwide survey based on questionnaires sent to institutions/organizations in order to obtain a global overview of the available learning tools for professionals, technicians and farmers.
The programmes presented in this inventory are also available on line, on the IPTRID web site: www.fao.org/iptrid.
Objectives of the Inventory
The Inventory aims at providing information on activities that cover the typically applied instruments used in the process of training the stakeholders involved in irrigated agriculture management: classroom/field-based courses, distance learning, workshops/seminars, virtual networking, exchange programmes, etc. The specific objectives of the Inventory are to:
help readers find training programmes for improved irrigated agriculture worldwide;
provide relevant information on the type of programme, content, duration, target groups, etc;
provide institutes/organizations with the opportunity to introduce their programmes for improved irrigated agriculture and to reach interested applicants and a wide audience; and
provide relevant information on the institute/organization that runs the programme along with contact details.
Structure of the Inventory
One page is dedicated to each program presented. On the left column, the information concerning the programme itself is given, while the right column provides summarized details about the institution/organization running it.
The information is given according to the language of the responses received from the survey (English, French and Spanish).
The IPTRID Programme hopes that the Inventory will offer a useful service to those seeking information on the above-mentioned activities.
In the index presented below, the programmes are grouped by subject. Such grouping is indicative and aims at helping the reader in finding the information she/he is looking for. Please note that some programmes might be related to different subjects.
Customized Trainings
Customized training
Development of self-teaching courses
In-country course
In-county tailor-made capacity building training programme
Professional development programmes
Tailor made courses
Tailor-made course
Tailor-made programmes
Tailor-made programmes
Tailor-made training
Tailored programmes
Transfer of technology for overseas projects-customized training
Design of Irrigation and Drainage systems
Design and evaluation of farm irrigation systems
Design and implementation of modern irrigation systems
Design of irrigation and drainage works
Design of water control structures
Installation of pressurized irrigation schemes
Irrigation structures - Design and operational implications
Landscape irrigation design
Planning and design of small-scale irrigation projects
Structured irrigation network
System design techniques
Training course on network planning
Water course designing and improvement techniques
Water management
Farmers' technical and organizational support
Adoption of modern irrigation and intensive agricultural systems
Agricultural extension practices
Agricultural irrigation specialist
Capacity building training course for members of managing committee of Water Users Associations (WUAs) and agriculture extension service persons
Control of irrigation water for Water Users Associations (WUAs)
Discharge and level regulation in Water Users Associations (WUAs) area
Farmer training
Fundamentals of melioration
Introduction to management in agriculture
Irrigation and drainage systems I
Irrigation and drainage systems II
Irrigation technologies, design and scheduling
Management of small-scale irrigation scheme
Métodos de riego
On-farm irrigation design, evaluation and scheduling
On-farm irrigation management
On-farm irrigation management
On-farm irrigation systems design and management
On-farm water management, extension, transfer of management to users and the role of women in irrigated agriculture
Operation and maintenance for farmer managed irrigation system
Principles and practices of farm management
Rice production course
Water application method
Flow measurements/hydraulics
Basic pipeline hydraulics
Basic principles and developments in flow measurement
Discharge measurement and assessment of conveyance losses in canal system
Flow measurement - Canals
Flow measurement - General and pipelines
Flow measurement - General and pipelines
Hydraulic Structures
Hydraulics of water flow in pipes and pipe networks
Water control distribution and measurement
Water flow control systems
Water measurement
General water management
Curso internacional de Técnicas de Riego y Gestión de Regadío
Field staff training
Irrigation systems
Irrigation systems management
Irrigation water management
Irrigation water management
Irrigation water management study tour of Western USA
L'eau et agriculture, eau et développement
Project management
Training course on "Warabandi"
Irrigation efficiency
Advanced course on water saving and increasing water productivity: challenges and options
Course on improving irrigation efficiency
Course on irrigation management
Short-term technical courses
Training course on conveyance efficiency and flow measurement
Water saving in irrigated agriculture
Irrigation institutional reform
Capacity building for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM), training of trainees
Course on Water Users Associations (WUAs) for field level functionaries
Design and management of local irrigation organizations
Electronic learning guide for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Institutional strengthening - Tailored courses
Institutions in water management
International seminar series on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Irrigation management transfer and Water Users Associations
Irrigation system management transfer and the organization of water users
National level training course on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) for officers
Participatory irrigation management (PIM)
Participatory irrigation management (PIM)
Public-private partnerships in water resources management
Short-term water reform courses
Strategic Management and Public-Private Partnerships
Technical training course for assistant engineers and junior engineers on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Training course for senior level officers on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Training course on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) for farmers
Training course on Water Users Associations (WUAs) for officers
Water Users Associations (WUAs) in irrigation management
Localized irrigation
Agricultural drip/micro design
Capsule course on drip and sprinkler irrigation
Centre pivot design
Design and management of sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems
Design of sprinkler and trickle irrigation
Drip and sprinkler irrigation system
Drip design in the landscape
Drip/micro irrigation design
Introductory design and performance evaluation course on sprinkler and drip irrigation
Landscape sprinkler design
Localized irrigation
Micro-irrigation engineering
Micro-irrigation for landscape
Modern irrigation methods
Modern irrigation techniques
Pressurized irrigation systems
Riego localizado (variantes, criterios de diseño, elementos)
Row crop drip irrigation
Special course on drip and sprinkler irrigation for farmers on demand
Sprinkler irrigation engineering
Sprinkler system scheduling
Step-by-step design of micro-irrigation systems
Trickle irrigation
Modernization and rehabilitation
Appropriate modernization and management of irrigation systems
Automation of irrigation canals
Canal modernization
Curso sobre modernización de regadíos
Irrigation project management
Irrigation system modernization and benchmarking
Modern methods in canal operation and control
Modernización de regadíos
Modernization of irrigation systems
Modernization, rehabilitation and transfer of irrigation delivery systems
New technologies development for irrigation systems management
Nuevas tecnologías en ingeniería de regadíos
Rehabilitation of canal designs and water management
Rehabilitation of irrigation systems
Special course on modern controls for canal operation
System operation and need for modernization of irrigation systems
Typological approach to irrigation system operation/modernization
Walk through survey and rehabilitation of minor irrigation systems to be transferred to Water Users Associations (WUAs)
Monitoring and evaluation
Change management
Irrigation system evaluation: San Joaquin Valley field evaluation of drip/micro systems
Irrigation system evaluation: Theory and laboratory practice
Landscape irrigation auditing
Monitoring and evaluation of irrigation system
Performance and evaluation of irrigation systems
Series of training workshops on irrigation modernization
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Advanced
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Introduction
Central American Water Resource Management Network
Communication in irrigation management
Series of in-country workshops and seminars (Advanced irrigated agriculture)
World Irrigation Information Network (IRRI-NET)
Operation, maintenance and management of irrigation and drainage systems
Application of system techniques in water resources
Canal operation
Course on operation of MI Schemes
Explotación de regadíos (control y operación de sistemas, tarifas y programación de riegos)
Improving the operation of canal irrigation systems
Irrigation and drainage system management
Irrigation engineering
Irrigation management - Water distribution
Irrigation management and optimisation
Irrigation management for operating level
Irrigation management study tour
Irrigation project rehabilitation/modernization and management
Irrigation scheduling, flow measurement methods and structures for irrigation system operation
Irrigation system installation and maintenance
Modeling, regulation and monitoring of irrigation water-delivery systems
On-the-spot/mobile courses
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of modern irrigation systems
Operation, maintenance and management of irrigation system
Operation, maintenance and management of irrigation delivery systems and the transfer of management to users
Orientation course in Irrigation water management for canal inspectors/measurers
Preventive maintenance and diagnosis of maintenance problem in irrigation system
Redes de Riego
Sistemas de riego por aspersión (tuberías, bombas, riego por aspersión convencional, sistemas mecanizados y redes colectivas)
Surface irrigation
Design and management of surface irrigation systems
Designing surface irrigation methods
Surface irrigation engineering
Surface irrigation system designing
Water policies and laws
Irrigation water policy and management
Land and water management: Irrigated agriculture
Strategies and issues in developing financially sustainable irrigation systems
Water and land laws
Water law and institutions
Water valuation and cost recovery mechanisms in the developing countries of the Mediterranean region
Designing surface irrigation methods
Hydraulics of water flow in pipes and pipe networks
Step-by-step design of micro-irrigation systems
Central American Water Resource Management Network
Irrigation water management
Localized irrigation
Training opportunities at the Arbaminch Water Technology Institute
L'eau et agriculture, eau et développement - Water and agriculture, water and development
Training opportunities at the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
Training opportunities at the Centre national d'études agronomiques des régions chaudes
Training opportunities at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier
Fundamentals of melioration
Surface irrigation system designing
Application of system techniques in water resources
Capacity building training course for members of managing committee of Water Users Associations (WUAs) and agriculture extension service persons
Capsule course on drip and sprinkler irrigation
Course on improving irrigation efficiency
Course on operation of MI Schemes
Course on Water Users Associations (WUAs) for field level functionaries
Design of irrigation and drainage works
Discharge and level regulation in Water Users Associations (WUAs) area
Discharge measurement and assessment of conveyance losses in canal system
Drip and sprinkler irrigation system
Farmer training
Field staff training
Irrigation management for operating level
Modern irrigation methods
Monitoring and evaluation of irrigation system
National level training course on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) for officers
Operation and maintenance for farmer managed irrigation system
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Operation, maintenance and management of irrigation system
Orientation course in Irrigation water management for canal inspectors/measurers
Participatory irrigation management (PIM)
Preventive maintenance and diagnosis of maintenance problem in irrigation system
Special course on drip and sprinkler irrigation for farmers on demand
Special course on modern controls for canal operation
Structured irrigation network
System design techniques
Technical training course for assistant engineers and junior engineers on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Training course for senior level officers on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Training course on "Warabandi"
Training course on conveyance efficiency and flow measurement
Training course on network planning
Training course on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) for farmers
Training course on Water Users Associations (WUAs) for officers
Training opportunities at the State Institute of Agricultural Management
Walk through survey and rehabilitation of minor irrigation systems to be transferred to Water Users Associations (WUAs)
Water and land laws
Water application method
Water control distribution and measurement
Introduction to management in agriculture
Irrigation technologies, design and scheduling
On-the-spot/mobile courses
Pressurized irrigation systems
Tailor made courses
Appropriate modernization and management of irrigation systems
Capacity building for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM), training of trainees
Irrigation management - Water distribution
Irrigation management transfer and Water Users Associations
Land and water management: Irrigated agriculture
New technologies development for irrigation systems management
On-farm irrigation management
Participatory irrigation management (PIM)
Public-private partnerships in water resources management
Water saving in irrigated agriculture
Water valuation and cost recovery mechanisms in the developing countries of the Mediterranean region
Irrigation water management
Irrigation water policy and management
Installation of pressurized irrigation schemes
Water course designing and improvement techniques
Principles and practices of farm management
Rice production course
Saudi Arabia
Training opportunities at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, King Saud University
Curso internacional de Técnicas de Riego y Gestión de Regadío
Curso sobre modernización de regadíos
Explotación de regadíos (control y operación de sistemas, tarifas y programación de riegos)
Métodos de riego
Modernización de regadíos
Nuevas tecnologías en ingeniería de regadíos
Redes de Riego
Riego localizado (variantes, criterios de diseño, elementos)
Sistemas de riego por aspersión (tuberías, bombas, riego por aspersión convencional, sistemas mecanizados y redes colectivas)
Training opportunities at the Novedades Agrícolas S.A.
Sri Lanka
Introductory design and performance evaluation course on sprinkler and drip irrigation
Irrigation scheduling, flow measurement methods and structures for irrigation system operation
Irrigation structures - Design and operational implications
Rehabilitation of canal designs and water management
System operation and need for modernization of irrigation systems
Training opportunities at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Peradeniya
Typological approach to irrigation system operation/modernization
Adoption of modern irrigation and intensive agricultural systems
Advanced course on water saving and increasing water productivity: challenges and options
Design and implementation of modern irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of modern irrigation systems
Tailor-made programmes
Training opportunities at the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands
Agricultural extension practices
Customized training
Design and evaluation of farm irrigation systems
Design of water control structures
Improving the operation of canal irrigation systems
Irrigation project management
Irrigation project rehabilitation/modernization and management
Irrigation system modernization and benchmarking
Irrigation systems management
Micro-irrigation engineering
Modernization of irrigation systems
Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems
Planning and design of small-scale irrigation projects
Series of training workshops on irrigation modernization
Sprinkler irrigation engineering
Surface irrigation engineering
Water flow control systems
The Netherlands
Change management
Hydraulic Structures
Institutions in water management
Irrigation and drainage system management
Irrigation and drainage systems I
Irrigation and drainage systems II
Project management
Strategic Management and Public-Private Partnerships
Tailor-made course
Tailor-made training
Water law and institutions
United Kingdom
In-county tailor-made capacity building training programme
Institutional strengthening - Tailored courses
Irrigation engineering
Irrigation management and optimisation
Professional development programmes
Transfer of technology for overseas projects-customized training
Water management
Unites States of America
Agricultural drip/micro design
Agricultural irrigation specialist
Automation of irrigation canals
Basic pipeline hydraulics
Basic principles and developments in flow measurement
Canal modernization
Canal operation
Centre pivot design
Communication in irrigation management
Control of irrigation water for Water Users Associations (WUAs)
Design and management of local irrigation organizations
Design and management of sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems
Design and management of surface irrigation systems
Design of sprinkler and trickle irrigation
Drip design in the landscape
Drip/micro irrigation design
Electronic learning guide for Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Flow measurement - Canals
Flow measurement - General and pipelines
Flow measurement - General and pipelines
In-country course
International seminar series on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Irrigation management study tour
Irrigation system evaluation: San Joaquin Valley field evaluation of drip/micro systems
Irrigation system evaluation: Theory and laboratory practice
Irrigation system installation and maintenance
Irrigation system management transfer and the organization of water users
Irrigation systems
Irrigation water management study tour of Western USA
Landscape irrigation auditing
Landscape irrigation design
Landscape sprinkler design
Micro-irrigation for landscape
Modeling, regulation and monitoring of irrigation water-delivery systems
Modern methods in canal operation and control
Modernization, rehabilitation and transfer of irrigation delivery systems
On-farm irrigation design, evaluation and scheduling
On-farm irrigation systems design and management
On-farm water management, extension, transfer of management to users and the role of women in irrigated agriculture
Operation, maintenance and management of irrigation delivery systems and the transfer of management to users
Performance and evaluation of irrigation systems
Rehabilitation of irrigation systems
Row crop drip irrigation
Sprinkler system scheduling
Strategies and issues in developing financially sustainable irrigation systems
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Advanced
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Introduction
Tailored programmes
Trickle irrigation
Water measurement
Water Users Associations (WUAs) in irrigation management
World Irrigation Information Network (IRRI-NET)
Development of self-teaching courses
Series of in-country workshops and seminars (Advanced irrigated agriculture)
Short-term technical courses
Short-term water reform courses