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116. The Delegation of Australia recalled that a discussion paper on Dietary Modelling for nutrient intake had been presented at the last session and circulated for comments to seek the views of member countries on how to proceed in this area. The Delegation recognized that this document had been superseded as further development of the matter had occurred through the recommendations of the FAO/WHO Consultation on Food Consumption and Exposure Assessment of Chemicals (Geneva, 1997)[18]. In this perspective, the Delegation proposed that the Committee might consider how to integrate the recommendations of the Consultation in its work on nutrition issues, as the Consultation had been concerned essentially with exposure to chemicals.

117. The Committee agreed with this view and decided to discontinue consider the discussion on Consideration of Dietary Modelling. It welcomed the offer of the Delegation of Australia to develop a discussion paper on the application of the Consultation’s recommendations to the work of the Committee, for consideration at the next session.

[17] CX/NFSDU 98/10; CX/NFSDU 98/10-Add.1 (Comments from Egypt, Slovak Republic); CRD 9 (Uruguay); CRD 17 (USA); CRD 18 (USA).
[18] WHO/FSF/FOS.975, Geneva, 1997.

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