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This report is part of a comprehensive study on 'Interactions between Livestock Production Systems and the Environment - Global Perspectives and Prospects'. The study is undertaken on the initiative of and financed of a group of donor countries. The Food and Agriculture Organization is the main contractor and components of the study have been subcontracted to different organizations and institutes in the donor countries.

The International Agriculture Centre (IAC) in Wageningen in the Netherlands has been subcontracted to implement the following 5 components of the study:

1. Management of waste from animal product processing.
2. Environmental impact of animal manure management.
3. Environmental impact assessment of landless monogastric production systems.
4. Environmental impact assessment of landless livestock ruminant systems.
5. Environmental impact assessment of mixed irrigated systems in the (sub-)humid zones.
The team for the implementation of the study at the IAC is composed of:

- A.J. Nell

Project Coordinator, Senior Livestock Officer of the IAC.

- J. de Wit

Team Leader, Livestock Production Specialist of the IAC.

The following authors contributed to the individual studies:

- L.A.H.M. Verheyen, D. Wiersema
and L.W. Hulshoff-Pol

Management of waste from animal product processing

- P. Brandjes

Animal manure management

- P.J. Westra

Landless ruminants production systems

- J.F.F.P. Bos

Landless monogastrics systems

- J.C.M. Jansen

Mixed irrigated systems in the humid zones

The IAC set up a Reference Committee for the implementation of this study with the following members:

- Prof. Dr. D. Zwart

Professor of Tropical Animal Production, Wageningen Agricultural University.

- Prof.Dr. H. van Keulen

Professor of Sustainable Animal Production, Wageningen Agricultural University.

- Prof. Dr. J.H. Koeman

Professor of Toxicology, Wageningen Agricultural University.

- Dr. H.A.J. Moll

Senior Economist, Department of Development Economics, Wageningen Agricultural University.

- H.G. van der Meer

Department Head, Grassland and Vegetation Science of the Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility, Wageningen.

We would like to thank everybody who in some form have contributed to this study.

The authors,

Wageningen, January 1996.

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