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Annex 2: Concentrate feeding in LLR systems

1. Concentrate feeding in intensive feedlot fattening (USA)

Annual production is 3550 million kg LW, average feed conversion 8 resulting in an annual total feed requirement of 28.4 million tons. Common feed ingredients are (Perry 1992):

- Grains: maize, sorghum, barley, wheat, small grains;

- Protein sources: soya bean meal, urea, cottonseed hulls;

- By-products: beet pulp, apple- pomace, grape-pomace, peavine silage, potato wastes, molasses, citrus pulp; and

- Roughage: maize silage, hay, haysilage, legume hay, straw, alfalfa, crop residues, sorghum silage.

Though a large variation exists, beef fattening is generally maize-based, either in the form of maize silage or in the form of corn. Fox (1994) mentions a level of grain feeding of 4-4.5 kg per kg of beef, but this only refers to grain feeding in feedlots and not to the complete life-cycle of the animals, while it does not mention other types of concentrate. For LLR systems we assume that approximately 30% of the ration in feedlots consists of roughage, while 1/4 of the concentrate consist of by-products. Thus, total feed requirements for feedlot fattening are 8.5 million ton roughage and 19.9 million tons concentrates, of which 5 million tons are by-products.

2. Concentrate feeding for intensive sheep fattening in WANA.

Annual production is 212.8 million kg LW, average feed conversion 5 resulting in an annual total feed requirement of 1.1 million ton. The main feed ingredients are (e.g. Galal and Gürsoy, 1994):

- Grains: barley, sorghum;

- Protein sources: cotton seed meal, soya bean meal, urea;

- By-products: wheat bran, rice bran, dry poultry manure, tomato-pomace, sugar industry by-products, grape pulp, grape, seed meal, olive pulp; and

- Roughage: alfalfa straw, vetch hay, natural pasture, grain stubble, straw, lentil hay

Though a large variation exists, sheep fattening is generally based on barley. Approximately 70% of the ration consists of concentrate, of which 15% is in the form of by-products. Thus, total feed requirements for sheep fattening are 745 million kg concentrates, of which 112 million kg are by-products, while roughage utilization amounts to 319 million kg.

3. Feed requirements for veal production in EU.

Annual production is 1.08 million ton LW, average feed conversion 1.5 resulting in an annual total feed requirement of 1.62 million ton. The main feed ingredients are (e.g. Toullec, 1992) skim milk powder, whey powder, coconut oil, starch derivates and meat-cum-bone meal. Approximately 70% of the ration consists of milk powder, starch etc., while the rest is by-products. Thus, total feed requirements for veal production are 1.1 million tons "basic feeds" and 0.5 million tons by-products.

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