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Cheema, G.S and Rondinelli, D.A. (eds) (1983), Decentralization and Development: implementation in developing countries, Saga Publication, Beverly Hills.

FAO (1996), World Food Summit Plan of Action, Rome.

FAO (2002), FAO Programme Committee Report on the Eighth Session 8-13 September 2002; Thematic Evaluation of Strategy A3: Preparedness for, and effective and sustainable response to, Food and Agricultural Emergencies, FAO Evaluation Office, Rome.

FAO (2003), The Role of Local Institutions in Reducing Vulnerability to Recurrent Natural Disasters and in Sustainable Livelihoods Development; Case Studies on Argentina, Burkina-Faso, Honduras, Iran, Mozambique, Philippines, Niger, South Africa, Vietnam.

IFRC (2003), World Disasters Report 2003, Geneva.

ISDR (2004), Living with Risk: A global review of disaster reduction initiatives, United Nations, Geneva.

Messer N. (2003), The Role of Local Institutions in Disaster Risk Mitigation: a Literature Review, FAO/SDAR, Rome.

Rural Institutions and Participation Service (2002), A conceptual and methodological framework for a comparative inter-regional study on “The role of local institutions in reducing vulnerability to natural disasters, and long-term sustainable livelihood development in high risk areas, SDAR, FAO Rome.

UNDP (2004), Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development, New York.

United Nations (2002), Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, New York.

[9] For a detailed reference list see Messer 2003.

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