- Most feed manufacturers use a broad range of ingredients, and there is
a chance that a product recall could be necessary if there were sufficient
evidence of a feed quality or labeling error.
- Not only may there be a potential violation of government regulations and
a danger to aquatic animals and/or consumers, but the continuing healthy relationship
with the farmer must be maintained.
- To this end an efficient and successful product recall procedure involving
products manufactured by the mill is necessary and should reduce or save a
serious liability claim against the manufacturer and maintain a helpful relationship
of trust with the customer.
- All product recalls have customer and public relations implications that
make it absolutely necessary that a recall be handled quickly and properly
and that it be well documented so that future legal defence, if required,
may be based on the company having taken proper and timely action to minimise
any threat to the farmers production or any government intervention.
- Government agencies may be involved in a product recall, and a procedure
for dealing with such an eventuality is detailed in Appendix I.