The development of a national food control strategy calls for the collection, collation and evaluation of the following type of information:
Status of food and agriculture sector
Data and information on: primary food and agriculture production; food processing industry (i.e. types and number of establishments, processing capacity, value of production etc); food distribution and marketing.
Information on formal (organized) and informal (cottage or household units, street-foods) industry.
Potential for industry development.
Food chain, and identification of key intermediaries who may influence quality and safety of foods.
Market infrastructure including assets and deficiencies.
Safety and Quality management programmes including level of HACCP implementation in the industry.
Food consumption data. Information on consumers will include data on energy/protein intake, percentage of the population dependent upon subsistence economy, per capita income, etc.
Cultural, anthropological, and sociological data is also important, including information on food habits and food preferences.
Food security, food imports and nutritional objectives
Food demand for nutritional requirements; post-harvest food losses; type and quantities of food imports.
Consumer concerns or demand
Consumer demand on safety, quality and information (labelling) issues.
Food exports
Quantity and value of food exports and potential for growth in export trade.
Data on detentions or rejections of food exported.
Information on number and types of complaints from buyers and remedial action.
Identification of foods with potential for export and target countries for export.
Epidemiological information
Information on prevalence and incidence of foodborne disease; procedures used for investigating and notifying foodborne diseases; information on food incriminated; suitability of collected data for risk assessment purpose.
Food contaminant s data
Information on prevalence and level of contamination of food; monitoring programmes for biological and chemical contamination of food; suitability of collected data for risk assessment purpose.
Human resources and training requirements
Information on the number and qualification of personnel involved in food control i.e. staff engaged in inspection, analysis and epidemiological services; information regarding on-going training, and educational activities; projections on future staffing and training needs.
Extension and advisory services
Information on the existing extension and advisory services for the food sector as provided by the government, industry, trade associations, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions; train-the-trainer type of activities; training needs analysis.
Public education and participation
Consumer education initiatives in food hygiene; potential for increased involvement and interaction between government, consumer associations, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions in risk communication activities; risk communication to prevent foodborne diseases and possible improvements.
Government organization of food control systems
Listing of government departments and authorities concerned with food safety and food control activities.
Description of the food control system and an overview of the resources, responsibilities, functions, and coordination between the entities; methods of determining priorities for action; options for raising resources.
Food Legislation
Current food legislative arrangements, including regulations, standards, and codes of practice.
Information on authorities empowered to prepare regulations and standards, and how they coordinate their activities and consult with industry and consumer organizations.
Capacity to carry out risk assessment.
Food control infrastructure and resources
Organization of inspection, surveillance, and enforcement activities (national, provincial, and local levels).
Number and qualifications of inspection personnel.
Resources within inspection agency, and assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Analytical support facilities (number of laboratories, facilities and equipment, monitoring programmes, etc).
Codes of hygienic practice.
Licensing arrangements for food premises.