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ANNEX 11. Possible Activities to be Undertaken during the Establishment of a National Food Control Agency



Review national food control needs and means

· Develop a National Food Control Strategy with a blueprint describing national food control goals and an outline the programme

· Identify resource needs of the programme

Draft legislation to establish a National Food Control Agency

· Establishment of an autonomous National Food Control Agency

· Secure financial resources to operate the Agency

Create Agency, Board, and Committees and recruit staff

· Formation of Management Board

· Selection of Chairman and Members

· Formation of Scientific and Coordinating Committees

· Draft five-year plan and submit to Minister

· Establish relationship with other enforcement agencies

· Organize staff appointments and determine conditions of appointment

Establish the National Food Control Agency

· Appointment of Agency staff

· Development of Agency programmes

· Preparation of operational procedures for Agency activities

Develop food laws, food regulations, and food standards

· Review food legislation and draft a new food law where necessary

· Identify the need for food regulations and standards and their harmonization with Codex

· Integrate the HACCP-approach into food regulations

Review food analysis infrastructure, resources, and capability

· Establish key regional reference laboratories

· Identify capital and recurrent needs of the network of regional analytical laboratories

· Train laboratory staff

· Prepare operational procedures and develop standard methods of food analysis

· Develop inter-laboratory quality assurance programmes and prescribe criteria for utilizing laboratories outside the Government system

Review food inspection activities and human resource requirements

· Develop a coordinated national programme of food inspection, including raw materials and agricultural produce

· Prepare inspection procedures and reporting arrangements for food inspectors

· Review the training needs of food inspectors

· Develop an ongoing programme of human resource development for inspection and enforcement personnel

Review other resource needs and infrastructure requirements

· Availability of food hygiene training material

· National reporting of data on food quality and foodborne disease, food trade detentions, etc

· Development of national food recall procedures

· Preparation of communication strategies for food safety information to consumers and industry

Review food research commitments and needs

· Identify priority areas for research on the basis of epidemiological and food surveillance data

· Research resource needs identified

· Initiate effective research programmes

· Collect and evaluate scientific information on food hazards, risk assessment, and risk management

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