This listing is not intended to provide a comprehensive selection of literature relevant to land tenure issues. It cites useful examples of the most accessible literature of core interest for further reading.
Bromley, D. ed. 1992. Making the commons work. San Francisco, Institute for Contemporary Studies.
Bruce, J. & Migot-Adholla, S. eds. 1993. Searching for land tenure security in Africa. Dubuque, IA, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Dale, P. & McLaughlin, J. 1988. Land information management. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Dale, P. & McLaughlin, J. 2000. Land administration. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
De Soto, H. 2000. The mystery of capital. New York, Basic Books.
Dorner, P. 1992. Latin American land reforms in theory and practice. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press.
Feder, G. & Feeny, D. 1991. Land tenure and property rights: theory and implications for development policy. The World Bank Economic Review 5(1): pp. 135-153.
Feder, G., Onchan, T., Chalamwong, Y. & Hongladarom, C. 1988. Land policies and farm productivity in Thailand. Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.
FAO. 1999. Thésaurus multilingue du foncier: version française. Rome.
Ghonemy, M.R. 1993. Land, food and rural development in North Africa. London, IT and Westview Press.
Ghonemy, M.R. 1998. Affluence and poverty in the Near East. London and New York, Routledge.
GTZ (Deutsche Gesellscahft für Technische Zusammenarbeit). 1998. Land tenure in Development Cooperation: Guiding Principles. Wiesbaden, Universum Verlagsanstalt.
Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science 162: 1343-1348.
Herrera, A. 2000. New approaches to land reform. Rome, FAO.
Macpherson, C.B. ed. 1981. Property: mainstream and critical positions. Toronto, University of Toronto.
Norton, R.D. Forthcoming. Agricultural Development Policy: Concepts and Experiences. Rome, FAO.
Palmer, D. 1999. Making land registration more effective. SD-Dimensions. Rome, FAO.
Prosterman, R. & Riedinger, J. 1987. Land reform and democratic development. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Riddell, J. 2000. Contemporary thinking on land reform. SD-Dimensions. Rome, FAO.
Simpson, S.R. 1976. Land law and registration. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Thiesenhusen, W. 1995. Broken promises: agrarian reform and the Latin American campesino. Boulder, Co., Westview Press.
UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe). 1996. Land Administration Guidelines. New York and Geneva: United Nations.