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5) In addition to the matters referred in the document, the Secretariat informed the Committee of the conclusions and current work of the first Session of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology, particularly with reference to the development of guidelines for risk assessment and a list of analytical methods. It was also noted that an FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Foods Derived from Biotechnology would be held in Geneva from 29 May to 2 June 2000.

Labelling of Fish Sticks

6) The Committee recalled that the Commission had returned the Draft Amendment to the Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets, Breaded or in Batter (declaration of fish core) to Step 6 for further comments and consideration.

7) The Delegation of Brazil expressed the view that there was no need to require a declaration of fish core since the standard required a minimum percentage of fish of 50%.

8) The Delegation of the United Kingdom expressed the view that the term ‘fish core’ as currently used might include ingredients other than fish, especially water and this could be misleading for consumers. The term ‘fish content’ was therefore preferable as it would reflect the actual proportion of fish in fish sticks. This position was supported by several delegations and observers. It was also noted that the questions related to the definition and the methodology of fish core or fish content required more clarification.

9) The Committee agreed in principle that the declaration of fish content should be included in the labelling section and asked the Committee on Fish and Fishery Products to consider a definition of ‘fish content’, and the method for its determination. The Committee noted that this question was already scheduled for consideration by the CCFFP on the basis of a document prepared by the United Kingdom (CX/FP 00/2-Add.2).

Status of the Draft Amendment to the Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets, Breaded or in Batter

10) The Committee agreed to hold the Draft Amendment at Step 7 and to consider it further at its next session in the light of the information provided by the CCFFP, with a view to its finalization.

Proposal for a new Class Name

11) The Committee considered the proposal from the Committee on Milk and Milk Products to include a new class name for ‘Coagulating Enzymes’ in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods. This question had been discussed in relation to the Proposed Draft Standard for Unripened Cheese.[2]

12) The Committee noted that the following issues should be addressed in relation to the declaration of enzymes. It was proposed to restrict the use of the proposed class name to the standards for cheeses, as necessary, without including it in the General Standard on the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods, which is applicable to all foods. It was proposed to establish a distinction between rennet and coagulating enzymes, since rennet should be declared as an ingredient. The Committee noted that currently rennet was declared in the list of ingredients in the standards for cheeses.

13) Some delegations pointed out that rennet and coagulating enzymes were listed in the Codex Inventory of Processing Aids and that section of the General Standard exempts processing aids from labelling; consequently there was no need for a class name to declare these products.

14) The Committee agreed that there was no justification to establish a new class name for coagulating enzymes at this stage and agreed to ask the Committee on Milk and Milk Products to provide a background document to clarify the issues mentioned above, especially the distinction between ingredients and processing aids in relation to the standards for cheeses.

[1] CX/FL 00/2, CX/FL 00/2-Add.1 (comments of Cuba), CRD 6 (comments of Canada), CRD 21 (Malaysia, Mexico), CRD 29 (Philippines)
[2] ALINORM 01/11, paras. 46-47

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