139. The Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Problems Related to Pesticide Residues in Food in Developing Countries (CRD 7) was presented by its Chairperson, Dr Cheah Uan Boh (Malaysia).
140. Dr Cheah informed the Committee that at the request of the 30th Session of the CCPR a follow-up paper on pesticide residue problems in developing countries had been prepared. The paper[35] addressed issues related to extrapolation and trade violation data on pesticide/commodity combinations derived from information from a limited number of importing countries from 1993 to 1998. The paper also provided a valuable basis for discussion of some management options. The Committee was informed that the analysis of data might be of assistance to developing countries to identify reasons for detention and that it could allow them to take appropriate actions.
141. Dr Cheah indicated that developing countries appeared to be able to overcome the lack of MRLs for commodities frequently violating regional or international trade on bilateral and regional basis. Growers and exporters might be made aware of requirements of the importing country and that it was the responsibility of exporting countries to ensure availability of such information. In case the violation arose because the importing country has not registered a particular pesticide, a possible management option might be the reference to the Codex MRLs. The encouragement of acceptance of Codex MRLs by importing countries might be of assistance in realization of the spirit of the SPS Agreement.
142. Dr Cheah drew the attention of the Committee that extrapolation as a possibility had limitations in applicability, and therefore, could be used only on case by case basis. The need to focus on the generation of appropriate data for submission to support elaboration of MRLs was stressed to be of vital importance for developing countries and that the best solution for that was regional cooperation. Therefore collaborative regional groups could play a pivotal role in this regard.
143. Dr Cheah indicated that the improved liaison between national authorities and manufacturers of the pesticides, for which crop data was requested, was essential and that the offer of GCPF to facilitate such contacts was valuable. It was pointed out that in order to try and minimize crop residue levels, exporting counties were encouraged to review their GAP and also to introduce IPM procedures where applicable.
144. On the proposal of the Delegation of Brazil to hold discussions fully at a Plenary in view of importance of this issue, the Committee felt that it was of use to the Committee to keep considering these issues first at the level of the Working Group.
145. The Delegation of Argentina requested that the proposed draft MRL for maleic hydrazide for garlic should proceed as fast as possible.
146. The Delegation of UK informed the Committee that the OECD Pesticide Forum was elaborating minimal requirements for data submission which would be of use to developing countries in future.
147. The Committee noted the following recommendations prepared by the Working Group and generally supported them:
148. The Committee expressed its appreciation to Dr Cheah who chaired the Working Group for three consecutive terms for his important contribution to this matter and agreed that the Working Group should be convened at its next Session under the Chairship of South Africa.