Lengthy Procedure for the Development of MRLs
150. The Delegation of the United States informed the Committee of their concern that, whereas MRLs and approved uses were being withdrawn at both national and the Codex level, MRLs for newer compounds were being progressed slowly through the Codex system or not considered by Codex even though the new compounds might be safer. Since fruits from the USA were exported in volume to countries which heavily relied on the Codex standards, trade problems were encountered. The United States suggested that a paper be prepared, exploring options for solving this problem.
151. Some delegations stated that factors such as Codex Step procedure, JMPR workload and development of data by manufactures contributed to the time of the elaboration of MRLs. Nevertheless, if sufficient data had been provided to the JMPR, which had enabled high quality evaluations by the JMPR, JMPR proposals had normally proceeded fast with omission of Steps 6 and 7.
152. Noting its heavy current workload and the opportunity to omit Steps 6 and 7, and that there had not been many proposals submitted for the Priority List, the Committee agreed not to pursue this issue for the time being.