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Calculation of projected revenue

At the local level, trends in visitor numbers to Sharm El Sheik and the Nabq Protected Area are shown in Table 2.

At Nabq, past increases in visitor numbers have been somewhat less than this. The number of foreign visitors to Nabq has increased by about 1,480 visitors per year or 12 percent per year over the period 1997/98 to 2000/01, while the annual number of Egyptians visiting Nabq has increased by 370 visitors or 23 percent per year (see Figure 5).

The projections of future visitor numbers made on this basis are shown in Figure 6.

Seasonality of visitor numbers

Projections of entrance charges

Calculation of projected costs

Table 8 Estimated costs of purchasing other equipment for staff as part of the upgrading of facilities at Nabq Protected Area (cont.)

Table 10 Discounted cash-flow for Option 1 - do nothing (baseline option)

Table 11 Cash-flow for Option 2 - invest in upgrading visitor facilities at Nabq (cont.)

Sensitivity analysis

These amounts have been calculated and are shown in Table 14 below. The first two rows of this table show the minimum increases in entrance charges that would be required to cover the costs of investment in new facilities and earn a rate of return of 10 percent or 15 percent on this investment. As the table shows, entrance charges must increase by at least 64 percent to justify the investment in new facilities. However, if the higher rate of return of 15 percent is required and the more pessimistic scenario for visitor numbers is used (i.e. an increase of only 1,000 foreign visitors per year), then entrance charges to Nabq must be raised by at least 80 percent to cover the costs of the investment in new facilities.

Social and environmental costs and benefits

Conclusions and recommendations

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