In July 2003, the OIE declared Bangladesh, Kuwait and Qatar “provisionally free” from rinderpest. In October 2003, Chad, Djibouti and Yemen were also declared “provisionally free” from the disease. Finally, Burundi was declared “provisionally free” from rinderpest as well, in November 2003.
Other disease outbreak
Since the last EMPRES Bulletin (No. 23 - 2003), outbreaks of EMPRES priority diseases have been reported to OIE or FAO in different regions around the world from July 2003 to December 2003 (see Table below).
Disease |
Country and/or area |
Date |
Location |
Agent characterization |
Foot-and-mouth disease |
Argentina |
September 2003 |
- Tartagal, province of Salta |
virus serotype O |
Bolivia |
July 2003 |
- Hernando Siles province, Chuquisaca department (19º 48' S - 64º 04' W) |
virus serotype O |
August 2003 |
- La Paz department (17º 12' S - 67º 48' W and 16º 14' S - 68º 13' W) |
virus serotype O |
September 2003 |
- San Antonio, Chuquisaca department (19º 06´ S - 64º 45´ W) |
virus serotype O |
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia |
Zambia |
June 2003 |
- Nakawamba (14.89º S - 23.99º E), Kalwalo (14.45º S - 23.55º E) |
Namibia |
October 2003 |
- (Linyanti, Eastern Caprivi) 18.19º S - 23.94º E |
African swine fever |
Nigeria |
October 2003 |
- Niger state |
Tanzania, United Rep. of |
October 2003 |
- Ngarenaro Arusha district; Olerian Arusha district; |
Zambia |
September 2003 |
- Lusaka (15º 50' S - 28º 30' E) |
Burkina Faso |
September 2003 |
- Kompienga district, in Kompienga province, bordering Benin |
Classical swine fever |
Slovakia |
November 2003 |
- Prievidza district, in the central part of the country |
December 2003 |
- Bánovce nad Bebravou district |
Luxembourg |
August 2003 |
- Locality of Buschrodt, county of Redange (central-western part of the country) |
Italy |
September 2003 |
- Ardara district, Sassari province, Sardinia region |
Rift Valley fever |
Mauritania |
October 2003 |
- Keur Macene, Kobeni and Kankossa |
Senegal |
November 2003 |
- Saint-Louis department, Dagana, Podor department department, Saint-Louis region |
Rinderpest |
Kenya |
October 2003 |
- Ruga (Jarajilla), Garissa district |
Peste des petits ruminants |
Israel |
July 2003 |
- Turan, Yizreel district |
Highly pathogenic avian influenza |
Hong Kong SAR |
September 2003 |
strain H5N1 |
Korea, Rep. of |
December 2003 |
- Eumsung district, Chungcheong-buk province, in the central part of the country |
strain H5N1 |
Bluetongue |
Taiwan |
August 2003 |
- Kinmen Prefecture |
under investigation |
Italy |
September 2003 |
- Cagliari province of Sardinia |
virus serotype 4 |
Reunion |
October 2003 |
under investigation |
France (Corsica) |
October 2003 |
- Cognocoli Monticchi district, South Corsica (Corse-du-Sud) department |
France (Corsica) |
November 2003 |
- South Corsica (Corse-du-Sud) department: |
bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 4 |
Spain (Balearic islands) |
October 2003 |
- Sant Lluis district, Minorca (Menorca) island |
under investigation |
November 2003 |
- Sant Lluis district, Minorca (Menorca) island |
unknown |
November 2003 |
- Es Castell district, Menorca island |
December 2003 |
- San Lluis district, Menorca island |
Dr Samuel Jutzi, Director of the FAO Animal Health and Production Division, joined colleagues and friends in wishing Dr Yves Cheneau well on the occasion of his farewell party organized last November. Dr Cheneau joined FAO in 1992 as Chief of the Animal Health Service. Among his many duties, he took on the challenge of setting up the EMPRES-Livestock Programme with exemplary commitment and technical knowledge, and was instrumental to incorporating the Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme (GREP) into EMPRES-Livestock. Dr Cheneau retired from FAO on 28 November 2003, after almost 12 years of dedication and professional commitment to the Animal Production and Health Division and world animal health.
Dr Joseph Domenech, who took up his duties on 1 December 2003, succeeds Dr Cheneau as Chief of the Animal Health Service. He comes to FAO from CIRAD, France, where he worked for seven years. He is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Toulouse Veterinary School (1970), and has a Ph.D., as well as specialized degrees in Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology and Epidemiology, from the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and from the Faculty of Medicine in Toulouse, France. His experience is mainly in the field of the development of animal production in developing countries: vaccine production, diagnosis and research on animal diseases (Ethiopia, 1972-76; Chad, 1976-80; New Caledonia, 1981-85; Côte d 'Ivoire, 1986-92); reorganization of Veterinary Services and rinderpest eradication campaign (Nairobi, Kenya, PARC Programme of OAU-IBAR, 1992-96). He subsequently was in charge of External Relations at the Centre national d'études vétérinaires et alimentaires, Maisons-Alfort, France. From 1997 to 2003, he was Director of CIRAD-EMVT (Department of Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine, Montpellier, France), where he was devoted to research and development components in the fields of animal production, animal health and natural resources management, including livestock and environment interactions.
Several new titles have been added to the growing list of FAO Animal Health manuals.
FAO Animal Health Manuals
Manuels FAO de santé animale (French version)
5. Reconnaître la peste des petits ruminants, 1999
9. Identifier la peste porcine africaine, 2001
13. Reconnaître la péripneumonie contagieuse bovine (édition révisée), 2003
15. Préparation des plans d'intervention d'urgence pour la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift, 2002
These and other FAO documents can be purchased through FAO sales agents. A complete list of publications, prices and agents is available at www.fao.org/catalog/inter-e.htm, or contact:
Sales and Marketing Group, FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.: + 39 06 57055727
Fax: + 39 06 57053360
E-mail: [email protected]
An annual prize is awarded for the best publication in the Agriculture Department (AG) produced by one or more AG staff members. All categories of publications can be considered, but the emphasis this year was on publications with a demonstrated use and outcome linked to the objectives of FAO's Agriculture Programme. In 2000, AG rewarded scientific publications, in 2001 electronic publications and in 2002 publications for the non-specialist reader.
On 16 December 2003, the Agriculture Department publication prize for the year 2003 was awarded to the EMPRES Bulletin. Dr Louise O. Fresco, Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department, presented the prize to the EMPRES group during the informal departmental end-of-year gathering.
The EMPRES group thanks all contributors and readers who made this possible. Recognition of the prize should also be extended to all the FAO officers, administrative staff, reference laboratories and collaborating centres who, since 1994, have contributed significantly to the success of the EMPRES Bulletin.