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Belvèze, H. et H. Rami, Détermination de lage de la sardine marocaine. Eléments de croissance (in press)
Biaz, R., Essai didentification des populations de sardines de lAtlantique marocain par électrophorèse sur le noyau du cristallin. Submitted for the degree of Docteur Vétérinaire at the Inst.Agron.Vétér.Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.
Bravo de Laguna, J., M.A.R. Fernandez and J.C. Santana, 1976, The Spanish fishery on sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) off West Africa. ICES CM 1977/G:13 Pelagic Fish (Southern) Committee (mimeo)
Bravo de Laguna, J., M.A.R. Fernandez and A. Delgado, 1977, Problemática de las investigaciones sobre la Sardina (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) del banco pesquero sahariano. Paper presented at the Workshop on Population Dynamics in Fisheries. Barcelona, 24-28 October 1977. Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras.
Bravo de Laguna, J, M.A.R. Fernandez and J.C. Santana, 1977, Length distributions of the fishes discarded in the bottom trawl fishery off Northwest Africa. ICES CM 1977/G:13
Cruzado, A., 1974, Coastal upwelling between Cape Bojador and Point Durnford (Spanish Sahara). Tethys, 6(1-2):133-42
Cruzado, A. y M. Manriquez, 1974, Datos hidrográficos de la campaña ATLOR III en la región de afloramiento entre Cabo Bojador y Punto Durnford. Result.Exped.Cient. B/O CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA, (3):89-115
Domanevsky, L.N. and N.A. Barkova, 1976, Some peculiarities of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) distribution and spawning along Northwest Africa. ICES CM 1976/J:6:15 p. (mimeo)
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Johannesson, K., L. Villegas and M. Lamboeuf, 1975, Estimation acoustique quantitative de limportance et de la distribution des ressources sardinières de la côte atlantique du Maroc. Trav.Doc.Dév.Pêche Marit., (11):14 p., 9 figs.
Krzeptowski, M., 1975, Sardine in Polish catches in the Spanish Sahara region during the years 1971-1974. ICES CM 1975/J:18 (mimeo)
Krzeptowski, M., 1977, The results of Polish investigations on sardine inhabiting the Western Sahara shelf. CINECA Symposium. Paper No. 112 (mimeo)
Lamboeuf, M., 1977, Estimation acoustique quantitative de labondance et de la distribution de la sardine marocaine, en janvier 1977. Trav.Doc.Dév.Pêche Marit., (22):11 p.
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León, A.R. de, J.G. Braun y J.E. Escánez, 1974, Observaciones químicas y de fitoplancton en aguas de cabo Blanco y de Mauritania. (Chemical and phytoplankton observations in the waters of Cape Blanc and Mauritania). Bol.Inst.Esp.Oceanogr., (177):1-13
Rubies, P. and I. Palomera, 1977, Abundance and distribution of sardine eggs and larvae off Northwest Africa, April-May 1973. ICES CM 1977/L:7 (mimeo)
Velasguez, Z.R. and A. Cruzado, 1977, Distribution of phytoplankton biomass and carbon uptake off Northwest Africa. Result.Exped.Cient. B/O CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA, (3):147-68
Miscellaneous information existing in CECAF Project files.