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FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 134, Rev. 2. Fishing boat designs: 2.
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ISBN 92-5-105201-8
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© FAO 2005
Gulbrandsen, O. Fishing boat designs: 2. V-bottom boats of planked and plywood construction FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 134, Rev. 2. Rome, FAO. 2004. 64p. ABSTRACT Timber remains the most common material for the construction of boats under 15 metres in length. There has been a change towards fibre-reinforced plastic in most developed countries and some developing countries but, in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, probably more than 90 percent of small fishing vessels are built of wood. The cost advantage of timber versus other materials is still sufficient to ensure that it will remain the dominant boatbuilding material for a long time to come in developing countries. However, unrestricted or illicit access to forest resources and the introduction of rational forestry management policies have caused and will continue to cause a scarcity of the sections of timbers traditionally favoured by boatbuilders. The resultant scarcity and high cost of good quality timber have not meant that less wooden boats are being built, but rather that vessel quality has deteriorated through the use of inferior timber and inadequate design strength. This updated and completely revised publication supersedes Revision 1 of FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 134 published in 1997. It follows an exhaustive study on structural timber design applied to wooden boat construction. The publication includes the designs of four small fishing vessels (from 5.2 to 8.5 metres), with comprehensive material specifications and lists, and provides detailed instructions for their construction, both planked and of plywood. The designs are appropriate for inshore and coastal fisheries and emphasis has been placed on relative ease of construction and minimum wastage of timber. |
Boats in this publication
5.2 m boat
6.3 m boat
7.4 m boat
8.5 m boat
Frame dimensions
Drawing frames in full size
Modifying the beam
Building jig
Fixing frames to building jig
Fairing for hog
Bevelling of sides
Cutout for chine
Bolting of chine
Bevelling of chine and hog
Intermediate frames and side planking
Bottom battens and keel
Bottom battens and planking
Caulking planking - rubbing strips
Marking the waterline
Outboard engine well
Mooring bitt and fairlead
Oars and mast
Sailing rudder
Emergency sail
Crew shelter