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Law on Hunting and Protection of Wildlife (Act No. 7875, 23 November 1994)


Law on Nature Reserves (17 December 1991)


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Act No. 91, 16 July 1999)


Law on the Protection of Nature of Styria (30 June 1976, amended by Law of 21 January 2000)


Loi sur la chasse (28 February 1882, as consolidated on 6 August 1997)

Décret sur la chasse (Flemish Region) (24 July1991)

Arrêté du gouvernement wallon relatif aux permis et licences de chasse (4 May 1995)

Arrêté du gouvernement wallon fixant les conditions et la procédure d’agrément des conseils cynégétiques (30 May 1996)

Décret concernant la conservation de la nature et le milieu naturel (Flemish Region) (21 October 1997)


Loi portant réglementation de la protection de la nature et de l’exercice de la chasse (Act No. 87-014, 21 September 1987)

Loi portant conditions d’exercice de la chasse et du tourisme de vision (Act No. 93-111, 3 August 1993)


Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act (Act No. 28 of 1992, as amended by Acts No. 60 of 1992 and No. 16 of 1993)


Protected Areas Law (30 October 1998)


Loi portant code forestier (Law No. 006/97/ADP, 31 January 1997)


Loi portant régime des forêts, de la faune et de la pêche (Law No. 94/01, 20 January 1994)

Décret fixant les modalités d’application du régime de la faune (Decree No. 95/466/PM, 20 July 1995)


Ley que sustituye el texto de la Ley N° 4601, sobre caza, y el artículo 609 del Código Civil (Law No. 19473, 4 September 1996)


Law on the Protection of Wildlife (8 November 1988)

Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife (12 February 1992)

Regulations on Nature Reserves (9 October 1994)


Normas para el manejo sostenible de especies de fauna silvestre y acuática (Law No. 611, 17 August 2000)


Ley de Biodiversidad (Law No. 7788, 23 April 1998)

Ley de Conservación de la Vida Silvestre (Law No. 7317, 30 October 1992)


Protection of Nature Act (No. 9, 3 January 1992, consolidated until 23 February 2000)

Hunting and Wildlife Management Act (No. 114, 28 January 1997)


Law on the Protection of Nature (Law No. 615, 28 July 1993)

Law on Hunting (Law No. 1096, 20 December 1996)


Code de l’environnement, articles L429-1-L429-40 (chasse)

Code rural, articles R221-R229 (chasse)

Code rural, articles L211-L215 and R211-R215 (protection de la faune et de la flore)

Loi sur la protection et mise en valeur des paysages (No. 93-24, 8 January 1993)


Federal Nature Conservation Act (21 September 1998)

Federal Hunting Act (29 September 1976, as amended until Law of 26 January 1998)


Loi adoptant et promulguant le code de protection de la faune sauvage et réglementation de la chasse (Law L/97/038/An, 9 December 1997)


Law on Protection of Warm-blooded Wild Fauna and Hunting (Law No. 157, 11 February 1992)

Framework Law on Protected Areas (Law No. 394, 6 December 1991, as amended until Law No. 426, 9 December 1998)

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on Implementation of the Provisions on Derogations under article 9 of Directive 79/409/EEC on Conservation of Wild Birds (27 September 1997)

Legislative Decree concerning the Transfer of State Administrative Functions to Regions and Local Authorities (Decree No. 112, 31 March 1998)

Regional Law (Tuscany) on Conservation of Natural and Semi-natural Habitats and Wild Flora and Fauna (Law No. 56, 6 April 2000)


Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act 1976, as amended in 1989 (Act No. 1, 10 February 1976 and Act No. 16, 6 December 1989)


Law on Wildlife (Law No. VIII-498, 6 November 1997)


National Parks and Wildlife Act (Act No. 11, 15 April 1992)


Loi fixant les conditions de gestion de la faune sauvage et de son habitat (Law No. 95-031, 20 March 1995)

Décret déterminant les modalités et conditions d’exercice des droits conférés par les titres de chasse (Decree No. 97-052/P-RM, 31 January 1997)


Loi abrogeant et remplaçant la loi n° 75-003 du 15 janvier 1975 portant code de la chasse et de la protection de la nature (Law No. 97-006, 20 January 1997)


Ley General de vida silvestre (Law of 20 April 2000)


Flora and Fauna Act (25 May 1998)


Ley de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Law No. 26834, 30 June 1997)


National Integrated Protected Areas System Act (Act No. 75, 1 June 1992)


Framework Law on Hunting (Lei de Bases Gerais da Caça) (Law No. 173/99, 21 September 1999)

Decree-Law implementing the Framework Law on Hunting (No. 227-B/2000, 15 September 2000)

Framework Law on the Environment (Lei de Bases do Ambiente) (Law 11/87, 7 April 1987)


Law on Hunting and the Protection of Game (Law No. 103, 23 September 1996)

Law on Environmental Protection (Law No. 157, 29 December 1995)


Ley de Conservación de los Espacios Naturales y de la Flora y Fauna Silvestre and Ley por la que se modifica la Ley de Conservación de los Espacios Naturales y de la Flora y Fauna Silvestre (Law No. 4, 27 March 1989 and Law No. 41, 5 November 1997)


Ordonnance sur la protection de la nature et du paysage (16 January 1991, with amendments up to 1 April 1996)


Law on the Protection and Use of the Animal World (Law No. 989, 20 July 1994)


Uganda Wildlife Statute (Act No. 14 , 14 May 1996)


Decreto que mantiene la prohibición de la caza, tenencia, transporte, comercialización e industrialización de especies zoológicas silvestres y sus productos (Decree 164/996, 2 May 1996)

Decreto que autoriza la caza deportiva y el transporte por el cazador habilitado de ejemplares que se determinan (Decree 165/996, 2 May 1996).

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