- Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 19-23 June 1961 (E)**
- Report of the First Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28-31 May 1962 (E)**
- Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow, USSR, 16-28 July 1962 (E)**
- Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR, 14 September-2 October 1962 (E)**
- Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey (Subcommission on Land and Water Use of the European Commission on Agriculture), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March 1963 (E)**
- Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963 (E)**
- Report of the Second Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 29 July-6 August 1963 (E)**
- Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Paris, 3 January 1964 (E)**
- Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, November-December 1963 (E)**
- Report on the Soils of Bolivia, January 1964 (E)**
- Report on the Soils of Paraguay, January 1964 (E)**
- Preliminary Definition, Legend and Correlation Table for the Soil Map of the World, Rome, August 1964 (E)**
- Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 16-21 May 1964 (E)**
- Report of the Meeting on the Classification and Correlation of Soils from Volcanic Ash, Tokyo, Japan, 11-27 June 1964 (E)**
- Report of the First Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification, Survey and Soil Resources of the European Commission on Agriculture, Florence, Italy, 1-3 October 1964 (E)**
- Detailed Legend for the Third Draft on the Soil Map of South America, June 1965 (E)**
- Report of the First Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America, Mexico, 1-8 February 1965 (E)**
- The Soil Resources of Latin America, October 1965 (E)**
- Report of the Third Correlation Seminar for Europe: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, 29 August-22 September 1965 (E)**
- Report of the Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000) (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, 29 November-3 December 1965 (E)**
- Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-16 July 1965 (E)**
- Report of the Soil Resources Expedition in Western and Central Brazil, 24 June-9 July 1965 (E)**
- Bibliography on Soils and Related Sciences for Latin America (1st edition), December 1965 (E)**
- Report on the Soils of Paraguay (2nd edition), August 1964 (E)**
- Report of the Soil Correlation Study Tour in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina, June-August 1964 (E)**
- Report of the Meeting on Soil Correlation and Soil Resources Appraisal in India, New Delhi, India, 5-15 April 1965 (E)**
- Report of the Sixth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Montpellier, France, 7-11 March 1967 (E)**
- Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America, Winnipeg-Vancouver, Canada, 25 July-5 August 1966 (E)**
- Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Moscow, USSR, 20-28 August 1966 (E)**
- Report of the Meeting of the Soil Correlation Committee for South America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12-19 December 1966 (E)**
- Trace Element Problems in Relation to Soil Units in Europe (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Rome, 1967 (E)**
- Approaches to Soil Classification, 1968 (E)**
- Definitions of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, April 1968 (E)**
- Soil Map of South America 1:5 000 000, Draft Explanatory Text, November 1968 (E)**
- Report of a Soil Correlation Study Tour in Sweden and Poland, 27 September-14 October 1968 (E)**
- Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000) (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Poitiers, France 21-23 June 1967 (E)**
- Supplement to Definition of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, July 1969 (E)**
- Seventh Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Varna, Bulgaria, 11-13 September 1969 (E)**
- A Correlation Study of Red and Yellow Soils in Areas with a Mediterranean Climate (E)**
- Report of the Regional Seminar of the Evaluation of Soil Resources in West Africa, Kumasi, Ghana, 14-19 December 1970 (E)**
- Soil Survey and Soil Fertility Research in Asia and the Far East, New Delhi, 15-20 February 1971 (E)**
- Report of the Eighth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 July 1971 (E)**
- Report of the Ninth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Ghent, Belgium 28-31 August 1973 (E)**
- First Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee on Soil Correlation for Soil Evaluation and Management, Accra, Ghana, 12-19 June 1972 (E)**
- Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation, Rome, Italy, 6-8 January 1975 (E)**
- First Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Nairobi, Kenya, 11-16 March 1974 (E)**
- Second Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25-30 October 1976 (E)
- Report on the Agro-Ecological Zones Project, Vol. 1 - Methodology and Results for Africa, 1978. Vol. 2 - Results for Southwest Asia, 1978 (E)
- Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Standards for Rainfed Agriculture, Rome, Italy, 25-28 October 1977 (E)
- Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Criteria for Irrigation, Rome, Italy, 27 February-2 March 1979 (E)
- Third Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Lusaka, Zambia, 18-30 April 1978 (E)
- Land Evaluation Guidelines for Rainfed Agriculture, Report of an Expert Consultation, 12-14 December 1979 (E)
- Fourth Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Banjul, The Gambia, 20-27 October 1979 (E)
- Fourth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Arusha, Tanzania, 27 October-4 November 1980 (E)
- Cinquième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Lomé, Togo, 7-12 décembre 1981 (F)
- Fifth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Wad Medani, Sudan, 5-10 December 1983 (E)
- Sixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre Africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Niamey, Niger, 6-12 février 1984 (F)
- Sixth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Maseru, Lesotho, 9-18 October 1985 (E)
- Septième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 10-17 novembre 1985 (F)
- Revised Legend, Soil Map of the World, FAO-Unesco-ISRIC, 1988. Reprinted 1990 (E)
- Huitième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 19-28 janvier 1987 (F)
- Seventh Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Evaluation, Gaborone, Botswana, 30 March-8 April 1987 (E)
- Neuvième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Cotonou, Bénin, 14-23 novembre 1988 (F)
- FAO-ISRIC Soil Database (SDB), 1989 (E)
- Eighth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Harare, Zimbabwe, 9-13 October 1989 (E)
- World soil resources. An explanatory note on the FAO World Soil Resources Map at 1:25�000�000 scale, 1991. Rev. 1, 1993 (E)
- Digitized Soil Map of the World, Volume 1: Africa. Volume 2: North and Central America. Volume 3: Central and South America. Volume 4: Europe and West of the Urals. Volume 5: North East Asia. Volume 6: Near East and Far East. Volume 7: South East Asia and Oceania. Release 1.0, November 1991 (E)
- Land Use Planning Applications. Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation 1990, Rome, 10-14 December 1990 (E)
- Dixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Bouaké, Odienné, Côte d'Ivoire, 5-12 novembre 1990 (F)
- Ninth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Lilongwe, Malawi, 25 November - 2 December 1991 (E)
- Agro-ecological land resources assessment for agricultural development planning. A case study of Kenya. Resources data base and land productivity. Main Report. Technical Annex 1: Land resources. Technical Annex 2: Soil erosion and productivity. Technical Annex 3: Agro-climatic and agro-edaphic suitabilities for barley, oat, cowpea, green gram and pigeonpea. Technical Annex 4: Crop productivity. Technical Annex 5: Livestock productivity. Technical Annex 6: Fuelwood productivity. Technical Annex 7: Systems documentation guide to computer programs for land productivity assessments. Technical Annex 8: Crop productivity assessment: results at district level. 1991. Main Report 71/9: Making land use choices for district planning, 1994 (E)
- Computerized systems of land resources appraisal for agricultural development, 1993 (E)
- FESLM: an international framework for evaluating sustainable land management, 1993 (E)
- Global and national soils and terrain digital databases (SOTER), 1993. Rev. 1, 1995 (E)
- AEZ in Asia. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Agro-ecological Zones Methodology and Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-23 November 1991 (E)
- Green manuring for soil productivity improvement, 1994 (E)
- Onzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Ségou, Mali, 18-26 janvier 1993 (F)
- Land degradation in South Asia: its severity, causes and effects upon the people, 1994 (E)
- Status of sulphur in soils and plants of thirty countries, 1995 (E)
- Soil survey: perspectives and strategies for the 21st century, 1995 (E)
- Multilingual soil database, 1995 (Multil)
- Potential for forage legumes of land in West Africa, 1995 (E)
- Douzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Bangui, République Centrafricain, 5-10 décembre 1994 (F)
- World reference base for soil resources, 1998 (E)
- Soil Fertility Initiative for sub-Saharan Africa, 1999 (E)
- Prevention of land degradation, enhancement of carbon sequestration and conservation of biodiversity through land use change and sustainable land management with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, 1999 (E)
- AEZWIN: An interactive multiple-criteria analysis tool for land resources appraisal, 1999 (E)
- Sistemas de uso de la tierra en los trópicos húmedios y la emisión y secuestro de CO2, 2000 (S)
- Land resources information systems for food security in SADC countries, 2000 (E)
- Land resource potential and constraints at regional and country levels, 2000 (E)
- The European soil information system, 2000 (E)
- Carbon sequestration projects under the clean development mechanism to address land degradation, 2000 (E)
- Land resources information systems in Asia, 2000 (E)
- Lecture notes on the major soils of the world, 2001 (E)
- Land resources information systems in the Caribbean, 2001 (E)
- Soil carbon sequestration for improved land management, 2001 (E F S)
- Land degradation assessment in drylands - LADA project, 2002 (E)
- Quatorzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Abomey, Bénin, 9-13 octobre 2000, 2002 (F)
- Land resources information systems in the Near East, 2002 (E)
Availability: December 2002
E - English
F - French
S - Spanish
Multil - Multilingual
** Out of print