52) The Chairman of the Workshop reported on the FAO/ILSI
Workshop on "Risk Analysis and Food Standards" held on Monday 7 December 1998 in
Montevideo, Uruguay, immediately prior to the 11th Session of the
Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean.
53) The principal objectives of the workshop were to provide
the participants with an overview of the current status of risk analysis in
Codex, the application of risk analysis principles in a number of Codex
committees dealing with food safety, and the outstanding issues related to this
subject. Presentations were made in the Workshop by speakers from the Codex
Secretariat, the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, a FAO
Consultant and the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI).
54) The Committee recognized:
- The need to
exchange general information in the area of Risk Analysis, application of HACCP
and Codex Alimentarius, through the intensification of information activities
and strengthening of national Codex structures such as National Committees and
Codex Contact Points;
- The need to have
Codex documents in Spanish in a timely manner, with an appropriate translation
corresponding to the original initially presented (the same document), to be
studied by countries in order to determine their national positions;
- The need to train
trainers not only in HACCP as has been the case so far, but also including risk
analysis in training programmes. In this sense, it was pointed out that the
organization of common activities between FAO and other international
organizations would be useful in the development of such courses. The
Representative of ILSI expressed the willingness of the ILSI Risk Institute to
participate in these efforts;
- The problems of
the application of HACCP in small and medium-sized industries were stressed,
with special emphasis on micro-industry, as well as the need for a concerted
position on this question at the regional level. In this respect, the necessity
to initiate work to develop Good Manufacturing Practice in this type of industry
was emphasized;
55) The Committee recommended:
- That governments
should update national legislation in order to incorporate Risk Analysis in
their revision;
- The establishment
of integrated programmes for the Region to evaluate microbiological risks,
beginning with Salmonella sp. (focus of contamination, recounts,
[10] Conference Room Document