Vol. 46
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Editorial staff
Editor: Stephen A. Dembner
Language Editor: Rachel Tucker
WWW edition: Fernando Serván
Graphics: Omar Bolbol
Cover illustration: New Zealand Forest Research Institute.
Published by the Publications Division of FAO
E.B. Barbier
Trade in timber-based forest products and the implications of the Uruguay Round.
I.J. Bourke
International trade in forest products and the environment.
Hj.G. Baharuddin
Timber certification: an overview.
B. Cabarle and A. Ramos de Freitas
Timber certification and the pursuit of credible claims
J.-P. Kiekens
Timber certification: a critique
G.P. Horgan and F.M. Maplesden
The role of marketing in developing exports of plantation-grown New Zealand radiata pine..
L. Lintu
Marketing non-wood forest products in developing countries.
M. Pesonen
University-level programmes in forest products marketing.
K. Kumari
Is Malaysian forest policy and legislation conducive to multiple-use forest management?
E. D'Souza
The potential of the military in environmental protection: India