68. The Committee was reminded that the document included two inter-related annexes: Annex 1 originally from the discussion paper prepared by ICMSF and Annex 2 from the paper prepared by the United States on microbiological risk assessment, which had been discussed at the 29th Session of the Committee.
69. The Observer from ICMSF indicated that the intention was intended to provide guidance on the establishment of sampling plans adapted to the appropriate level of public health protection, since this area had not been covered by any of Codex texts. The document also aimed at providing a starting point in the on-going efforts of integrating the existing and future Codex documents into a coherent overall structure of risk analysis by using the key concept of "food safety objectives". Annex 2, on the other hand, provided useful reflection as to the way to further improve risk assessment practices within Codex and its parent organizations.
70. Some delegations supported the working framework proposed by ICMSF. Many delegations expressed the view that the Committee should not proceed its work too quickly in view of the paramount importance of the issue in the Codex-wide context of risk analysis. It was also noted that the risk analysis was a developing science and flexibility was needed in its application.
71. Many delegations noted that the step-wise approach suggested in Annex 1 needed to be brought in line with the risk management principles recommended by the FAO/WHO consultation on risk management (1997). It was also pointed out that both risk assessment and management components contained in Annex 1 had been formulated in a narrow context of risk analysis.
72. The Committee also noted that the Committee on General Principles had undertaken the work to provide Codex-wide policies in risk analysis, including several horizontal definitions and principles, while the Committee had the mandate to implement the risk analysis in its field of competence. It was stressed that the discussion paper addressed the very subjects which the Commission at its 22nd Session had requested the relevant Codex Committees to elaborate. It was stressed that the work in this area should be co-ordinated between the Codex Committees involved and in the meantime governments should further be invited to comment on Annexes 1 and 2 in the broadest context of the Codex risk assessment and management, including the concepts expressed in the FAO/WHO consultation on risk management (1997).
73. The Committee agreed to circulate the working document and invite governments to provide their comments by May 1998, in the light of the outcome of the FAO/WHO Consultations on risk assessment (1995) and on risk management (1997). The Committee requested that these government comments be compiled by the Delegation of France, in consultation with Italy, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom, the United States and ICMSF, and the discussion paper be revised for consideration at the next session of the Committee.