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Consideration of Draft Code of Practice of Good Animal Feeding[25] (Agenda Item 17)

96. The 22nd Session of the CAC had noted the outcome of the FAO Consultation on Animal Feeding and Food Safety (March, 1997) and had agreed to initiate elaboration of the Proposed Draft Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding. The Commission assigned this new work to the Committees on Food Hygiene, Food Additives and Contaminants, Pesticide Residues, and Residues for Veterinary Drugs in Foods, with the co-ordinating role to be assumed by the Executive Committee[26].

97. The Codex Secretariat had introduced the document that contained a number of editorial and substantive government comments received.

98. Some delegations stressed the need for close collaboration with other Codex Committees to expedite work in this area. Other delegations recognized the importance of globally applying control measures to the total food chain with collaboration with OIE. The Committee agreed to remain involved in the elaboration of the Code in close co-operation with other relevant Committees.


99. The Committee agreed that a Circular Letter be prepared to invite additional government comments to the Proposed Draft Code. It was also agreed that all comments, including those already received, be referred to the forth-coming session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods for consideration. The Committee also agreed to consider this issue again at its next session.

[25] CL 1997/30-FH; CX/FH 97/16 (comments from Brazil, Canada, Slovak, Sweden, UK, USA, WHO and Consumers International), CRD 8 (comments from France).
[26] ALINORM 97/37, paragraph 129

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