Presentation of the results roughly follows the FAO regional division: North and Central America, Europe and Northern Asia, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania.
For Asia, quite a number of different subregional and national source maps had to be used to compile the GEZ map: Tropical Asia, Middle East, China, Korea’s, Mongolia, Japan. The regions South America, Africa and Tropical Asia are presented together, as the same type of source maps, the eco-floristic zone maps produced by LET, were used to compile the GEZ map. For each region we present a) the source maps that were used, together with classification criteria; and b) look-up tables giving the correspondence between the source classes and the FAO Ecological Zones with comments/explanations. Appendix II-1 presents the source maps that were used to delineate the global Ecological Zones.
In the look-up tables (further abbreviated as LUT) only the codes of the Global Ecological Zone are given (Table 2). More details on the zones, such as names, climatic criteria, vegetation, are presented in Table 1 and paragraph 3.4 of Part I of this report.
Table 2. Codes and names of FAO Global Ecological Zones.
Domain |
Code |
Name | |
Tropical |
TAr |
Tropical rain forest |
TAwa |
Tropical moist deciduous forest | |
TAwb |
Tropical dry forest | |
TBSh |
Tropical shrubland | |
TBWh |
Tropical desert | |
TM |
Tropical mountain systems | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Subtropical humid forest |
SCs |
Subtropical dry forest | |
SBSh |
Subtropical steppe | |
SBWh |
Subtropical desert | |
SM |
Subtropical mountain systems | |
Temperate |
TeDo |
Temperate oceanic forest |
TeDc |
Temperate continental forest | |
TeBSk |
Temperate steppe | |
TeBWk |
Temperate desert | |
TeM |
Temperate mountain systems | |
Boreal |
Ba |
Boreal coniferous forest |
Bb |
Boreal tundra woodland | |
BM |
Boreal mountain systems | |
Polar |
P |
Polar |
The zoning of this region was based on maps and inputs from five countries / subregions, from North to South: Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
The source for the GEZ of Canada is the map "Ecological Regions of North America" (CEC, 1997). The map was developed by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) whose members are Canada, Mexico and the United States.
The CEC map is applying a holistic ecosystem or landscape classification, based on various components or parameters such as climate, soils, landform, vegetation and also land use. Three levels of ecological regions are distinguished and at the broadest level North America is divided into 15 Level I regions. Nested within the Level I regions, 52 Level II ecological regions have been mapped. The scale of presentation of Level II is at approximately 1:30 million.
Table 3. LUT Canada.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecological region Level II | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Temperate |
TeDc |
5.2 Mixed wood Shield 5.3 Atlantic Highlands 8.1 Mixed wood Plains 8.2 Central USA Plains |
TeBSk |
9.2 Temperate Prairies 9.3 West-Central Semi-Arid Plains | |
TeM |
6.2 Western Cordillera 7.1 Marine West Coast Forests | |
Boreal |
Ba |
5.1 Softwood shield 9.1 Boreal Plains |
Bb |
3.1 Alaska Boreal Interior 3.3 Taiga Plains 3.4 Taiga Shield 4.1 Hudson Plain | |
BM |
6.1 Boreal Cordillera 3.2 Taiga Cordillera | |
Polar |
P |
1.1 Arctic Cordillera 2.1 Northern Arctic 2.2 Alaska Tundra 2.3 Brooks Range 2.4 Southern Arctic |
Source: Ecological Regions of North America (CEC, 1997)
Level II was considered the most appropriate scale and detail of source classes to use for compiling the FAO GEZ map. The correspondence between source classes, Level II ecological regions and the GEZ was established by studying the criteria and descriptions of the ecological regions. For example region ‘5.1 Softwood Shield’ corresponds to FAO EZ class ‘Ba-Boreal Coniferous forest’, based on the description (CEC, 1997) that the ecological region has a mean annual temperature of –2 to -6oC, a mean annual precipitation of 550-1500 mm, a vegetation of primarily conifers, lichens and shrubs and that landform is hilly with some plains.
Mountain systems are in the CEC classification placed under the “Cordillera” and ”Sierra” ecological regions. Landform is a dominant criterion in defining these regions, rather than an altitudinal threshold. As a result, the CEC mountain ecological regions are broad and diverse systems, including mountains, plateaus and valleys.
The source for the GEZ of USA is the map Ecoregions of the United States (Bailey, 1994). The classification of ecoregions is based on the Köppen-Trewartha climate system distinguishing broad domains equivalent to climate groups and within these domains, divisions approximately equivalent to climate types. The presence of mountains is an additional criterion in the classification and within each division a lowland and a mountain class are distinguished. An essential feature of mountainous regions is the altitudinal differentiation or zonation of vegetation and climate.
As the FAO GEZ classification makes use of the same Köppen-Trewartha climate system, delineation of GEZ for USA was therefore simple. However, a few differences occur between Bailey’s US ecoregions and FAO’s GEZ classification:
a) The definition, delimitation by Bailey of a Prairie Division (250), a transition zone between steppe (310, 330) to the west and subtropical (220) and warm-hot continental (210, 220) forest Divisions to the east. This Prairie Division is subdivided into a northern temperate Province and a southern subtropical Province. According to Dr Bailey (pers. communication), this Division has more affinity with FAO’s steppe zones than with the forest zones. Therefore, the northern, temperate Province (251) has been classified as FAO’s temperate steppe (TeBSk) while the southern, subtropical Province has been classified as subtropical steppe (SBSh).
b) Difference in mountain classification: FAO distinguishes only one zone of mountain systems within each domain, while Bailey subdivides each Division into a lowland ecoregion and a mountain ecoregion. However, the two systems are easily comparable, as the grouping of various mountain ecoregions into one FAO mountain zone is straightforward (Table 4).
Table 4. LUT United States.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion – Division | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
TAwa |
410 Savannah Division, (Everglades) |
Subtropical |
SCf |
230 Subtropical Division |
SCs |
260 Mediterranean Division | |
SBSh |
250 Prairie Division 255 Prairie Parkland (Subtropical) Province 310 Subtropical steppe | |
SBWh |
320 Subtropical Desert Division | |
SM |
M230 Subtropical Regime Mountains M260 Mediterranean Regime Mountains M310 Subtropical Steppe Regime Mountains | |
Temperate |
TeDo |
240 Marine Division |
TeDc |
210 Warm continental Division 220 Hot continental Division | |
TeBSk |
250 Prairie Division: 251 Prairie Parkland (Temperate) Province 330 Temperate steppe Division | |
TeBWk |
340 Temperate desert Division | |
TeM |
M210 Warm Continental Division M220 Hot Continental Regime Mountains M240 Marine Regime Mountains M330 Temperate Steppe Regime Mountains M340 Temperate Desert Regime Mountains | |
Boreal |
Bb |
130 Subarctic Division |
BM |
M130 Subarctic Regime Mountains | |
Polar |
P |
120 Tundra Division M120 Tundra Regime Mountains |
Source: Ecoregions of the United States (Bailey, 1994)
The same source map was used as for Canada, the CEC ecological regions of North America (CEC, 1997). In addition, climatic data were studied to verify the approximate delineation of the FAO GEZ. This was particularly needed to determine the reclassification of the CEC Level II ecological regions under Tropical Wet and Tropical dry forests. The greater part of the Tropical Wet forests correspond to FAO GEZ moist deciduous forest (TAwa), while most of the Tropical Dry Forests ecological regions are part of GEZ tropical dry forest (TAwb).
Table 5. LUT Mexico.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecological region Level II | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
TAr |
15.1 (part) Humid Gulf of Mexico coastal plains and hills 15.3 Sierra Los Tuxtlas |
TAwa |
15.1 (part) Humid Gulf of Mexico coastal plains and hills 15.2 Plain and hills of the Yucatan Peninsula 15.5 Western Pacific plain and hills 15.6 Coastal plain and hills of Soconusco 14.1 Dry Gulf of Mexico coastal plains and hills 14.5 (part) Southern Pacific coastal plain and hills | |
TAwb |
14.2 Northwestern plain of the Yucatan Peninsula 14.3 Western Pacific coastal plain, hills and canyons 14.4 Interior depressions 14.5 (part) Southern Pacific coastal plain and hills 14.6 Sierra and plains of El Cabo | |
TM |
13.3 Eastern Sierra Madre 13.4 Transversal neo-volcanic system 13.5 Southern Sierra Madre 13.6 Central American Sierra Madre and Chiapas highlands | |
Subtropical |
SBSh |
9.5 Texas-Louisiana coastal plain 9.6 Tamaulipas-Texas semi-arid plain 12.1Western Sierra Madre piedmont 12.2 Mexican high plateau |
SBWh |
10.2 Sonoran and Mohave deserts 10.3 Baja Californian desert 10.4 Chihuahuan desert | |
SM |
13.2 Western Sierra Madre |
Source: Ecological regions of North America (CEC, 1997)
National Holdridge Life Zone maps were used to compile the GEZ map for Central America. Such maps are available for all countries (see references).
The Holdridge Life Zone classification system is a predictive scheme for identifying and delimiting potential vegetation or Life Zones based generally upon the effects of temperature, rainfall and evapotranspiration and also taking into account elevation (Holdridge, 1967).
Since the FAO GEZ system is more general than the Holdridge Life Zone system, several life zones needed to be aggregated into a single GEZ. To start with, applying the temperature criteria of the FAO system, the whole of Central America is within the tropical domain. (According to Holdridge biotemperature criteria, portions are subtropical). The Tropical and Premontane belts of the Holdridge Life Zone system correspond with GEZ Tropical lowland zones, while the Lower Montane, Montane and Sub-Alpine belts are aggregated into GEZ Tropical mountain systems (TM). The Tropical and Subtropical lowland and premontane Life Zones were than classified according to the range of ecological parameters, primarily amount and distribution of rainfall or length of the dry season. There is a good correspondence between the Holdridge life zone humidity provinces and GEZ. For example, all life zones indicated “wet” or “rain” belong to GEZ tropical rain forest (TAr); the “moist” Life zones, except two, correspond with Tropical moist deciduous forest (TAwa); and the “Dry” ones belong to tropical dry forest (TAwb).
Table 6. LUT Central America.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Holdridge Life zone | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
TAr |
Tropical wet forest Tropical moist forest (marine association) Premontane wet forest (hot transition) Premontane rain forest Subtropical wet forest Subtropical rain forest |
TAwa |
Tropical moist forest Tropical moist forest (monsoonal association) Premontane moist forest (hot transition) Subtropical moist forest | |
TAwb |
Tropical dry forest Subtropical dry forest Premontane moist forest (fc) | |
TBSh |
Tropical very dry forest Subtropical thorn woodland | |
TM |
Lower Montane moist forest Lower Montane wet forest Lower Montane rain forest Montane moist forest Montane wet forest Montane rain forest SubAlpine rain paramo |
Sources: various national Holdridge Life zones maps and Holdridge (1967)
Source map for the Caribbean GEZ is the Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World map (WWF, 2000). Ecoregions are defined on the basis of shared ecological features, climate and plant and animal communities. A driving principle in the mapping is to present the best available national-regional information, rather than applying a common global classification framework. As a result, the scale of zoning and mapping is generally more detailed than the FAO GEZ system, which is clearly reflected in the LUT.
In addition to the above source map, climatic data and DEM data were used to establish the correspondence. Based on rainfall data (annual amount, length of dry season), it appeared that the moist forest ecoregions correspond generally with GEZ Tropical rain forest (TAr), the dry forest ecoregions with GEZ Tropical moist deciduous forest (TAwa) and the scrub ecoregions with Tropical dry forest (TAwb).
Table 7. LUT Caribbean.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
Tar |
Cuban Moist Forest Hispaniolan Moist Forest Jamaican Moist Forest Leeward Islands Moist Forest Puerto Rican Moist Forest Windward Islands Moist Forest |
TAwa |
Bahamian Dry Forest Cayman Islands Dry Forest Cuban Dry Forest Hispaniolan Dry Forest Jamaican Dry Forest Leeward Islands Dry Forest Puerto Rican Dry Forest Windward Islands Dry Forest Cuban Wetland Enriquillo Wetland Bahamian Mangroves Greater Antilles Mangroves Lesser Antilles Mangroves | |
TAwb |
Cuban Cactus Scrub Leeward Islands Xeric Scrub Windward Islands Xeric Scrub | |
TM |
Bahamian Pine Forest Cuban Pine Forest Hispaniolan Pine Forest |
Source: Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000)
The eastern boundary of Europe is defined by the Urals down to the western shores of the Caspian Sea.
The source map to compile the GEZ for Europe is the General Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe (Bohn et al., 2000). The map shows the distribution of dominant potential natural plant communities corresponding to the actual climate and edaphic conditions. Further, it shows the regular natural distribution of the vegetation in correlation with longitude, latitude and altitude as well as the distribution and structure of the most important azonal vegetation types. The classification is organized in a hierarchic structure. At the highest level, 19 vegetation formations and formation complexes are distinguished, based on physiognomic-ecological features of the natural plant cover. They are designated by capital letters A to U (see Appendix II-2). 14 of these main units (A-O) represent the predominant zonal formations characterized by the prevailing life forms. They correspond to the main macroclimatic zones and belts in a sequence following the gradient from a cold and wet (north-northwest, high altitude) to a warm and dry (south-southeast) climate. The azonal formations P-U are partly characterized by heterogeneous physiognomy dependent on varied site conditions, especially coastal, mire and flood plain units. At the next level, each formation is subdivided into subgroups according to its most important features such as prevailing life forms, dominant species and species groups. For instance, within the mesophytic deciduous broadleaved and mixed coniferous-broadleaved forests (F), 7 subgroups (F1- F7) have been distinguished which are characterized by the dominance of different tree species. They reflect different edaphic, climatic and phytogeographical conditions. The third level, not shown in Appendix II-2, represents the basic mapping units and comprises altogether some 650 units.
The correspondence between the Europe Natural Vegetation map and the FAO GEZ is presented in table 8. The vegetation types in bold occur only in that particular GEZ (one to one) and as can be seen, quite a number of source classes correspond to more than one GEZ. The source classes are approximately sorted by area extension. The following comments serve to further clarify the correspondence:
a. The whole Mediterranean region, in the European system classified as an entity separate from the subtropics, is part of the subtropical domain in the FAO GEZ. The zonal formation “Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests and scrub vegetation (J)”, characterizes the GEZ subtropical dry forests (SCs). In addition some sub-Mediterranean vegetation types (G) and Xerophytic coniferous forests (K) are part of the zone.
b. The temperate domain is largely dominated by the “Mesophytic deciduous broadleaved and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forests (F)” and the boundary between the oceanic zone (TeDo) and the continental zone (TeDc) roughly coincides with the boundary between F5a, forests dominated by beech and F3 to the east. The latter are mixed oak-hornbeam forests and presence of hornbeam replacing beech indicates a continental climate. Besides F3, type D8 “mixed forest dominated by conifers” is a major vegetation of TeDc and the northern limit forms the boundary with the Boreal coniferous forests (Ba) to the north.
c. The forest-steppe formation (L), a transition zone between continental forest and steppe, has been classified as GEZ Temperate continental forest (TeDc). According to regional experts (Udo Bohn, Anatoly Shvidenko), the formation has more affinity with forest than with steppe.
d. A number of vegetation types correspond with a lowland GEZ and as well with a mountain GEZ. The latter is usually located in a domain at lower latitude (for example type G3 corresponds both with TeDo and SM). These general regularities were helpful in delineation of mountain systems. The altitudinal threshold is on average around 800 m.
Table 8. LUT Europe.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Vegetation formation | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Hygro-thermophilous mixed deciduous broad-leaved forests (H) Swamp and fen forests (alder, birch) (T) Caucasian mixed hornbeam-oak forests (F7) |
SCs |
Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests and scrub (all types: J1 – J8) Mediterranean mixed deciduous broadleaved forests (G3, G2, G4) Mediterranean pine forests (K2, K1) Azonal vegetation (U1, P1, P2) | |
SM |
Mediterranean mixed deciduous broadleaved forests (G4, G3, G2) Montane beech and mixed beech forests (F5b) Xerophytic coniferous forests and scrub (K4, K3, K1) Subalpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation (C3) Supra-Mediterranean oak forests (J1b) Oroxerophytic vegetation (N) | |
Temperate |
TeDo |
Mesophytic deciduous broadleaved and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forests (F5a, F1a, F2, F3) Sub-Mediterranean broadleaved, oak dominated forests (G3) Hemiboreal coniferous forests with broadleaved trees (D8a, D12a) Azonal vegetation (U1, U2, S1, T, P1) |
TeDc |
Mesophytic deciduous broadleaved and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forests (F3, F4a, F1a, F5a, F7) Hemiboreal coniferous forests with broadleaved trees (D8a, D12a, D11a) Forest steppes (L1a, L2, L1b) Broadleaved, oak dominated forests (G2, G1, G3) Steppes (M2b) Azonal vegetation (U1, T, S3, S1, P2, R) | |
TeBSk |
Steppes (M2a, M1a, M3, M4) Azonal vegetation (U1, R, P2, P1) Pine forests, partly with broad-leaved trees (D12a) | |
TeBWk |
Deserts (O1, O2) Azonal vegetation (U1, P2, R, P1) Oroxerophytic vegetation (N) | |
TeM |
Mesophytic deciduous broadleaved and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forests (F5b, F6, F4b, F1b) Montane coniferous forests, partly with broadleaved trees (D9, D8b, D12b) Subalpine vegetation (C3) Alpine vegetation (B5) Montane steppes (M2b, M1b) Nemoral, sub-and oro-Mediterranean pine forests (K1) Oroxerophytic vegetation (N) | |
Boreal |
Ba |
Boreal coniferous forests (D1 – D6, D10, D11b, D8a) Azonal vegetation, mostly mires (S1, S2, U1) Southern arctic and shrub tundras – Iceland (B3) Western boreal and montane birch forests, with pine – Iceland (C2) |
Bb |
Eastern boreal woodlands (C1) Azonal vegetation: mires (S2, S3) | |
BM |
Western boreal and montane birch forests, with pine (C2) Alpine vegetation (B5, B4) Montane (Ural) coniferous forests (D7, D5) Subnival-nival vegetation of high mountains (A2) Atlantic dwarf shrub heaths (E) Azonal vegetation: ombrotrophic mires (S1) | |
Polar |
P |
Arctic tundras (B3, B1, B2) Arctic-subarctic ombro-minerotrophic mires (S2) Arctic polar deserts (A1) |
Source: General Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe (1:10 million) coordinated by U. Bohn et al.. (2000).
The map of vegetation of the USSR (Isachenko et al., 1990) has been used as the main source for the delineation of the GEZ in territories of the former Soviet Union The recently published map of vegetation of Russia and some neighbouring countries (Ogureeva et al., 1999) has been used for cross-checking and verification of certain boundaries.
The vegetation map of the USSR, scale 1: 4 million, represents 133 vegetation classes which are combined in 13 aggregated categories of vegetation. The "restored" or natural vegetation that existed before the transformation of land is indicated on areas currently under agriculture. The map presents major regularities of latitudinal (due to change of solar and thermal regimes) and regional (due to level of "oceanality-continentality" of climate) differentiation of vegetation at the continental scale; altitudinal types of vegetation communities in mountains; specifics of azonal and intrazonal vegetation; some features of natural and anthropogenic dynamics of vegetation cover; other information. Altogether, the basic map legend comprises more than 350 different units of vegetation / land cover.
The map "Zones and altitudinal zonality types of vegetation of Russia and adjacent territories" (Ogureeva et al., 1999), scale 1: 8 million, presents general regularities of spatial distribution of natural vegetation in plains and mountains. For the zonal lowland vegetation, the system uses three classification levels: zones, subzones and for each sub-zone, due to change of "oceanality-continentality" of climate, geographical variants. For mountain regions, the major unit of the classification used for vegetation differentiation in mountains is an altitudinal vegetation belt; systems, types and geographical variants of altitudinal zonality are major classifying categories.
The LUT shows the correspondence between the GEZ and the two source maps and indicates that the two source maps are very compatible in classification and terminology.
Delineation of mountain systems is based on the definition of mountain forests according to Russian forest inventory manuals (FFSR, 1995): “All forests (including areas covered by dwarf pine, shrubbery birch, etc.) are accounted for as mountain forests, when they grow in mountain systems or in separate mountain massifs with the change of relative heights of the territory more than 100 m and average slope from the foot of mountains to watersheds of mountain ranges, or to the altitudinal tree line is more 5o (independently upon some parts have slope less 5o), as well as all forests of mountain plateau and uplands, independently upon slope of terrain”.
To be consistent with the reclassification for Europe, the forest-steppe in Northern Asia has been classified as GEZ Temperate continental forest (TeDc). On the same grounds, the sub-Taiga, a transitional belt at the southern limits of the Taiga and occupied by mixed coniferous-broadleaved forests, has been also included in the same GEZ (TeDc). The former belt constitutes the southern limit of this GEZ, the latter the northern limit.
Table 9. LUT Northern Eurasia.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class | ||
Domain |
Isachenko map 1 |
MGU/BI map2,3 |
Polar |
P |
1000 Polar Desert (1) 2110 Arctic Plain Tundra (1) 2200 Mountain (3) Tundra 2120 Northern Tundra (4) 2130 Southern Tundra (2) |
A.1. Polar Desert (2) A.2. Arctic Tundra (4) A.3. Typical Tundra (5) A.4. Southern Tundra (5) 1-3. (Mountain) arctic types (3) 4-9. (Mountain) Tundra (6) |
Boreal |
Bb |
1100 Shrub communities 4111 Pre-tundra Sparse Forests (3) |
?.1. Forest tundra (6) 10-22 Hypoarctic (Mountain) Types (13) 4 |
Ba |
4112 Northern Taiga Forests (4) 4113 Middle Taiga Forests (5) 4114 Southern Taiga Forests (4) |
?.2. Northern Taiga (6) ?.3. Middle Taiga (8) ?.4. Southern Taiga (5) | |
BM |
4211 Sub-alpine Sparse Forests (2) 4212 Mountain Taiga Forests (7) |
23-49. Boreal (Taiga) Types (27) | |
Temperate |
TeDc |
4115 Sub-Taiga (Plain) Forests (4) 5100 Broad-leaved (Plain) Forests (6) 4120 Forest Steppe Forests (2) |
?.5. Sub-Taiga (7) B.1. Subzone of Broad-Leaved Forests (4) B.2. Subzone of Forest Steppe (7) |
TeBSk |
6100 Plain Steppe (7) |
?. Steppe Zone (12) | |
TeBWk |
7100 Plain Desert (11) |
D. Desert Zone (8) | |
TeM |
7200 Mountain Desert (7) 7300 Sub-Alpine Desert (1) 6200 Mountain Steppe (8) 6300 Sub-alpine Mountain Steppe (3) 8000 Savannoides (mountain) (4) 9000 Phryganoides (4) 4220 Mountain Temperate Dark Coniferous Forests (4) 5200 Broad-leaved (Mountain) Forests (6) Mountain Sparse Forests and Shrub 3000 Sub-alpine Sparse Forests (1) |
52-72. Nemoral Mountain (Broad-Leaved Forests) (23) 73-77. Subarid (5) Mountain |
Note: 1 Table contains aggregated classification units of the original maps. Number of initial classes presented in Isachenko map is indicated in brackets. Azonal (e.g., bogs) and intrazonal classes of plains are included in zonal aggregations. 2,3 Number of geographical variants by Ogureeva et al. (1999) is presented in brackets. 4 The territories are distributed between Bb and BM.
The ecological zoning for China was mainly based on the map and manuscript “Geographic Distribution of China’s Main Forests” (Zheng de Zhu, 1992). In addition, the Vegetation map of China (Hou Xue-Yu, 1983) and a paper by Zheng Du (FAO, 2000) on the eco-geographic regionalisation of China provided valuable information. Zheng Du also advised on the final delineation and classification of the GEZ for China.
The map of the Geographic Distribution of China’s Main Forests has a hierarchic structure with three levels (Appendix II-3). At the highest level China is divided into two main regions: the Monsoon moist region, roughly the eastern half of China and the Interior dry region to the west. The boundary between the two regions is approximately following the 500 mm isohyet. At the second level, the primary factor for classification is temperature; the Monsoon moist region, where China’s forest is concentrated, is subdivided in 8 zones, ranging from cold-temperate in the north to “quasi-tropical” in the south. The third, Division level is classified with consideration of distribution of forest types and dominant species. As the classification system is focused on forests, non-forested areas such as arid rangelands, deserts and grasslands are not categorized at the division level. Additional factors used in the classification are topography and landform. Both at the second and third level, mountain classes are distinguished.
The correspondence between the source map and the FAO GEZ was established by comparing climatic criteria of both systems. The reclassification of Divisions of the eastern Monsoon Moist region is as follows, from north to south:
• cold temperate zone corresponds with GEZ boreal coniferous forest (Ba);
• divisions of the central temperate and eastern warm temperate zone correspond with GEZ temperate continental forest (TeDc), except for mountain divisions which are part of TeM;
• all divisions (no. 8 – 12) of the Western Medium to High Mountain Temperate Zone are classified as Temperate Mountain systems (TeM);
• divisions of the Northern - , Middle – and Southern Subtropical zone are part of GEZ subtropical humid forest (SCf), except for mountain divisions;
• quasi-tropical divisions correspond with the Tropical domain. 21 and 22 belong to GEZ TAwa and 23 to TM.
The interior dry region comprises vast mountain systems, including the Tibetan plateau and temperate deserts and steppe. Delineation of mountain systems was done with help of DEM data and the 1000 m contour was taken as threshold.
Table 10. LUT China.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Geographic divisions of China’s main forests | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
TAwa |
(21) Leizhou Peninsula Division (22) Hainan Island Division |
TM |
(23) Southern Yunnan Division | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
(13) Middle-to-Lower Changjiang Alluvial Plain Division (15) South of Changjiang Low Mountain Division (16) Sichuan Basin Division (18) Taiwan Division (19) South China Hilly Division |
SM |
(14) Qinling Range and Dabashan Mountain Division (17) Yunnan Plateau Division (20) Western Guangxi and Central-Southern Yunnan Division Parts of Central Temperate zone, Interior dry Region | |
Temperate |
TeDc |
(2) Eastern Mountain Division (4) Liaodong Peninsula and Shandong Peninsula Division (5) Huanghuaihai Coastal Plain Division |
TeBSk |
(3) Western Plain Division Parts of Central Temperate zone, Interior dry Region | |
TeBWk |
Parts of Central Temperate zone, Interior dry Region | |
TeM |
(6) North China Middle-to-Low Mountain Division (7) The Loess Plateau Division (8) Southern Gansu and Northern Sichuan Division (9) Eastern Kangding Division (10) Western Kangding Division (11) Southern Sichuan and Northwestern Yunnan Division (12) Southeastern Tibet Division (24) Altai Mountain Division (25) Tianshan Mountain Division (26) Qilianshan Mountain Division Parts of Central Temperate zone, Interior dry Region | |
Boreal |
Ba |
(1) Daxinganling Division |
Source: Geographic Distribution of China’s Main Forests (Zheng de Zhu, 1992).
For these countries the map of Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000) was used as source. The following primary sources were used to delineate the Ecoregions: Mongolia's wild heritage (Mongolia Ministry for Nature and Environment, 1996), Distribution of forest vegetation and climate in the Korean peninsula (Yim, 1977) and the Potential Natural Vegetation map of Japan (Miyawaki, 1975).
Table 11. LUT Mongolia.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Temperate |
TeBSk |
Dagurian Forest Steppe Mongolian-Manchurian Grassland |
TeBWk |
Alashan Plateau Semi-Desert Eastern Gobi Desert Steppe Gobi Lakes Valley Desert Steppe Great Lakes Basin Desert Steppe Junggar Basin Semi-Desert Taklimakan Desert | |
TeM |
Altai Alpine Meadow and Tundra Altai Montane Forest and Forest Steppe Khangai Mountains Alpine Meadow Khangai Mountains Conifer Forest Selenge-Orkhon Forest Steppe | |
Boreal |
BM |
Sayan Alpine Meadow and Tundra Sayan Intermontane Steppe Sayan Montane Conifer Forest Trans-Baikal Conifer Forest |
Source: Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000)
Table 12. LUT Korea Peninsula.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Southern Korea Evergreen Forest |
Temperate |
TeDc |
Central Korean Deciduous Forest Manchurian Mixed Forest Changbai Mountains Mixed Forest |
Source: Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000)
Table 13. LUT Japan.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Nihonkai Evergreen Forest Taiheiyo Evergreen Forest |
SM |
Taiheiyo Montane Deciduous Forest | |
Temperate |
TeDc |
Hokkaido Deciduous Forest South Sokhalin-Kurile Mixed Forest |
TeM |
Hokkaido Montane Conifer Forest Honshu Alpine Conifer Forest Nihonkai Montane Deciduous Forest |
Source: Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000)
The Middle East is the geographic region bordering Europe, former USSR, Tropical Asia and Africa and comprises the following countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
The main sources that were consulted for producing the Ecological Zone map for the region were the Vegetation map (UNESCO-FAO, 1970) and the bioclimatic map of the Mediterranean zone (UNESCO-FAO, 1963). Zohary (1973), Quezel (1977) and Barkoudah (1998) provide good background information on vegetation and bioclimate of the Middle East.
After a study of the maps and consultation with the regional expert, Youssef Barkoudah, the two UNESCO-FAO maps were found to be most suitable sources for the EZ mapping, in particular the vegetation map. They are presenting the two main features or set of criteria that form the basis for the FAO global Ecological Zone classification, i.e. climate and potential vegetation. Although the climatic criteria used in the UNESCO-FAO bioclimatic map differ from Köppen-Trewartha, there is a good general correspondence between the two systems. The UNESCO-FAO vegetation map was used for the delineation of the Ecological Zones. This map depicts the potential vegetation formations in relation to climate. The various formations are distinguished on basis of physiognomy.
Characteristic for the region is the large extent of dry Ecological Zones, both desert and sub-desert, with no - or sparse vegetation. Mountains are also extensive and most forests in the region are confined to mountains, in particular the wetter submontane zones. Steppe vegetation, dominated by grass and shrubs, cover the drier mountain zones.
Table 14. LUT Middle East.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Vegetation formations | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Tropical |
TBWh |
14 Tropical biased formations. 15 Transitional formations . 16 Perennial formations with or without ephemerophytes in accentuated desert climates. 17 Ephemerophyte-dominated formations 18 Sparse ephemerophyte formations or no vegetation. |
TM |
4 Mountain forest – Junicepera procera. 6 Upland formation (1000 – 2000 m) with Junicepera procera and Podocaropus gracilior. 12 Mountain thorny scrub and thickets. | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
28 Formations of the sub-humid Mediterranean stage. 50 Formations of the sub-Mediterranean submountain stage. |
SCs |
26 Formations of the western Mediterranean evergreen oak stage. 27 Formations of the eastern Mediterranean evergreen oak stage. | |
SBSh |
11 Shrub or tree pseudosteppe and savannah, thickets and open forest. 12 Bush shrub and tree pseudosteppe and savannah and thickets. 19 Arbuscular shrub pseudosteppe in warm temperate climates. 20 Arbuscular shrub pseudosteppe in temperate climate. 21 Lowland. 23 Shrub or tree pseudosteppe in less dry climate. 25 Steppe with or without trees or shrubs. | |
SBWh |
16 Perennial formations with or without ephemerophytes in accentuated desert climates. 18 Sparse ephemerophyte formations or no vegetation. 13 Mediterranen biased formations. 15 Transitional formations. | |
SM |
21 Upland steppe, with or without shrubs. 22 Shrub or tree pseudosteppe in very dry climate. 24 Temperate and cold temperate climates with shrub pseudosteppe or pistachio-almond tree pseudosteppe. 25 Mainly high steppe with or without trees or shrubs. 30 High mountain steppe and grassland. 31 Plateau and submontane steppe. 33 Steppes or tree steppes with pistachio, almond and Juniper. 34 Steppe or tree steppes with juniper. 35 Oak and juniper forest stage formations. 36 Formations of the deciduous and semi deciduous forest stage; 37 Formations of the western sub-Mediterranean oak and pine stage; 38 Formations of the eastern sub-Mediterranean oak and pine stage; 39 Formations of the fir and cedar stage; 40 – 46: Mountain formations (Temperate and cold axeric climates). | |
Temperate |
TeDc |
47 Formations of the western humid submountain stage. 48 Formations of the western dry submountain stage. |
TeBSk |
32 Lowland steppes. | |
TeBWk |
51 Steppe and desert formations. |
Source: Vegetation map of the Mediterranean zone (UNESCO – FAO, 1970)
These three regions are presented together, as the source maps are all of the same type, i.e. the ecofloristic zone (EFZ) maps. These EFZ maps were developed during FRA1990 to report forest resources information by Ecological Zone. The work was carried out by ICIV, now the Laboratoire d' Ecologie Terrestre (LET), Toulouse, France. As part of the FRA2000 ecological zoning LET has updated and amended the EFZ maps. This involved the development of a consistent classification and coding for the three continents and refinement of the EFZ delineation by using more recent (potential) vegetation maps and digital elevation model (DEM) data.
The EFZ classification has two levels (Appendix II-4). At the broadest level 28 groups of ecofloristic zones, indicated with Roman numerals, are defined, based on climate, vegetation physiognomy and physiography, i.e. altitude. The ecofloristic zone identifies the most detailed ecological units where floristic composition together with geographic location played a major role in their identification and delineation (LET, 2000).
A case study on South America was carried out prior to the Cambridge meeting, mainly to test the compatibility between the EFZ classification for the tropics and the proposed global framework based on Köppen-Trewartha. The results of this study indicated a good overall correspondence between the systems, with a significant amendment to divide the Köppen-Trewartha tropical Aw, the seasonally dry zone, into a wetter (3 to 5 dry months) and drier (5 to 8 dry months) zone. This division better reflects the vegetation zonation in the tropics: moist deciduous forest followed by dry forest and woodlands further away from the equator.
After completing the GEZ for South America, the correspondence was established for Africa and Asia and one common LUT prepared (Table 15). The altitudinal threshold between lowland and mountains is generally taken at 1000 meter, with some local variations. In certain regions in Asia, for instance western Ghats, India and the mountain range of Sumatra, Indonesia, the threshold is as high as 1500 - 1800 meter. The threshold is based on a clear change in physiognomy and species composition of the forest.
Table 15. LUT South America, Africa and Tropical Asia.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecofloristic zone (Group) | ||
Domain |
GEZ | ||
Tropical |
TAr |
I-II |
Tropical lowland, wet and very wet |
TAwa |
Tropical lowland, subhumid with dry season | |
TAwb |
IV |
Tropical lowland, dry with pronounced dry season | |
TBSh |
V-VI |
Tropical lowland, very dry and semi-arid | |
TBWh |
Tropical lowland, arid | |
TM |
Tropical medium elevation wet Tropical medium elevation subhumid Tropical medium elevation dry Tropical medium elevation semi-arid Tropical montane moist Tropical montane subhumid Tropical montane dry Tropical montane semi-arid Tropical high elevation | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Subtropical lowland humid and subhumid |
SCs |
Subtropical lowland seasonally dry | |
SBSh |
Subtropical lowland semi-arid | |
SM |
Subtropical medium elevation humid Subtropical medium elevation seasonally dry Subtropical medium elevation semi-arid Subtropical montane humid Subtropical montane seasonally dry Subtropical high elevation | |
Temperate |
TeDo |
Temperate lowland oceanic |
TeBSk |
Temperate lowland semi-arid | |
TeM |
Temperate mountain |
Source: Ecofloristic zone maps (LET, 2000)
The main source for the GEZ of Australia is the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (Thackway et al., 1995). Additional sources that were consulted are a Climate map of Australia (Dick, 1975), which follows the Köppen classification and Australia’s State of the Forests Report (BRS, 1998). The latter report presents maps on current forest distribution by forest type, crown cover density and other attributes.
The Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) defines so called IBRA regions or biogeographic regions for Australia to serve as a national framework for the conservation of biodiversity. The major attributes used to define and delineate the IBRA regions are: climate, lithology/geology, landform, vegetation, flora and fauna and land use. A total of 80 IBRA regions have been identified and mapped.
The global ecological zoning for Australia, carried out by Australia’s Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS), was complicated for the following reasons:
a. For Australia the correlation between vegetation physiognomy and climate is less distinct or different as in other regions. The use of Köppen-Trewartha climate types as a basis for ecological zoning is therefore less valid and more complicated to implement. For instance, in most tropical semi-arid regions (TBSh) the dominant vegetation is shrubland, however, woodlands dominate this zone in Australia. In the Australian deserts, vegetation is generally better developed compared to other deserts.
b. Difference in terminology / classification between the commonly applied climate system in Australia and the FAO GEZ system. For instance, the southwest and most of southeastern Australia are generally referred to as (warm) temperate or Mediterranean in the Australian system. In the FAO GEZ system these regions are part of the subtropical domain.
The correspondence between the Australia sources and the GEZ was established by first identifying and delineating the approximate Köppen-Trewartha climate types and then correlate the boundaries with the IBRA regions and distribution of natural vegetation. The resulting LUT is presented in Table 16. As an intermediate level between the source units, the IBRA regions and the FAO GEZ, BRS distinguishes 14 ecozones with relatively uniform climate and vegetation. The relationship between these ecozones and the further aggregated GEZ level is shown in the LUT and explained below:
• The subtropical dry forest zone (SCs) is divided into a typical Mediterranean zone (ecozone 12) with a warm and dry summer in the southwest of Australia and ecozone 11 in the central south characterized by a cool summer and a less distinct seasonality of rainfall.
• The subtropical steppe zone (SBSh) consists of 2 northern ecozones (no. 5 and 6) with typical subtropical characteristics (even rainfall, slightly higher during summer), while rainfall in the southern ecozone 13 is concentrated in winter. Also vegetation is distinctly different between the zones. For instance, ecozone 6 is defined based on dominance of low Acacia aneura woodlands and shrublands commonly known as “Mulga”.
• The Australian deserts (SBWh) are divided into deserts dominated by (sparse) shrubs (ecozone 7) and grassland deserts (ecozone 8).
• The temperate mountain systems (TeM) comprises a zone of medium altitude (ecozone 10) and the high altitude Australian Alps (ecozone 14).
Table 16. LUT Australia.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Biogeographic region (IBRA) | ||
Domain |
GEZ | ||
Tropical |
TAr |
Ecozone 1 Central Mackay Coast Wet Tropics |
TAwb |
Ecozone 2 Cape York Peninsula North Kimberley Victoria Bonaparte Top End Coastal Pine Creek- Arnhem Central Arnhem Daly Basin | |
TBSh |
Ecozone 3 Gulf Plains Einasleigh Uplands Ord-Victoria Plains Gulf Fall Uplands Brigalow Belt North Sturt Plateau Dampierland Central Kimberley Desert Uplands Gulf Coastal | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Ecozone 4 South East Queensland NSW North Coast Sydney Basin |
SCs |
Ecozone 11 (cool summer) Naracoorte Coastal Plain Lofty Block Warren Ecozone 12 (summer dry) Jarrah Forest Swan Coastal Plain |
Table 16. continued
Domain |
Corresponding source class: Biogeographic region (IBRA) | |
Subtropical |
SBSh |
Ecozone 5 (northern subtropical) Brigalow Belt South Darling Riverine Plain NSW South West Slopes Cobar Peneplain Nandewar Ecozone 6 (northern subtropical, drier than 5) Mulga Lands Ecozone 13 (southern warm temperate) Murray - Darling Depression Riverina Avon Wheatbelt Mallee Eyre and Yorke Block Victorian Midlands Esperance Plains Geraldton Sandplains |
SBWh |
Shrub-sand deserts (22 regions) – Ecozone 7 Grass-sand deserts (3 regions) – Ecozone 8 | ||
Temperate |
TeDo |
Ecozone 9 South East Corner Victorian Volcanic Plain West and South West South East Coastal Plain Woolnorth Ben Lomond Freycinet D'Entrecasteaux Furneaux |
TeM |
Ecozone 10 (> 800 m) South Eastern Highlands New England Tableland Central Highlands Tasmanian Midlands Ecozone 14 (> 1200 m) Australian Alps |
Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia (based on Thackway et al., 1995)
For the GEZ of New Zealand, the Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world map (WWF, 2000) was used as source. The primary source for delineation of Terrestrial Ecoregions is "Ecological regions and districts of New Zealand" (New Zealand Department of Conservation. 1987).
The correspondence was established by correlating the source map with the distribution of Köppen-Trewartha climate types (Figure 30). North Island is part of the subtropical domain, while South Island belongs to the temperate domain.
Table 17. LUT New Zealand.
FAO system |
Corresponding source class: Ecoregion | |
Domain |
GEZ | |
Subtropical |
SCf |
Northland Temperate Kauri Forest Northland Temperate Forest |
Temperate |
TeDo |
Southland Temperate Forest Westland Temperate Forest Richmond Temperate forest Cantebury-Otago Tussock Grassland Rakiura Island Temperate Forest Nelson Coast Temperate Forest |
TeM |
Fiordland Temperate Forest Southland Montane Grassland |
Source: Terrestrial Ecoregions of the world (WWF, 2000)
The GEZ of the Pacific Islands is based on the WWF Terrestrial Ecoregion map (WWF 2000) and study of climatic data. The whole region corresponds to GEZ Tropical rain forest (TAr).
After producing the regional GEZ maps the global GEZ map was composed out of all the regional tiles. The process involved first the thematic aspect of edge-matching. This was particularly an issue for the vast area of Europe and Asia, where a number of different tiles had to be brought together with large bordering areas. The delineation of GEZ between the Europe part and the former USSR matched well, only little adjustments were needed. The same applies to the GEZ boundaries between Europe and the Middle East. Most attention needed the matching of the tiles Tropical Asia, China and the former USSR, complicated by the presence of extensive mountain systems on the border areas. In addition, there is considerable difference in detail of GEZ delineation between Tropical Asia and China. After solving the edge problems the GEZ regional tiles were transformed to a global base map: ESRI’s Digital Chart of the World (DCW), edition 1 December 1994. The base scale of the DCW is 1: 1 million. The end result, the GEZ map of the world, is presented on the next page. The GEZ map, together with other global maps produced by FRA2000, is also presented on the FAO Forestry-FRA website: under global maps.
Figure 31. Global Ecological Map of the world
Bailey, R.G. 1995. Description of the Ecoregions of the United States, + Map. Washington DC USA, USDA FS Publication No.1391.
Bailey, R.G. 1998. Ecoregion Map of North America, Washington DC USA, USDA FS Publication No.1548.
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Zheng-de Zhu. 1992. Geographic Distribution of China’s Main Forests. Nanjing Forestry University, 55 pp + map.
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