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Annex 4


Near East Process

FAO/UNEP. 2000. Practical guidelines for the assessment and measuring of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in the Near East region. FAO Regional Office for the Near East. Cairo, Egypt; 2000 (E, A).

FAO/UNEP. 1998. Report of the National Coordinators' Meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for Near East countries. Damascus, Syria; 02 - 04 December 1998. (E, A)

FAO. 1997. Report of the workshop on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Near East process. Cairo, Egypt; 30 June - 03 July 1997. (E, A)

FAO/UNEP. 1996. Report of the expert meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in the Near East. Cairo, Egypt; 15-17 October 1996. (E, A)


UNEP/FAO. 2000. Practical guidelines for the assessment and measurement of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry-zone African countries. Rome. (E, F)

FAO/UNEP. 1999. Report of the FAO/UNEP workshop of national coordinators for criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in CILSS member countries, dry-zone Africa process. Dakar, Senegal; 14 - 17, December, 1999. (E, F)

UNEP/FAO. 1998. National coordinator's meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for SADC member countries; dry-zone Africa process. Lilongwe, Malawi; 15-18 December 1998. (E)

UNEP/FAO. 1997. Report of the UNEP/FAO workshop on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry-zone Africa. Nairobi, Kenya; 24-27 November, 1997. (E, F)

UNEP/FAO. 1995. Report of UNEP/FAO expert meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry-zone Africa. Nairobi, Kenya; 21-24 November, 1995. (E, F)


FAO. 2002. Practical guidelines for the assessment, measurement, monitoring and reporting on national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry forests in Asia. Rome. In print. (E).

FAO/UNEP/ITTO/IIFM/USFS. 2000. Report of the FAO/UNEP/ITTO/IIFM/USFS workshop on the development of national-level criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of dry forests in Asia. Bhopal, India; 30 November - 3 December 1999. FAO-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO-RAP Publication 2000/07. June 2000. (E)

FAO/UNEP/ITTO/IIFM/USFS. 2000. Development of national-level criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of dry forests in Asia: Background Papers of the FAO/UNEP/ITTO/IIFM/USFS Workshop on the development of national-level criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of dry forests in Asia. Bhopal, India; 30 November - 3 December 1999. FAO-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO-RAP Publication 2000/08. June 2000. (E).

Castañeda, F. 2000. The role of FAO in the development and implementation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In Proceedings of the national workshop on national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in India. Indian Institute of Forest Management SFM Series-2001; Bhopal, India and the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. India International Centre, New Delhi. 4 -5 July 2000. (E)


FAO. 2002. Directrices prácticas para la evaluación, medición, implementación y seguimiento de los criterios e indicadores para el manejo sostenible de los bosques de Centro América y Belice. Roma, Italia. En imprenta (S).

PROCAFOR/CCABAP/CATIE Costa Rica/FAO. 2000. Televideo conference on criteria and indicators: Government of Finland-; 19-20/06 2000. (Results in print).

CCAD/FAO/CCAB-AP. 1997. Central American Commission on Environment and Development/FAO/Central American Council on Forests and Protected Areas. Report of the FAO/CCAD Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America. CCAD/CCAB-AP Tegucigalpa, Honduras. January 20-24, 1997. (E, S)


FAO. 2003. Report of the International Conference on the contribution of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward ICICI - 2003). Guatemala City, Guatemala. 3-7 February 2003 (E).

FAO. 2003. Information Note for COFO on the International Conference on the contribution of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward. (E, S, F).

FAO. 2003. The State of the World's Forests 2003. Rome.

Castañeda, F. & Ochoa, M. 2002. "Tendencias y perspectivas para las iniciativas de criterios e indicadores para ordenación forestal sostenible". El Congreso Forestal Latino americano: "Bienes y servicios del bosque, fuente de desarrollo sostenible". CONFLAT. Guatemala City, Guatemala. 01-03/08/2002. (S).

FAO. 2002. Criteria and Indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management conservation of biological diversity and genetic variation. Document prepared by Namkoong, G., Boyle, T., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Palmberg-Lerche, C., Eriksson, G., Gregorius, H.R., Joly, H., Kremer, A., Savolainen, O., Wickneswari, R., Young, A., Zeh-Nlo, M. & Prabhu, R.

Braatz, S. 2001. Use of criteria and indicators for monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress toward sustainable forest management in the United Nations forum on Forests. International Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting on Progress toward Sustainable Forest Management. Yokohama, Japan. 5-8 November 2001. FAO.

Namkoong, G., Boyle, T., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Palmberg-Lerche, C., Eriksson, G., Gregorius, H.R., Joly, H., Kremer, A., Savolainen, O., Wickneswari, R., Young, A., Zeh-Nlo, M. & Prabhu, R. 2002. Criteria and indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management: conservation of biological diversity and genetic variation. FAO Forest Genetic Resources Working Paper FGR/37/E. Forest Resources Development Service. Forest Resources Division. Rome. FAO.

FORSPA. 2002. Forest management certification and the design of local auditing systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop for Indochina. December 4-6 2001, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. FORSPA Publication No. 29/2002.

Anon. 2001. Guidelines for field-level criteria and indicators for model forests. FAO/Government of Japan regional project on assistance for the implementation of the model forest approach for sustainable forest management in the Asia Pacific region (GCP/RAS/177/JPN). Working Paper No. 1. FAO Bangkok, Thailand.

Castañeda, F. & Palmberg-Lerche, C. 2001. Criteria and indicators as a means to foster common understanding and to strengthen political commitment to sustainable forest management. In Rio+8: Policy and Progress Towards Sustainable Forest Management by M. Soderlund & A. Pottinger, eds. Commonwealth Forestry Association, The Oxford Forestry Institute, UK.

Palmberg, C., Castañeda, F & Wilkie, M.L. 2001. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. 42nd Session, FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products. Rome, April 2001. (E)

Palmberg, C., Froylán Castañeda, F. & Wilkie, M.L.. 2001. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management and implications for certification. Fifteenth session of the committee on forestry (COFO). 12-16 March, 2001, Rome.

Castañeda, F. 2001. Collaborative action and technology transfer as means of strengthening the implementation of national-level criteria and indicators. In IUFRO Research Series 7: Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Edited by R. J. Raison, A.G. Brown & D. W. Flinn. CABI Publishers in association with IUFRO.

Castañeda, F., Christel Palmberg-Lerche and Petteri Vuorinen (Compilers). 2001. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management - A Compendium. Forest Management Working Paper FM/5. Rome, FAO.

Wilkie, M. L. 2001. Criteria and indicators for field-level implementation of sustainable forest management. Paper presented at the 3rd Regional Model Forest Workshop on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management, 25-29 November 2001, Pyay, Myanmar

FAO. 2001. Status and trends on forest management worldwide 1980-2000, by M.L. Wilkie. November 2001. Forest Management Working Papers, Working Paper 6, Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division, FAO. Rome (unpublished).

Appanah, S. & Kleine, M. 2001. Auditing of sustainable forest management: a practical guide for developing auditing systems based on ITTO's criteria and indicators. FORSPA Publication No. 26/2001.

Castañeda, F. 2000. El uso de criterios e indicadores para evaluar la sostenibilidad de las actividades de manejo forestal: experiencias de la industrial forestal. Simposio internacional de la IUFRO/EMBRAPA/CIFOR/CATIE/CIRAD-Foret: Manejo Integrado de Bosques Húmedos neotropicales por industrias y comunidades aplicando resultados de investigaciones, envolviendo actores y definiendo políticas públicas. Belém - Pará, Brasil; 4 al 8 de diciembre, 2000.

Castañeda, F. 2000. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: international processes, current status and the way ahead. UNASYLVA Vol. 51, Numbe 203. Rome.

Castañeda, F. 2000. The Role of FAO in the development and implementation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In Proceedings of the national workshop on national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in India. Indian Institute of Forest Management. New Delhi, India. 04-05 July 2000. SFM Series - 2001.

Abstracts of the IUFRO/FAO/CIFOR/CATIE/ECOFOR. International conference on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management at the forest management unit Level. Nancy, France 21-25 March, 2000.

Durst P. & Qiang Ma. 2000. Asia-Pacific experience in developing and implementing criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Tiger Paper 27(1):9-14.

FAO. 2000. Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management and implications for certification and trade in Africa. African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, Lusaka, Zambia, 27-30 March 2000. Rome.

IUFRO/CATIE/FAO/CIFOR. 2000. Proceedings of the international conference on indicators for sustainable forest management in the neotropics. CATIE/Turrialba, Costa Rica; 9/11-12/11/99. (in print).

Bourke, I.J. & Wijewardana, D. 1999. The relationship between national-level forest programmes and certification processes. Paper for the World Bank/WWF alliance for forest conservation and sustainable use forest certification /verification system workshop, Washington DC, USA, 9-10 November 1999.

Bourke, I. J. 1999. Certification of timber and timber products. Paper presented to a World Bank workshop on sustainable forest management: forest concession and certification. Yaounde, Cameroon, 1-2 September 1999.

Castañeda, F. 1999. Análisis de los procesos e iniciativas internacionales sobre criterios e indicadores para un manejo forestal sostenible: estado actual, avances y planes futuros. Conferencia y taller internacional IUFRO/CATIE/FAO/CIFOR sobre indicadores para el manejo forestal sostenible en el neotrópico. CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica; noviembre 9 -12, 1999.

Castañeda, F. 1999. Why national And forest management unit levels criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management of dry forests n Asia/South Asia FAO/UNEP/ITTO/IIFM Workshop on national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management of dry forests in Asia/South Asia. Bhopal, India; 30 November -3 December 1999.

Castañeda, F. 1999. Collaborators in the implementation of national level criteria and indicators for sustainable management of dry forests in CILSS member countries, dry-zone Africa process. UNEP/FAO/CILSS workshop of national coordinator for criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for CILSS member countries, dry-zone Africa process. Dakar, Senegal; 14 - 17, December 1999.

Castañeda, F. 1998. Facilitating the implementation of national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in SADC member countries, dry-zone Africa process. UNEP/FAO national coordinator's meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for SADC member countries, dry-zone Africa process. Lilongwe, Malawi; 15-18 December, 1998.

Castañeda, F. 1998. Accelerating the implementation of national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in the Near East countries. FAO/UNEP national coordinators' meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for Near East countries. Damascus, Syria; 2 -4 December, 1998.

Castañeda, F. 1998. Collaborative action and technology transfer as means of strengthening the implementation of national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In Proceedings of the IUFRO/CIFOR/FAO International Conference on Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. Melbourne, Australia; 24-28 August, 1998.

Castañeda, F. 1998. Linkages between national and forest management unit levels criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Fifth International Project Advisory Panel (IPAP) meeting for CIFOR's testing of criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of forests. Rome, March 25-27, 1998.

IUFRO/CIFOR/FAO. 1998. Proceedings of International Conference on Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management; Melbourne, Australia; 24 - 28 August, 1998.

Castañeda, F. 1997. Linkages between national and forest management unit levels criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for dry-zone Africa. FAO Paper presented at the UNEP/FAO workshop on criteria and indicators for dry-zone Africa. Nairobi, Kenya, November 24-27, 1997.

Castañeda, F. 1997. Linkages between national and forest management unit levels criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management for the Near East. FAO paper presented at the FAO workshop on criteria and indicators for the Near East. Cairo, Egypt, 30 June -3 July 1997.

Castañeda, F. 1997. Historial del desarrollo de criterios e indicadores para la ordenación forestal sostenible. FORM/FAO en el Taller regional de criterios e indicadores para la ordenación forestal sostenible en Centroamérica. Tegucigalpa, Honduras; 20-25 enero, 1997.

FAO. 1997. Integrating criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in the national forest programmes. November 1977. Rome.

FAO. 1997. The state of the world's forests. Rome.

Wijewardana D., Caswell, S. & Palmberg-Lerche, C. 1997. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Invited special paper to the 11th. World Forestry Congress (Topic 37) 1997. Antalya, Turkey; 13-22, October, 1997.

FAO. 1996. Indicators of SFM at national level and possibilities to assess them in the framework of national, regional and global forest inventories. Expert consultation on global forest resources assessment 2000. Final Report and FAO Expert Consultation on Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. Secretariat document. Kotka, Finland, June 1996.

FAO. 2000. Forestry Department Fact Sheet. Forest Information Notes: Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Rome.

FAO/ITTO. 1995. Report of the expert consultation on the harmonization of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Rome, 13-16 February, 1995.

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