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2 FAO, 1988. Eléments des politiques, des programmes, du budget et des activités de la FAO visant à favoriser la pérennité du développement. Document présenté à la quatre-vingt- quatorzième session du Conseil de la FAO, Rome, 15-25 novembre 1988. Rome, FAO. CL 94/6.
3 FAO/LEG, 1996. Regional compendium on aquaculture and inland fisheries legislation (Asian Region). FAO Development Law Service. Rome, FAO.
4 Van Houtte, A., 1994. The legal regime of aquaculture. FAO Aquacult.Newsl, (7):10-15
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6 Howarth, W., 1995. The essentials of aquaculture legislation, 459-65. In: Regional Study and Workshop on the Environmental Assessment and Management of Aquaculture Development. FAO and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand. NACA Environ.Aquacult.Dev.Ser., (1):459-65
7 Van Houtte, A.R., N. Bonucci and W.R. Edeson, 1989. A preliminary review of selected legislation governing aquaculture. UNDP/FAO Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme. Rome, FAO. ADCP/REP/89/42. 81 p....
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9 Muir, J.F., 1995. Aquaculture development trends: perspectives for food security. Contribution to the International Conference on Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9 December 1995, organized by the Government of Japan, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). KC/FI/95/TECH/4. 133 p
10 FAO/Japon, 1995. La sauvegarde de l'approvisionnement futur en poisson: Principaux enjeux et mesures de politiques. Document présenté à la Conférence internationale sur la contribution durable des pêches à la sécurité alimentaire, Kyoto, Japon, 4-9 décembre 1995, organisée par le Gouvernement japonais, en collaboration avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO). KC/FI/95/1. 50 p.
11 Coates, D., 1995. Inland capture fisheries and enhancement: status, constraints and prospects for food security. Contribution to the International Conference on Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9 December 1995, organized by the Government of Japan, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). KC/FI/95/TECH/3. 82 p.
12 FAO, 1995. L'approche de précaution appliquée aux pêches. Première partie: principes directeurs de l'approche de précaution appliquée aux pêches de capture et aux introductions d'espèces. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (350.1): 57 p.
13 Maine, P.D. and C.E. Nash, 1987. Aquaculture sector development- A guideline for the preparation of a national plan. UNDP/FAO Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme. Rome, FAO. ADCP/REP/87/27, 21 p.
14 Insull, D. et C.E. Nash, 1991. Formulation des projets d'aquaculture. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (316): 136 p.
15 Nash, C.E., 1995. Aquaculture sector planning and management. Oxford, Blackwell, Fishing News Books. 310 p.
16 Hernandez Rodriguez, A. and A. Yanez Ramos, 1994. Capacitacion en planificacion y gerencia en acuicultura. FAO/Italia Proy. Apoyo a las Actividades Reg. de Acuicultura en America Latina y el Caribe - AQUILA II, Mexico City (Mexico). Doc.Campo (18): 147p.
17 ADCP, 1989. Planning for aquaculture development. Report of an expert consultation held in Policoro, Italy. 26 July - 2 August 1988. UNDP/FAO Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme. Rome, FAO. ADCP/REP/89/33:68 p
18 FAO, 1985. Etude de méthodologies pour la prévision du développement de l'aquaculture. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (248): 55 p.
19 Carley, M., 1994. Policy management systems and methods of analysis for sustainable agriculture and rural development. Rome, FAO. 64 p.
20 Insull, D. and Z. Shehadeh, 1996. Policy directions for sustainable aquaculture development. FAO Aquacult.Newsl., (13): 3-8
21 Bendavid-Val, A., 1990. Rural area development planning; A review and synthesis of approaches. FAO training materials for agricultural planning. Rome, FAO. ESP/TMAP/21:287 p.
22 Boelaert-Suominen, S. and C. Cullinan, 1994. Legal and institutional aspects of integrated coastal area management in national legislation. Rome, FAO Legal Office. 118 p.
23 Scudder, T., 1994. Recent experiences with river basin development in the tropics and subtropics. Nat.Resour.Forum, 18(2):101-113.
24 FAO, 1993. Directives pour la planification de l'utilisation des terres. Collection FAO: Développement, (1): 96 p.
25 Clark, J.R., 1992. Integrated management of coastal zones. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (327):167 p.
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27 Post, J.C. and A.G. Lundin (eds.), 1996, Guidelines for integrated coastal zone management. Washington DC, The World Bank, 16 p
28 Barg, U.C., 1995. Lignes directrices pour la promotion de la gestion de l'environnement dans le développement de l'aquaculture côtière. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (328): 133 p.
29 Barg, U. et al., 1997. Inland fisheries and water management. In: A.K. Biswas (ed.) Water Resources: Environmental Planning, Management and Development. McGraw-Hill, New York, 737 p.
30 Burbridge, P.R., 1994. Integrated planning and management of freshwater habitats, including wetlands. Hydrobiol., (285):311-322.
31 Petr, T. and M. Morris (eds.), 1995. Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission. Papers contributed to the Regional Symposium on Sustainable Development of Inland Fisheries under Environmental Constraints. Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 October 1994, and Country reports presented at the sixth session of the IPFC Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries. Bangkok, Thailand, 17-21 October 1994. FAO Fish.Rep., (512,Suppl.): 262 p.
32 World Bank, 1991. Environmental assessment sourcebook. Vol. I: Policies, procedures, and cross-sectoral issues. Washington, World Bank Tech. Pap., (139): 227 p.
33 GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection), 1996. The contributions of science to integrated coastal management. Rep.Stud.GESAMP, (61): 66 p
34 Gordon, C. and J.M. Kapetsky,. 1991. Land use planning for aquaculture: A West African case study. Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation on Land Use Planning Applications and Methods, Rome, 10-14/12/90. World Soil Resour.Rep., (68):109-21.
35 Meaden, G.J. and J.M. Kapetsky, 1991.Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing in Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (318): 262p.
36 Kapetsky, J.M., 1996. Evaluation stratégique des possibilités de pisciculture en étang à température élevée sur le continent africain. Document technique du CPCA,(27): 77 p.
37 Kapetsky, J.M. and S.S. Nath, 1997. A strategic assessment of the potential for freshwater fish farming in Latin America. FAO COPESCAL Tech.Pap., (10): 124 p.
38 FAO, 1995. Planning for sustainable use of land resources. FAO Land Water Bull., (2): 60p.
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40 FAO/AGLW, 1995. Methodology for water policy review and reform. Proceedings of the Expert Consultation on water policy review and reform, Rome, Italy, 25-27 January 1995. FAO Water Rep., (6): 155 p.
41 Andreasson, A., 1996. The institutional context. In: Martinez-Espinosa, M. (Comp.) Report of the expert consultation on small-scale aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish. Rep. (548): 121-143.
42 Harrison, E., 1996. Options for small-scale aquaculture development. In: Martinez-Espinosa, M. (Comp.) Report of the expert consultation on small-scale aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish. Rep. (548): 31-68
43 ALCOM, 1994. Aquaculture into the 21st century in Southern Africa. FAO/SIDA Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme, Harare. ALCOM Rep., (15): 48 p.
44 FAO, 1993. Integrated rural water management. Proceedings of a technical consultation, held in Rome, Italy, 9-13 March 1993. FAO, Rome. 346 p.
45 Burchi, S., 1994. Preparing national regulations for water resources management: principles and practices. FAO Legisl.Study, (52): 391 p.
46 Muir, J.F., 1996. A systems approach to aquaculture and environmental management, 19-49. In: Baird, D. J. et al. (eds) Aquaculture and water resource management. Oxford, Blackwell. 219 p.
47 UNDP/Norway/FAO, 1987. Thematic evaluation of aquaculture. Rome, FAO, 85 p. plus annexes.
48 FAO/Pays-Bas, 1991. Eléments de stratégie et plan d'action. Stratégies et instruments pour une agriculture et un développement rural durables. Conférence FAO/Pays-Bas sur l'agriculture et l'environnement, 15-19 avril 1991, 's-Hertogenbosch (Pays-Bas). Rome, FAO. 27 p., plus annexes.
49 Sen, S., van der Mheen, H. and J. van der Mheen-Sluijer, 1996. The place of aquaculture in rural development. In: Martinez-Espinosa, M. (Comp.) Report of the expert consultation on small-scale aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish. Rep. (548): 91-118.
50 World Bank, 1991. Environmental assessment sourcebook. Vol. II: Sectoral guidelines. World Bank Tech.Pap., (141): 282 p.
51 GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection), 1991. Global strategies for marine environmental protection. Rep.Stud.GESAMP, (45): 36 p.
52 Bisset, R., 1996. Environmental impact assessment: issues, trends and practice. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi. 96 p.
53 UNEP, 1996. Environmental impact assessment - Training resource manual. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. 694 p.
54 GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection), 1996. Monitoring the Ecological Effects of Coastal Aquaculture Wastes. Rep.Stud.GESAMP, (57): 38 p.
55 GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection), 1991. Reducing Environmental Impacts of Coastal Aquaculture. Rep.Stud.GESAMP, (47): 35 p.
56 Beveridge, M.C.M., 1985. Pisciculture en cage et enclos. Modèles de charge biotique et impact écologique. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (255): 126 p.
57 Beveridge, M.C.M., 1996. Cage aquaculture. Second edition. Oxford, Fishing News Books, 346 p.
58 Caddy, J.F. et R.C. Griffiths, 1996. Les ressources marines vivantes et leur développement durable: quelques perspectives environnementales et institutionnelles. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (353): 174 p.
59 Bagarinao, T.U. and E.E.C. Flores (eds.), 1995. Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, held 26-28 July 1994 in Iloilo City, Philippines. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 254 p.
60 Chamberlain, G. and H. Rosenthal, 1995. Aquaculture in the next century. Opportunities for growth - challenges of sustainability. World Aquacult., 26(1):21-5
61 FAO/NACA. 1995. Regional Study and Workshop on the Environmental Assessment and Management of Aquaculture Development. FAO and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand. NACA Environ.Aquacult.Dev.Ser., (1): 492 p.
62 NACA, 1996. The second five year programme of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), 1996-2000. Theme: Aquaculture Sustainability. NACA, Bangkok, Thailand. 27p.
63 PACON, 1995. Proceedings of the PACON conference on sustainable aquaculture 95. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 11-14 June 1995. 441 p.
64 Phillips, M.J., 1995. Aquaculture and the environment - striking a balance. In: KPP Nambiar and T. Singh (eds) Aquaculture towards the 21st century. In: Proceedings of INFOFISH-AQUATECH'94 International Conference on Aquaculture, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29-31 August 1994. Organised by INFOFISH and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board.; 26-55 pp.
65 Reinertsen, H. and H. Haaland (Eds.), 1995. Sustainable fish farming. Proceedings of the first international symposium on sustainable fish farming, Oslo, Norway, 28-31 August 1994. Baalkema, Rotterdam. 307p.
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67 Rana, K.J. (ed.), (in prep). Report of the meeting on possible mechanisms for the collection of structural information on aquaculture. Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 November 1996. Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit, FAO, Rome.
68 FAO/FIRI, 1995. Review of the state of world fishery resources: Aquaculture. FAO Fish.Circ., (886): 127 p.
69 FAO/NACA. 1995. Regional Study and Workshop on the Environmental Assessment and Management of Aquaculture Development. FAO and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand. NACA Environ.Aquacult.Dev.Ser., (1): 492 p.
70 ADB/NACA, 1996. Aquaculture sustainability action plan. Regional study and workshop on aquaculture sustainability and the environment. Bangkok, Thailand, Asian Development Bank and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, 21p.
71 NACA, 1996. The second five year programme of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), 1996-2000. Theme: Aquaculture Sustainability. Bangkok, Thailand NACA, 27p.
72 Coche, A. et al., 1996. Développement et recherche aquacoles en Afrique subsaharienne. Synthèse des revues nationales et plan d'action indicatif pour la recherche. Rome, FAO. Document technique CPCA, (23): 154 p.
73 Pedini, M. and R. Coppola, 1996. The GFCM aquaculture information system. FAO Aquacult. Newsl., (13): 13-17
74 Conseil général des pêches pour la Méditerranée, 1996. Rapport de la première session du Comité pour l'aquaculture. Rome, Italie, 9-12 septembre 1996. FAO Rapport sur les pêches, (546): 40 p.
75 Bartley, D.M., 1993. An application of international codes of practice on introductions of aquatic organisms: assessment of a project on the use of Chinese carps in Mozambique. FAO Fish.Circ., (863): 21p.
76 CIEM, 1995. Code de conduite du CIEM pour les introductions et les transferts d'organismes marins, 1994. Copenhague (Danemark), Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer.
77 Turner, G.E. (ed.), 1988. Codes of Practice and Manual of Procedures for Consideration of Introductions and Transfers of Marine and Freshwater Organisms. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (23): 44p.
78 ANSTF (Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force), 1994. Aquatic Nuisance Species Act. Findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Intentional Introductions Policy Review. Report to Congress of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Fish and Wildlife Service, USA. 53 p.
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80 ABRAC, 1995. Performance standards for safely conducting research with genetically modified fish and shellfish. Final Draft April 15, 1995. Agriculture Biotechnology Research Advisory Committee. US Department of Agriculture. Document Nos. 95-01 and 95-02.
81 Convention sur la diversité biologique, texte et annexes. 1994. PNUE/CBD/94/1, Suisse. Directives techniques internationales du PNUE concernant la prévention des risques biotechnologiques. 1996 environ. Nairobi (Kenya), PNUE.
82 FishBase. 1996. FishBase 96 CD-ROM. ICLARM/European Commission/FAO.
83 AAPQIS (Aquatic Animal Pathogen Information System) - in preparation. FAO.
84 McAndrew, B.J., Rana, K.J. and D.J Penman, 1993. Conservation and preservation of genetic variation in aquatic organisms. In: J.F. Muir and R.J. Roberts (eds) Recent advances in aquaculture Vol. 4. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 295-336.
85 Pullin, R.S.V., 1996. Biodiversity and aquaculture. In: F. Di Castri and T. Younes (eds) Biodiversity, science and development. Wallingford, CAB International, pp. 409-423
86 Bartley, D.M., 1996. Conservation of biological diversity in hatchery enhancement programmes. In: F. Di Castri and T. Younes (eds) Biodiversity, science and development. Wallingford, CAB International, pp. 424-438
87 FAO, 1993. Rapport de la Consultation d'experts sur l'utilisation et la conservation des ressources génétiques aquatiques, Grottaferrata (Italie), 9-13 novembre 1992. FAO Rapport sur les pêches, (491): 65 p.
88 Bartley, D.M., and E.M. Hallerman, 1995. A global perspective on the utilization of genetically modified organisms in aquaculture and fisheries. Aquacult., (137): 1-7
89 Tave, D., 1996. Programmes d'élevage sélectif pour les exploitations piscicoles de moyenne importance. FAO Document technique sur les pêches, (352): 134 p.
90 Johnson, J.E. and B.L. Jensen, 1991. Hatcheries for endangered freshwater species. In: W.L. Minckley and J.E. Deacon, (eds). Battle Against Extinction. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 199 - 217
91 Pillay, T.V.R., 1992. Aquaculture and the Environment. Oxford, Fishing News Books, Blackwell, 189 p.
92 Pullin, R.S.V., H. Rosenthal and J.L. MacLean (Eds), 1993. Environment and aquaculture in developing countries. ICLARM Conf.Proc., (31): 359 p.
93 Pillay, T.V.R., 1996. The challenges of sustainable of aquaculture. World Aquacult., 27(2):7-9
94 Barg, U., et al. (in press). Aquaculture and its environment: A case for collaboration. Presented at 2nd World Fisheries Congress, 28 July - 2 August 1996, Brisbane, Australia.
95 Townsley, P., 1996. Rapid rural appraisal, participatory rural appraisal and aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech. Pap., (358): 109 p.
96 Pido, M.D. et al., 1996. A handbook for rapid appraisal of fisheries management systems (version 1). ICLARM Educ. Ser., (16): 85 p.
97 Kapetsky, J.M. and C. Travaglia, 1995. Geographical information systems and remote sensing: An overview of their present and potential applications in aquaculture. In: Nambiar, K. And T. Singh (eds.). Aquaculture towards the 21st Century. INFOFISH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: pp187-208.
98 WB/UNDP/CEC/FAO, 1991. Tropical aquaculture development - research needs. World Bank Tech. Pap., (151): 52 p.
99 Brummett, R.E. and B.A. Haight, 1996. Research-development linkages. In: Martinez-Espinosa, M. (Comp.) Report of the expert consultation on small-scale aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish. Rep. (548): 145-169
100 Dillon, J.L. et J.B. Hardaker, 1993. Recherche en gestion pour le développement de la petite exploitation. Collection FAO: gestion des exploitations agricoles, (6): 302 p.
101 Martinez-Espinoza, M. (comp.), 1996. Report of the expert consultation on small-scale aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish. Rep. (548): 182 p.
102 Nash, C.E., 1992. Employment and manpower in aquaculture. FAO, Division of Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform (ESH); 91 p.
103 Rabanal, H.R., 1995. Aquaculture extension services review: The Philippines. FAO Fish.Circ., (892): 57p.
104 Rajbanshi, K.G., 1995. Aquaculture extension services review: Nepal. FAO Fish.Circ., (896): 37p.
105 Kumar, D, 1996. Aquaculture extension services review: India. FAO Fish.Circ., (906): 72p.
106 Potipitak, K., 1996. Aquaculture extension services review: Thailand. FAO Fish.Circ., (910): 46p.
107 Subasinghe, R.P., Arthur, J.R and M. Shariff (eds), 1996. Health management in Asian aquaculture. Proceedings of the regional expert Consultation on Aquaculture Health Management in Asia and the Pacific. Serdang, Malaysia, 22-24 May 1995. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (360): 142 p.
108 DB/NACA, 1991. Fish health management in Asia-Pacific. Report on a regional study and workshop on fish disease and fish health management. Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Asian Dev.Bank Agricult.Dep.Rep.Ser., (1). 627 p.
109 Subasinghe, R.P. and U. Barg (in press). Challenges to health management in Asian aquaculture. In: Flegel, T., Macrae, I. and K. Tonguthai (eds) Diseases in Asian aquaculture III. Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society.
110 Welcomme, R., (in press). World inland fisheries and aquaculture - changing attitudes to management. Presented at 2nd World Fisheries Congress, 28 July - 2 August 1996, Brisbane, Australia.
111 Sugunan, V.V., 1995. Reservoir fisheries of India. FAO Fish.Tech. Pap, (345): 423 p.
112 Marshall, B.E. and B. Maes, 1995. Small water bodies and their fisheries in southern Africa. Rome, FAO. CIFA Tech.Pap., (29): 68 p.
113 Haight, B., 1993. Report of the technical consultation on the enhancement of small water body fisheries in southern Africa. FAO/SIDA Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme, Harare. ALCOM Rep., (12): 35 p.
114 Juarez-Palacios, J.R. y E. Varsi (eds), 1993. Avances en el manejo y aprovechamiento acuicola de embalses en America Latina y el Caribe. FAO/Italia Proy. Apoyo a las Actividades Reg. de Acuicultura en America Latina y el Caribe - AQUILA II, Mexico City (Mexico). Doc.Campo AQUILA (8): 162 p.
115 Vallet, M.F., 1993. Intensification de la gestion des petits plans d'eau en Afrique francophone. Rome, FAO. CPCA Doc.Tech., (22): 58 p.
116 Moehl, J.F. Jr. & W.D. Davies, 1993. Fishery intensification in small water bodies. A review for North America. FAO Fish.Tech. Pap, (333): 44 p.
117 Lu, X., 1992. Fishery management approaches in small reservoirs in China. FAO Fish.Circ., (854): 69 p.
118 Petr, T., 1994. Intensification of reservoir fisheries in tropical and subtropical countries. Int.Rev.Ges.Hydrobiol., 79(1):129-136
119 Tacon, A.G.J., M.J. Phillips and U.C. Barg, 1995. Aquaculture feeds and the environment: the Asian experience. Water Sci.Tech. 31(10): 41-59
120 New, M.B., A.G.J. Tacon and I. Csavas (eds), 1995. Farm-made aquafeeds. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (343): 434 p.
121 Tacon, A.G.J., 1996. Global trends in aquaculture and aquafeed production. International Milling Directory and Buyers' Guide 1996. Amsterdam, Turret.; pp. 90-108.
122 Edwards, P., 1992. Reuse of human wastes in aquaculture. UNDP - World Bank Sanitation Program. Washington, World Bank. 350 p.
123 Edwards, P. and R.S.V. Pullin (eds), 1990. Wastewater-fed aquaculture. Proceedings of international seminar on wastewater reclamation and reuse for aquaculture, Calcutta, India 1988. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. 297 p.
124 OMS, 1989. L'utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture et en aquiculture: recommandations à visées sanitaires. OMS Série de Rapports techniques, (778): 74 p.
125 Mara, D. et S. Cairncross, 1989. Guide pour l'utilisation sans risques des eaux résiduaires et des excreta en agriculture et en aquaculture: mesures pour la protection de la santé publique. OMS/PNUE, Genève, 187 p.
126 ADB/NACA, 1991. Fish health management in Asia-Pacific. Report on a regional study and workshop on fish disease and fish health management. Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Asian Dev.Bank Agricult.Dep.Rep.Ser., (1). 627 p.
127 Alderman, D.J., et al., 1994. Chemicals used in mariculture. ICES, Copenhagen. ICES Coop.Res.Rep., (202):100p.
128 OIE, 1992. Chimiothérapie en aquaculture: de la théorie à la réalité. Colloque organisé du 12 au 15 mars 1991 à Paris (France); Office international des épizooties. 567 p.
129 SEAFDEC/FAO (in prep). Report and proceedings of SEAFDEC/FAO Expert Meeting on the Use of Chemicals in Aquaculture in Asia, held 20-22 May 1996, at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center in Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.
130 Barg, U. and C. Lavilla-Pitogo, 1996. The use of chemicals in aquaculture. FAO Aquacult.Newsl., (14): 12-14
131 FAO/OMS, 1996. Avant-projet de code d'usages en matière d'hygiène pour les produits de l'aquaculture. Commission du Codex Alimentarius, Programme mixte FAO/OMS sur les normes alimentaires, Comité du Codex sur les poissons et les produits de la pêche. CX/FFP 96/7. 47 p.