The immediate objective of the Nansen Programme is: to provide staff of the fisheries management institutions in the partner countries with additional skills and scientific knowledge on the state of their resources and the environment, to enable them to use these outputs as a basis for planning and monitoring of their rational and sustainable exploitation. Providing technical advice and logistical backstopping (upon request from each national Steering Committee and after approval by the Annual Meetings between NORAD and Institute of Marine Research [IMR]) to IMR and the various partner countries (Angola, Namibia, South Africa, etc.) in their implementation of the Nansen Programme. To achieve this immediate objective, activities are being undertaken to pave the way towards setting up an agreed mechanism for improved regional cooperation in the development and management of the small-pelagic fisheries (Northwest Africa Region). One of these activities consists of the preparation of this report on legal and institutional aspects of management arrangements for shared stocks with reference to small pelagics in Northwest Africa.
It is hoped that the present report will be of use for the four coastal States participating in the Nansen Programme for Northwest Africa who are striving towards increased cooperation in the management and conservation of shared stocks within the Northwest Africa context.