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III List of larger pools of arrangements

APEC region

· APEC Working Group on Fisheries

· APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group

Argentina/United Kingdom

· 1990 UK/Argentina Joint Statement on the Conservation of Fisheries

· 1999 Accord (to inter alia conserve fish stocks)


· 1973 Agreement for Purposes of Regulating Jurisdiction in the River Plate and Ocean Areas Adjacent and Beyond the River

ASEAN region

· 1983 ASEAN Ministerial Understanding on Fisheries Cooperation

Australia and its neighbours

· 1974 MoU: traditional fishing by Indonesians in area near Ashmore Islands

· 1978 Torres Strait Treaty

· 1981 MoU: Provisional Fisheries Surveillance and Enforcement Line

· 1989 Agreed Minutes: traditional fishing by Indonesians in area near Ashmore Islands

· 1992 Agreement Relating to Cooperation in Fisheries

Baltic Sea

· 1973 Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the Baltic Sea and the Belts

· 1993 bilateral agreements between Sweden and each of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russian Federation

Black Sea

· scientific and fisheries management cooperation (Bulgaria, Romania, Russia & Ukraine)

· 1959 Convention Concerning Fishing in the Black Sea (under revision)

· 1958 Convention Concerning Fishing in the Waters of the Danube (under revision)

Canada/France (St Pierre et Miquelon)

· 1994 Proces-Verbal Applying the March 27, 1972 Agreement Between Canada and France on Their Mutual Fishing Relations


· 1990 Agreement on Fisheries Enforcement

· agreement for joint research of shared stocks

Pacific salmon
· 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty (as amended), 1985 MOU and 1999 Agreement

Pacific Halibut
· 1953 Convention for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea (as amended)

Pacific (general)
· Groundfish Committee (joint stock assessment, e.g. Pacific hake by Hake Sub-Comm)

Georges Bank (general)
· 1989 Agreement on Conservation of the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Maine between the Governments of the Bordering States and Provinces

· 1991 Gulf of Maine Action Plan adopted by GMCME: does not cover conservation and management

· Transboundary Assessment Working Group (TAWG) and Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC)

· “informal discussions” - government & industry meet regularly to coordinate conservation and management to extent possible

Great Lakes
· Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries Between the United States and Canada

CARICOM region (12 States)

· Intergovernmental Agreement on the management of EEZs

· CARICOM Fisheries Resource Assessment and Management Programme (CFRAMP)

· CARICOM Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) (in development)


· 1993 Colombia-Jamaica Marine Delimitation Treaty

· 1978 Colombia-Haiti Agreement on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundaries

· 1978 Colombia-Dominican Republic Agreement on the Delimitation of Marine and Submarine Areas and Maritime Cooperation

· 1977 Colombia-Costa Rica Treaty on Delimitation of Marine and Submarine Areas and Maritime Cooperation

· 1976 Colombia-Panama Treaty on the Delimitation of Marine and Submarine Areas and Associated Mattters

· 1975 Colombia-Ecuador Agreement Relating to the Maritime Boundary

Costa Rica/Panama

· 1980 Costa Rica-Panama Treaty Concerning Delimitation of Marine Areas and Maritime Cooperation


· Fisheries (reciprocal access) agreement


· access to Yemeni islands by Eritrea fishermen for repairing boats and drying fish

European Community

· Common Fisheries Policy

The Gambia/Senegal

· Senegalo-The Gambian Agreement in the field of Maritime Fisheries


· 1993 Management and Cooperation Agreement (and Protocol)


· 1999 Agreement for the Establishment of the Regional Commission for Fisheries


· 1999 Convention on Marine Fisheries (and Protocol)

Mediterranean Sea

· General Fisheries Committee for the Mediterranean

· ADRIAMED (scientific coordination, between Albania, Croatia Italy & Slovenia)

· COPEMED (facilitation of coordination, between Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia)


· sharks: joint bioassessment research cruise in 1997

· US-Mexico Binational Commission

· US-Mexico Fisheries Cooperation Program

· “MEXUS-Gulf” & “MEXUS-Pacifico” MOUs

· information exchange MOU (currently inactive)


· 2000 Cooperation Agreement in Fishing Sector

Namibia/South Africa

· 1991 Agreement for Mutual Assistance in Enforcement Activities Against Violators of the Fishing Laws of Either Country


· 1978 Netherlands-Venezuela Boundary Delimitation Treaty

Northeast Asia region

Agreements involving Russia

· 1984 Japan - USSR concerning mutual relations in the field of fisheries off the coasts of the two countries

· 1985 Japan - USSR concerning Cooperation in the Field of Fisheries

· 1988 Japan - USSR plan for scientific-technological cooperation

Agreements involving North Korea

· North Korea - Japan agreement on Japanese fishing in the jurisdictional waters of North Korea

· North Korea - USSR agreement on fishing in each of the jurisdictional waters

Agreements involving China

· 1975 China - Japan Fisheries Agreement (still in force)

· 1997 China - Japan Fisheries Agreement (not yet in force)

Agreements involving South Korea

· 1998 Japan - Korea Fisheries Agreement

Agreements involving China and South Korea

· 1999 China - Korea Fisheries Agreement (still awaits signing by both parties)

Northeast Atlantic region

Delimitation agreements

· 1997 agreement between Denmark and Iceland

· 1995 agreement between Denmark and Norway

· 1999 agreement between Faroe and UK

Fisheries agreements

· 1980 Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in Northeast Atlantic Fisheries

· Agreements between Norway and Russian Federation (re Barents Sea):

- 1975 Treaty on Cooperation in the Fishing Industry

- 1976 Agreement on Mutual Fishery Relations

- 1978 Agreement on an Interim Practical Arrangement for Fishing in an Adjoining Area in the Barents Sea

- Permanent Russian-Norwegian Committee for Management and Enforcement Cooperation within the Fisheries Sector (1993+)

· Agreements between EC and Norway:

- 1980 Agreement on Fisheries (plus subsequent correspondence of 2 May 1992)

- [1982 Agreement on Regulatory Measures]

- 1997 Agreement on management and sharing of North Sea herring

- 2000 Special Agreement [also: Faroe] on management of mackerel

- [1976 Fisheries Agreement with Sweden]

- 1966 Agreement with Sweden & Denmark on fishing in Skagerrak & Kattegat

- [1966] Agreement with Sweden on Swedish fishing in Norwegian EEZ south of 62N (plus subsequent correspondence of 1996)

Northeast Atlantic region (continued)

· Agreements between Iceland and Norway:

- 1980 Agreement concering Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions

- 1989 Agreement [also: Denmark] concerning Capelin Stocks in the Waters between Greenland, Iceland and Jan Mayen

- 1999 Agreement [also: Russian Federation] Concerning Certain Aspects of Cooperation in the Area of Fisheries

· Agreement between EC, Faroe, Iceland, Norway & Russian Federation

- 1996 Protocol on the Conservation, Rational Utilisation and Management of Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring (Atlanto-Scandian) Herring in the Northeast Atlantic

· Mackerel Agreed Records between EC, Faroe, Norway

OECS region


· Natural Resources Management Unit (actively pursuing establishment of a common fishing zone)

SEAFDEC region


· SEAFDEC Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department
· SEAFDEC Working Group for Regional Fisheries Policy (WGRFP)

South Pacific region

· 1995 Palau Arrangement for the Management of the Western Pacific Purse Seine Fishery

· 1994 Federated States of Micronesia Arrangement for Regional Fisheries Access

· 1992 Niue Treaty on Cooperation in Fisheries Surveillance and Law Enforcement

· 1987 Treaty on Fisheries between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States of America

· 1982 Nauru Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Management of Fisheries of Common Interest

· 1979 South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention

Trinidad and Tobago/Venezuela

· 1985 Fishing Agreement (lapsed in 1990?)
· research protocol

WECAFC region

· Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC)

- Scientific Advisory Group
- Ad hoc Working Group on Flying Fish
- Working Party on Assessment of Marine Fishery Resources

West Africa region (multilateral)

1991 Convention

· 1991 Convention on Fisheries Cooperation Among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean


· Fisheries Commission for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)

Gulf of Guinea

· 1984 Libreville Convention on the Regional Development of Fisheries in the Gulf of Guinea


· 1985 Dakar Convention (as amended in 1993)

· 1993 Convention on the Conditions of Access and of Exploitation off the Coast of Member States of the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission

· 1993 Convention on Cooperation in the Exercise of the Right of Hot Pursuit

· 1993 Protocol on Methods of Coordination of Surveillance Operations in Member States of the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission


· 1994 Convention for the Establishment of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization

· Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

· Economic Community of Central African States (ECOCAS)

- Technical Fisheries Development Committee

· 1991 Abuja Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community (AEC)

- Art 46: duty to cooperate in development & protection of marine & fishery resources

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