Post-harvest systems of potato and sweet potato in Kenya - Final report

Table of Contents


Ministry of Agriculture and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH


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Table of Contents


Executive summary

1. Post-harvest systems analysis - Introduction methodology

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Contribution of the country study to the FAO framework

2. Potato post-harvest system

2.1. Importance of potato production and consumption in Kenya
2.2. Potato production characteristics in Meru district
2.3. On-farm post-harvest operations
2.4. Structure of the marketing system

2.4.1. Market places
2.4.2. Actors in the market chain

2.5. Margins in the chain
2.6. Summary on functioning of market
2.7. Processing
2.8. Urban consumption

3. Sweet potato post-harvest system

3.1. Production and consumption in Kenya
3.2. Production characteristics of sweet potato in the Kisii district
3.3. On-farm post-harvest operations for sweet potato in the Kisii district
3.4. Structure of the marketing system

3.4.1. Different market places
3.4.2. Actors in the market chain

3.5. Margins in the chain
3.6. Consumption patterns
3.7. On-farm processing of sweet potato

4. Comparative analysis and opportunities for improvement of the post-harvest system

4.1. Comparative analysis of the post-harvest system of potato and sweet potato

4.1.1. Production characteristics
4.1.2. Demand characteristics
4.1.3. Post-harvest chains
4.1.4. Efficiency of the post-harvest system
4.1.5. Labour requirement and value added at the farm and at the different stages of the post-harvest system
4.1.6. Institutions involved in the potato and sweet potato post-harvest systems
4.1.7. Stability of the system
4.1.8. Constraints in the post-harvest system

4.2. Analysis of gender participation in post-harvest systems

5. Recommendations



Annex 1a: Map of Kenya showing major potato producing areas (Guyton et al., 1994)

Annex 1b: Map of Kenya showing major sweet potato producing areas (estimated 1994 hectares)

Annex 2a: Background statistics on production of major agricultural commodities in Kenya (in 1000 t)

Annex 2b: Background statistics on production area of major agricultural commodities in Kenya (in 1000 ha)

Annex 3a: Potato crop budget

Annex 3b: Sweet potato crop budget

Annex 4: Post-harvest consumption analysis of sweet potato in Kenya - Survey

Executive summary
Purpose and justification
Household consumption survey
Summary and conclusion

Annex 5a: Constraints of the PH system - Hypotheses of the expert meeting in May 96 and survey findings

Annex 5b: Constraints of the PH system - Hypotheses from key informant interviews; Survey findings

Annex 6: Seminar on post-harvest systems analysis, 6 March 1997: Summary of discussion

Annex 7: Time schedule of field study in Kenya

Annex 8a: List of persons and organisations contacted

Annex 8b: List of participants of the introductory workshop on potato and sweet potato post-harvest systems (12th February 1997, Fairview hotel; Nairobi)

Annex 8c: List of participants of the seminar on post-harvest systems analysis (March 1997)

Annex 9: Recommendations on improvement of post-harvest analysis model and on the action plan: A report on meeting on post harvest systems analysis of potato and sweet potato held at Fairview hotel on Thursday 26th march 1998

I. Purpose of meeting
II. Improvements to the post-harvest analysis model
III. Action plan
IV. Other business
V. The way forward
Annex 1: List of participants

Annex 10: The linkage of technical co-operation and financial co-operation within the framework of the post-harvest system - With special emphasis on Kenya

A. Introduction
B. Technical co-operation (TC) and financial co-operation (FC) as complementary approaches of development co-operation (DC)
C. Kenya - The agricultural sector as a test case for viewing TC and FC as one system
D. The post-harvest system and the intervention system two systems views